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Roland Rock

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Everything posted by Roland Rock

  1. 2500 should be plenty shiny, but if you want to, try super fine wire wool (grade 0000) and finish with an abrasive polish like Autosol
  2. I talked in the OP about my bass being unable to push the amp into overdrive - turns out is was the cable! Doh!
  3. [quote name='NJW' post='1272606' date='Jun 17 2011, 12:10 PM']Not nonsense then if its your experience, but it sounds like you were really suffering from bad cable-itis and now obviously are much more pleased with your cables! I think it would be inaccurate for people to expect more output with new cables because theyre only going to be dissapointed - a new shop bought jack to jack lead isn't going to be all that different from an OBBM one except it's going to break soon, it won't coil as nicely and the jacks on the end won't be as good/tough/pretty/well fitting. Speaking of valve pre sections, I just looked at the link to your Red Iron Amp photos. Do you have a thread up on BC about that anywhere cos it looks lovely! edit - yes there ARE differences in cables in terms of capacitance and resistance but generally - unless using REALLY unsuitable materials - these differences are minor (but relevant!). I would never underestimate the audible benefits of good cable, but I still can't see a situation where 2 healthy jack to jack leads with different cable would produce such a big difference in signal level.[/quote] Fair enough - I didn't mean to give a false impression of the leads. Cheers for the amp compliment, thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=114328&hl=red+iron"]here[/url] - it's not quite as pretty on the inside, and has had its fair share of trouble, but is finally the amp that it always should have been!
  4. [quote name='NJW' post='1272322' date='Jun 17 2011, 02:48 AM']I make my own, but using pretty much the same stuff as OBBM... so yeah... I recommend them! Sorry but either you were using very, very bad or broken leads before... or this is nonsense. OBBM, i believe, uses vandamme or klotz cable which is great for a number of reasons but nothing magical. If you have gone from NOT overdriving a preamp to overdriving a preamp just by changing cable then there is or was something wrong somewhere [/quote] Fair enough, but I can only relate my experience, which is not nonsense. The cables I had used before were both old (Venom and Whirlwind) and these produced the same result, ie not quite enough signal to produce distortion. As soon as I used the OBBM, I had enough signal to break up. Does the fact that it's a valve power section make any difference?
  5. If I were the seller, I'd pull the auction until I had done some research to see if it really was John Entwhistle's bass. A few e-mails later and you could have a very valuable instrument to sell.
  6. You can spend bonkers money on an expertly crafted, prestigious branded bike, but it's not going to make you a better cyclist
  7. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='1267522' date='Jun 13 2011, 04:44 PM']years ago there was a Yellow Pages advert, in which a French Polisher[size=1]*[/size] was called to deal with a nasty scratch on a table. If you have a spare bit of cash it might be worth giving one a call? [size=1]*[/size][size=1]this is not a euphemism![/size][/quote] # I'm a french polisher (no euphemism) French polish (shellac, made by beetles) dinks can be made to look like new, as the new shellac and solvents bond with the existing shellac. Your bass will have a modern finish where this won't be doable. I'd follow Mr Foxen's advice, an iron is fine, but this will only work if the wood fibres have been compressed (ie a dent) rather than chipped.
  8. Note the Q&A section - seems this belonged to John Entwhistle (probably)
  9. [quote name='voxpop' post='1270522' date='Jun 15 2011, 07:38 PM']He IS the man.[/quote] Agreed - didn't mean to come across as sarcastic
  10. Always wondered what dubstep was! I like it!
  11. OBBM, blah blah, great, blah blah, he's the man, blah blah
  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  13. Well done on winning the VM - I had a cheeky bid on that myself. As far as modification goes, Grand Wazoo's upgrading of a CV Precision springs to mind. Looks like he did a fine job and may be able to impart some wisdom.
  14. Strange - works fine for mine. Did you tick in the "country of manufacture" section?
  15. A fine album it is, too. Well worth the dough.
  16. Set fire to your house and see which one you rescue from the blaze
  17. More space for coffee cups Better residual values (probably) According to Feng Shui, things in multiples of four bring good vibes (possibly) 1x12 = 12 inches, 4x10 = 40 inches. Therefore for a mere 59% more money, you get 333% more inches (fact)
  18. [quote name='Ken Smith' post='1266314' date='Jun 12 2011, 05:03 PM']Most people who post on line do not use their real name so no one knows who they are, where they are, what they do, how old they are of if the information the put in their profile is even true. Then, they come out and point the finger at someone or some company that has a real name and address. Not easy to defend is it?[/quote] Good point. How do we know you're the real Ken Smith? You could be Kev from Bolton
  19. [quote name='paulo m' post='1265279' date='Jun 11 2011, 07:42 PM']FUNK....SWR MATE,,,, MAYBE AN OLD BASIC BLACK[/quote] I had a SWR Basic Black and found it to be less than satisfying. Neither particularly 'tubey' nor clear in tone
  20. I thought it could be a Warmouth build, but then spotted [url="http://www.myspace.com/grooverandco/photos/8974634#%7B%22ImageId%22%3A8974634%7D"]this[/url] Not heard of Esoteric Bass before though
  21. I'll add to the love for Roqsolid! I have an unusual cab - an Earcandy Sweet tooth 2x10, and was not surprised that it didn't appear on their list. I used their template to submit the dimensions and got a quote back the next working day. I ordered and prayed that I had measured correctly. It came pretty quickly and fits like a glove with the handles perfectly aligned. I went for the option of a strip to go under the belly of the cab so it would be more secure, which works well. The material is thin but tough. These covers don't look too classy, but who cares? Overall, they were cheaper and had better customer service than the other company I approached for a quote. Highly recommended.
  22. How about the modulus VJ? Just had a browse of the [url="http://www.modulusguitars.com/v3/pdf/modulus2002listprice.pdf"]catalogue[/url] and it looks like they can do a Vintage Jazz in solid black, black neck & headstock, unlined fretless. The scratchplate option is pearliod black.
  23. How loud do you need to get when practicing at home? For me, as long as I can hear it, that's loud enough.
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