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Roland Rock

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Everything posted by Roland Rock

  1. After a bit of forced spousal persuasion, my amp and cab are now tucked away out of sight in their respective cover/case, only to come out for gigs. The problem, then, is practicing. I've managed for ages unplugged, but decided to try and use some of the other devices lying around the house. First I tried the [url="http://www.harmankardon.com/EN-US/Products/Pages/ProductDetails.aspx?PID=SOUNDSTICKS3AM"]Harmon Kardon Soundsticks[/url] but the buzz was bad, and the tone a bit boomy. The real surprise came when I tried playing through the [url="http://www.pure.com/products/product.asp?Product=VL-61212&Category="]Pure Oasis[/url] digital radio. Quiet, but loud enough to play at home, and a lovely, full, true representation of my bass' tone. And a bonus is that I can take it anywhere. Maybe I'll take up busking again
  2. [quote name='Mylkinut' post='1259850' date='Jun 7 2011, 04:04 PM']Here's my '77: [attachment=81989:P1010214.JPG] Also, I want all of the basses here [/quote] Very nice! I can look at that and visualise what mine would have looked like had someone not stripped the paint off
  3. They are a brand of [url="http://www.basscentre.com/"]http://www.basscentre.com/[/url] (along with Bass Collection). As to who physically makes them, I'm not sure. Perhaps give them a shout edit - those pesky T1000s are fast!
  4. I couldn't find the "Cats and Precisions" thread so thought this would be the next best place
  5. I reckon the [url="http://www.lakland.com/decade.htm"]Lakland Decade[/url] ticks a lot of boxes - It looks very 70s, has double dark star type pickups (Chi Sonics), you can get passive versions and is made from non-fancy woods. The string spacing looks to be 19mm. Not sure how the neck profile compares to the Stingray
  6. Wow - fast and definitive resolution! I obviously posted my thread in the wrong place [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=139373"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=139373[/url]
  7. It's a fake*. Vulcan Death Grip his ass *imo
  8. Please, someone buy this, if only to get a jazz bridge cover on there asap!
  9. [quote name='Vibrating G String' post='1257990' date='Jun 6 2011, 01:33 AM']Oak has been used for many decades, sometimes renamed ash since most players buy based on names and reputation and not the way a guitar plays or feels. This renaming is very common in the wood trade, so many things get renamed mahogany or rosewood without being a true Swietenia or Dalbergia.[/quote] I understand what you mean about the rosewood, as there are many "rosewoods" that are not the real thing. In the UK at least, I've never come across oak being renamed ash or vice versa, and these are materials I buy and work with all the time, and if I ordered oak and got ash, they'd hear about it pretty quickly!
  10. [quote name='Rayman' post='1257849' date='Jun 5 2011, 09:45 PM']Yeah, it's really cracking bass[/quote] No pun intended
  11. I was bidding on this, but I've decided not to go any higher (for money reasons, not because I have any doubts about authenticity), so good luck - hope the reserve is nice and low
  12. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='1257381' date='Jun 5 2011, 03:10 PM'].. and £3,100 it was.[/quote] Drinks are on shoegazeuk tonight!
  13. [quote name='TheGreek' post='1257380' date='Jun 5 2011, 03:08 PM']Is nobody worried that in some of the pics the scratchplate is white and in others it's worn black??[/quote] See above theory (post #12)
  14. [url="http://www.tootoomart.com/product-3056819-1961+Fender+Precision+Bass+Neck,+Slab,+Flame+Maple!/"]http://www.tootoomart.com/product-3056819-...ame+Maple!/[/url] I love this, but seems too good to be true to be a '61 neck? Shouldn't there be a date stamped on the end?
  15. [quote name='molan' post='1255326' date='Jun 3 2011, 12:23 PM']Just spotted this that had been up for sale on US EBay recently: It was listed as an original 1964 Gold Sparkle Fender Jazz and there was some copy about AC having one very similar. Maybe he's asked them to make a P bass to match the J he already has? Personally I like it - but then I am the ex owner of a Bootsy Collins pearl sparkle star bass so what does that say about my taste in basses eh?[/quote] Yeah, AC's one (in pic on first page of this thread) is similar, but no covers, and block inlays. I think I like that EBay best
  16. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Marshall-VBA-400-Bass-Amp-400-watt-Valve-/140558290228?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item20b9ed4d34#ht_826wt_1139"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Marshall-VBA-400-Bas...4#ht_826wt_1139[/url] Currently £200 and no bids - that's 50p per Watt! There's one for sale on BC too
  17. Oak is very similar to ash in terms of weight. There are plenty of heavier woods used for basses, such as bubinga, walnut, mahogany etc. I've often wondered about why it's not used for instruments - perhaps something to do with resonance? (not much call for resonance knowledge in the furniture making trade ) Regarding tannins, yes, you will get the black staining, but only when it comes into contact with moisture too. From my experience, you can use steel screws for indoor oak furniture with no problems, but outdoors, best go for brass. Perhaps a particularly sweaty player might have problems Oak can be really beautiful, especially the quarter sawn stuff with its medulliary rays.
  18. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='1254046' date='Jun 2 2011, 02:38 PM']Could be wrong, but I seem to remember him playing a J rather than a P?[/quote] Yup, I've seen him play Js in the past, including this one at Obama's inauguration Agreed re the warwick Reverso, and I'm sure he's endorsed Lakland in the past too
  19. I love the term "Hand Selected" alder. They could "hand select" the crappiest boards in the storeroom, as it's going to be finished in gaudy gold anyway.
  20. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='1253887' date='Jun 2 2011, 01:06 PM']I've cropped and resized those for printing on A4 if anyone is interested. I've printed a set and they're pretty clear.[/quote] Nice one LW, thanks. Teamwork makes the dream work
  21. [url="http://barefacedbass.com/index.php?page=forthcoming-products"]He's on the case[/url]
  22. OK, the photography is pretty shoddy, but the resolution is more than enough to be able to zoom in and make it legible. Hope you're able to read and enjoy
  23. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1253620' date='Jun 2 2011, 10:02 AM']??? He has now removed the gaffa and posted some extra photos ... it's not exactly a war-zone where the gaffa used to be, which simply begs the question why he chose to list it first with the gaffa apparently disguising some sort of monstrosity. Maybe he is just lazy. I did love the line: "[i]I only sell my personal stuff on ebay and can vouch for the bass[/i]." What more could you want? [/quote] My theory is that the pics on the grass were taken a few years back, before the scratchplate was painted black, and before he'd subjected it to years of pikey abuse, resulting in cracks in the finish and eventual mummification in gaffer tape.
  24. [quote name='Mike' post='1253679' date='Jun 2 2011, 10:36 AM']Or even better- scan it/photograph it and post it up for us all to enjoy Good luck ![/quote] There's a challenge! I don't have a scanner but will try a photo
  25. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1253573' date='Jun 2 2011, 09:44 AM']Easy there Admiral Ackbar. Your sensibilities can easily repel bold type of that magnitude. [/quote] You're right. It was an overreaction I'll put down to embarrasment over my error. An admiral should have more composure
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