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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. Once again to point out that fatality is not the only factor here. I’m 44, in March I was fit and healthy and playing five nights in a row and working all day too. Until I caught it. My old life disappeared over night. Now I can barely do anything and have just had to buy a walking stick to stay upright for more than five minutes. Yes, long COVID only affects a small percentage. But it’s not constrained to an age demographic and its hellish. As 3below says, nothing is simple, but there’s more to catching it than potentially dying.
  2. That's brilliant, exactly what I expected to hear judging from the pics and my previous experience. Thanks so much for taking the time to help, I really, really appreciate it! Gaf
  3. A lovely guy who was with me at the gig where I caught it died from it.
  4. Sorry to bring back such an old thread, but I can find virtually nothing on these basses. I’m considering one, vs a sire but there’s not much to go on. I’ve always wanted an infinity and have a hankering for the stingray sound. I’ve owned a sub before and it was great, but I don’t fancy one again. Anyone else got or had one of these?
  5. My happy Christmas music moments are all carols. I loved singing in choirs and opera groups as a younger man, and every year the carol concerts were a highlight. When the descant to Oh come all ye faithful or Hark the herald kicks in...yep. Happy memories and Christmassy feelings right there Much nicer than the retail hell memories I have that are associated with the pop stuff. I should add here that I’m not a man of faith, it’s purely to do with nice memories and liking what I like.
  6. Some of you may remember how close I came to dying from it back in March. Close enough to have to make the calls to my parents, wife and kids. It wasn’t nice. Now we’re in November and I’m still suffering badly with long COVID. Only working 3 hours a day four mornings, and that’s when I can manage it. I wrote this blog a few months back and haven’t progressed since. In fact I have more symptoms now than I did and am in more pain. Please have a read and factor getting long COVID into your decisions. I took the picture from my critical bed. https://gafranksauthor.home.blog/2020/09/21/living-with-long-covid-19/
  7. Same here. Love the sound until I play one.
  8. I might be interested in this. Is the head removable on these?
  9. My old band from the 90s did this in lockdown. It was fun, but we self destructed even quicker as adults communicating electronically than we did as teens/20s face to face 🤣🤣 We were great back in the day, ‘nearly made it an all. I’m thankful for the whole thing though. It relit my fire for bass while I was in early recovery it was really therapeutic and I was amazed to find my fingers could remember how to play songs I’d forgotten even existed. The results are on YouTube but I’m keeping Schtum as the whole thing could’ve turned out better and my playing was very much in rusty, post viral, hardly played bass in a decade mode.
  10. Deleted. 'Spam' apparently. A book about being a bass player, written by a bass player, on a forum for bass players is spam. No need to go back there for ten or so more years then. Ah well. If it helps, I've found getting reviews and marketing is the hardest part of writing a book, far harder than the actual writing part. I'm currently working on book number three, so should probably get off Basschat and actually go write 🙂
  11. Three I built. The walnut jazz is my biggest regret. I did loads to get the parts and build it and was so pleased with it, but sold it in a credit card panic if I remember rightly.
  12. Most welcome. I’m all too keenly aware of the importance of book reviews
  13. Yeah, it’s like they took bits of a thumb, streamer, corvette and Zon and mixed it all up
  14. Great sounding basses these. I’ve owned a few. Glwts.
  15. Nice find. I always wanted one of those.
  16. Best. My Chapman bass. It’s just remarkable to play and quite the work of art. Sadly I’m not sure if its staying, I’m struggling more than I thought to recover from the virus and the mental strain of playing/learning is a bit much at the minute. I fear retirement beckons. The worst was a cheapo graphic eq pedal from Amazon. Lasted about two weeks and never really sounded good to start with. Junk.
  17. Loved reading this. I desperately miss my old ah400smx. I used one with two 4x10s and a bright box when I was playing some big venues in the mid 00s. Brilliant rig and I long to own one again. great bit of writing. Thanks
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