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Roland Rock

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Everything posted by Roland Rock

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1253505' date='Jun 2 2011, 08:55 AM']This section is called "[b][i]Ebay Links[/i][/b]" for a reason, y'know ...[/quote] Easy on the bold there, not-so-Happy Jack Added now - apologies
  2. I found the issue of BGM - it's issue 20, Jan 2010 with Mr Zender on the cover. Give me a shout if you want me to send it to you
  3. You snooze you lose [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=135012"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=135012[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=138082&hl=norman&st=20"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...orman&st=20[/url]
  4. I'd say it's a tad lower than other similar basses have gone for recently. Whether that's down to the non original bridge of the neck chasms, who knows?
  5. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/fender-precision-bass-/260791180702?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3cb85d9d9e#ht_6288wt_142"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/fender-precision-bas...e#ht_6288wt_142[/url] The gaffer tape is a bit overkill. He (assuming it's a bloke) thinks it's cool. Is this one of those jobs where it's not flame maple, but a photo of flame maple? There's a name for it, but I can't recall
  6. Try a PM to Stuart Clayton. IIRC he transcribed/tabbed it for BGM one month. If you have no luck, PM me and I'll dig it out of the loft, baby
  7. I reckon a grand is on the low side of appropriate (I'm no expert, just like to keep an eye on 70's Ps on the bay) I love the fag burn on the headstock - serious Mojo. I'd get a period-correct scratchplate with the holes for the pickup cover.
  8. Very curious about the [url="http://gilyaronguitars.com/page10.php?view=thumbnailList&category=14"]Gil Yaron[/url] instruments, although I suspect they might cost as much as a real vintage fender, which would hold its value. Bloody gorgeous, though.
  9. [quote name='obbm' post='1249720' date='May 29 2011, 10:18 PM']Cvertainly have. They all tend to be a bit old and tatty these dyas. I've been watchin a pair of Sound City 50s on Enbay but they are going to go for silly money. Latest situation is that I have a cunning plan and have parted with money. I now have to wait for delivery and test to see if said plan works. [/quote] You've sent your bank account details to a lady in Nigeria, who's husband will give you 20% of the $12.6million dollars he deposited with a security firm abroad whose name is witheld for now, when he returns from exile? Can't lose
  10. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='1235446' date='May 18 2011, 11:26 AM']Ouch, you could get a £1 coin in between the neck and body on either side! Otherwise a nice looking bass though.[/quote] Crumbs - I thought that my "plectrum holder" gap on one side was bad! Still, I'd never get rid of it - QC aside, my 'Friday aftrernoon job' plays beautifully and sounds great.
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  12. Thanks, I looked there, but can't see the ones specifically for what I need.
  13. Welcome to the world of bass! If you're into retro/rock sounds, a possibility is the [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/epiphone-eb-0-sg-style-bass-cherry/16580"]Epiphone EB0[/url] If possible, whatever you go for, try it out before you buy to make sure it feels and sounds right for you
  14. When did Fender stop making Precisions with bridge/pickup covers? Is there a timeline of changes on BC/the web? I looked, but the only one I could find (vintageguitars.org.uk) is unsatisfactory, as it only really describes changes in the colour options
  15. I'm trying to get hold of three correct screws to replace the oversized ones that have ended up holding on my thumbrest and one side of my bridge cover (if you look at the link in my sig, you can see that they are big, wrong and annoying) Any ideas where I can source these? btw - I understand that the screw holes may be slightly bigger than they need to be, but can easily fix that. Thanks
  16. Lovely, a big improvement - it reminds me of the ash Warwick Corvette (I think most people went for the bubinga, bit I always preferred the ash)
  17. Lovely, although I'm not crazy about the rainbow one. There's also a Classic series Stingray on there (can't get the link to work properly) that has possibly the nicest maple neck I've ever seen.
  18. Yes, I've just started to do so. I find it encourages me to play nearer the bridge where it's beautifully plumby in tone. I'm also using the the thumb rest for the first time. I can also play down the bridge end for a tighter fingerstyle funk tone. Effectively, it splits the bass into two tone options. And it looks sooo lovely. I'm unsure about the reason it was there in the first place - anyone? Edit, mine's a P, not a J
  19. I'm neither a buyer or a seller, and tried to tick the third section, but it wouldn't let me. Does the poll need all sections to be ticked?
  20. That's the nicest bass I've seen for ages, and I'm not even a SR fan!
  21. John Chambers should be able to build what you need, although he's always pretty busy. He may be in the mood to work on a small amp after finishing his [url="http://www.chambonino.com/construct/const17.html"]1000w valve amp[/url]!
  22. [url="http://www.absolutemusic.co.uk/store/guitar-department-45/bass-amps-456/ebs-classic-t90-all-tube-bass-head-24690"]Ticks many boxes, except for the budget one[/url] Also, the one in my sig (gear link, 2xKT88s) could also fit the bill, but getting it to this point was a journey I wouldn't recommend.
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  24. If memory serves me correctly, BC's Mr Foxen dabbles in this kind of thing
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