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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. I remember the ads in the magazines very well. Only ever saw one in the flesh
  2. I had the same issue with a ray 34ca
  3. Retired from gigging, so I just sold this to a mate.
  4. Indeed, That particular shot looks all sorts of weird to be fair! It’s just the only one I have handy.
  5. No idea, it’s a Trigger’s broom. Had it since around 93, it started life as a 1990 mij 60s reissue. Now only the body and three of the tuners are original. I’ve owned over 200 basses now, some very expensive stuff. But I now only own this and the same backup I’ve had since 95. Just never found anything that I felt sounded, played or felt better. It has its quirks, but it’s been gigged thousands of times for 27 years now, in pub corners, festivals, huge venues and all the rest. I played it at my wedding, and when I go, it goes in the box with me
  6. There’s three I regret. Most of all is the walnut bass I built myself stupid to sell. a 92 ray I sold in a credit card panic, and my old streamer for the same reason. But the home built stings hard
  7. I played places like Hammersmith Apollo and the Glasgow SECC with the AH400smx back in the day, not to mention did outdoor backline only gigs to around 500+ with it. I reckon either will get the job done
  8. As already suggested, I’d go with a couple of ‘DFA’ knobs.
  9. It was with bergantino AE210’s
  10. That’s the nicest standard energy I’ve seen!! Love it. I moved from a massive trace stack to mark bass and a dozen other light weight rigs. Eventually I bought an old trace head on a whim, just to keep at home, and boom. My tone improved! just love the old trace sound I guess.
  11. I was on a school choir tour of Germany, when my best mate (guitarist) found out that one of the other tenors players guitar too. They then spent the rest of the tour chatting about guitars whilst I sat bored out of my mind on the bus! Once we got back to the UK I dug my older brother’s old, long abandoned guitar out the attic in a fit of pique, (Kay SG) but straight away I instinctively played what I later found out were called bass lines. Hanging out with said friend’s band in the school music room, I caught my first glimpse of a real bass. It was love at first sight. It was just so much cooler than guitars. Bigger and chunkier, with cool open tuning heads and a deep sound. I was hooked! Despite never having heard of one before. I had no influences at all, having only just discovered music full stop. Much less rock or instruments or this thing called a bass. To my father’s chagrin, I spent my birthday money that year on the only bass for sale in my small town, a Kaman GTX53, and straight away got going on learning Neds Atomic Dustbin, the chilis and RATM. I had to plug into an old 70’s Hifi at first, using a 3.5mm adapter and jamming the record head in. Much later I got my first amp, a torque 50w. After that, a summer’s work saw my get my first gig worthy rig. A H&H vs100 and Marshall 4x12. Less than two weeks after that first bass purchase, I did my first gig - after the bassist in my friend’s band stepped aside, claiming that I’d already overtaken him. The next 27 odd years and over 200 basses were a lot of fun!
  12. Mine was a metallic blue Kaman GTX 53 which I traded in for my 91, mij sonic blue 60s reissue jazz bass a few years later. I still have the fender, but the shop I traded with burnt down a few days later and that was that for the GTX not mine. But looked just like this.
  13. Don’t forget about the bass hammer! So obscure that I can’t even find a picture
  14. Hi, I just wanted to say 'Thanks'. I had some truly awful news back around Christmas time and around the same time, I spotted this thread and bought your book. Long story short, the two events conspired to inspire, and I've almost finished my own first go at writing a book, as a direct response to reading yours. The whole process has been a great help in many ways. So thanks
  15. A blast from the past for my fellow long-timers
  16. Hi. Still alive and still have the bass. Just not playing much bass these days, so not a frequent visitor. I’ve not experienced this issue tbh. I believe there’s something that will loosen them (the name plusgas sounds familiar?!) possible WD40 used sparingly maybe? It’s an odd one for sure!
  17. Run the power in first, then cabs and drums for spacing, monitors and mic stands to demarcate the front area. Then cabling. Effects last.
  18. I’m so glad I contributed to this thread.
  19. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1510156438' post='3404352'] Was it April 1st 2010? [/quote] Nope. Try it. But like I said at the time. All well and good hearing differences when you’re listening for them in a silent room. At a gig. Ain’t likely!!
  20. Copied and pasted from a post of mine from 2010: Funnily enough fellow basschatter davemuadib and I spent a geeky afternoon A/Bing cables back to back. We did obbm, (klotz) monster bass, elixir, zaolla, generic cheapo and hotlines. Long story short monster had a VERY obvious, pronounced low mid hump which made em sound deeper and punchier but at the expense of top end sparkle and clarity. Zaolla sounded superb, very neutral and open but with depth and solidity. Obbm sounded very similar to the zaolla, slightly less zingy and airy but very close nonetheless. Just not quite as 'expensive' sounding. The elixir was also good and very flat sounding but a tad uninteresting. The hotlines (old academy of sound cables) were still great I remembered why I liked em. Very punchy and forward sounding, a bit like a loudness button going in. The zaolla, monster and elixir were thicker and the zaolla felt the best made. The hotlines and obbm cables felt lighter and thinner. Since doing the test I've retired my monster cables to back ups and bought all obbm's which I'm very pleased with. The transparency goes well with the berg cabs and they are cheaper than zaolla! I still rate monster and never had any issues with them. People that say there are no differences between cables should def spend an afternoon doing some A/B listening to a few brands. It's pretty big differences in some cases, less in others. The biggest difference was the monsters bass boost/(treble cut) to my ears. Maybe Dave will chip in ? But the differences are there for all to hear! Simply no doubt about that. But onstage with all the rest of the band going ? Well there lies the real debate ;-) I just like to know my stuff sounds good and is reliable. :-D Edited by gafbass02, 24 October 2010 - 05:26 PM.
  21. I missed out on Swindon too. Gutted but unavoidable, I know this particularly as a singer and former singer in a short lived placebo tribute band!!
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