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Billy Apple

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Everything posted by Billy Apple

  1. Of you want a slimmer neck profile you could go for the Ian Hill Euro model. They come up s/h pretty rarely tho. The neck profile was measured from Ian's Kramer era Spector that for whatever reason had slimmer necks.
  2. [quote name='radiophonic' timestamp='1489485360' post='3257268'] The two 40th Anniversary models they have in BassDirect at the moment look very nice and Trans blue or red would be ideal - I'm not keen on plain wood or orange stain options. [/quote] My latest purchase.. The solid Maple wings make this right up there in NS2 territory, plus has a slimmer neck than my NS2. I think the blue anniversary model has Barts in it? I got this from Bass Gear and while the shop is no longer in operation, they may still have an 'in' with distributors Barnes and Mullen's if you were looking to buy new and wanted to spread your money elsewhere.
  3. I wrote a whole long thing about my road to Damascus conversion to Spectors, but it was on the train on my phone and checking back here I can see that it disappeared into the ether! So to sum-up.. You must try one and take it from there. I'd start with the Euro. And in conclusion.. Spectors Rool!
  4. [quote name='MisterT' timestamp='1488973637' post='3253343'] Billy Apple - you auditioning to be the next [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=769qEO6_Ang"]MONONEON[/url]? [/quote] I'd like to say yes, but the truth is I was removing all the insulation in my loft that was infested with rats!
  5. [quote name='prowla' timestamp='1488911826' post='3252894'] Yes, I dropped by 3 times and had a quick word, but didn't feel particularly engaged. First time one person said "We're just setting up" and then carried on speaking to one of the others, so I wandered off (it was at least 10:30, maybe 11 on the Saturday). Next I mentioned I'd started the "Is anybody getting bored of "reliced" instruments?" and one of the people said "Which one - we have lots of them?" and that was that (it's now at 190 posts). The 3rd time I said "It's loud here!" and someone said they had been giving earplugs out on the way in and that was about it. So others may have chatted and so-on, but that's how it was for me - no real conversation. [/quote] It's a pity that I wasn't there, as most of the BC team are a combination of inept and socially awkward. You have to understand that most of them don't get out much and interaction with human beings in meat-space is quite a daunting experience for them. TBH, I'm surprised Ped was even allowed out in public under the terms of his order. I'm one of the few on the team that can hold a conversation without tripping over myself at the same time, so maybe you'll get along to one of the Bashes in the South this year and you'll realise we're not all 'special'. I'm sure we'll find some common ground over Fakers and Relics I'll even wear my special suit for meeting BC members in public..
  6. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1488935223' post='3253115'] I bet no frets on the G and D strings are worn, or any above the 5th fret ROTFL PMSL LOL [/quote] Poor old Cliff. Will he ever learn!?
  7. I was sorry to have missed this, but had to work :-( Would've loved to see Glen Matlock, plus the usual BC suspects! The comments about the lack of exhibitors, does this not come out every year? A smaller venue perhaps. Plus the provision for refreshments is woeful. I also note the earplugs comments. I can't see why headphones should be mandatory with selfish bastards having their power cut. I'm pretty sure the difference is obvious been checking something out and showing off.
  8. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1488460365' post='3249131'] Yep, there's a thread here somewhere showing how it started life - wasn't pretty. Terry does some great work - ask Lozz. [/quote] F' me! It looks like an elephant trod on it! Do you have a link to the thread?
  9. Trade offers will be deleted. Please keep them to PM thankyou.
  10. [quote name='desmondpot' timestamp='1488048767' post='3245437'] Picked it up today from a very nice gentleman indeed. After a quick set up (put a little relief in the neck and set the action and intonation) , it's absolutely spot on. It's in pristine condition in an unused gator hardcase and plays beautifully. The G string is fine, the camera angle was playing tricks in the pics. chuffed! [/quote] Nice one!
  11. [quote name='mybass' timestamp='1487931999' post='3244220'] Heck, I've never seen a G string so close to the edge of the fboard. Maybe the nut or bridge needs some serious looking at. [/quote] I think it's the camera angles
  12. I saw Nirvana a couple of times. The first was at Newcastle Mayfair on the Nevermind tour on the cusp of them becoming massive. I was not a fan, but the massive sound the three of them had was quite something to behold. However DG stood out to me, he was monumental. I saw them mid on the bill ar Reading a bit later and I thought they looked like they were throwing it away and I couldn't have cared less. As far as what he might have been, he was what be was. Any other discussion is pointless. I agree with the above comment about suicide and children and I see it as a very selfish act. Unless it wasn't suicide?
  13. I'd use 0000 grade steel wool and Solvol.
  14. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1487507701' post='3240260'] Of course he won't be banned. Just suspended from posting indefinitely. Gotta keep those advertisers happy. [/quote] Here's me thinking this thread is one of the very good things about BC. The fact that to the best of our ability we will rout-out and expose scumbags, giving them short-shrift. Then along you come with your very familiar patent brand of unwanted cynicism. Is there nowhere else you can play and leave the grown-ups in peace?
  15. We've got the report from Verb (thanks Verb. The admins will look into this.
  16. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1487278951' post='3238658'] My current fave bands are Booze & Glory, The Last Resort and The Old Firm Casuals but I`d be pretty sure not many know much about any of them. [/quote] They're all on my record player, but you've forgot Argy Bargy!
  17. It's still with John in Cov. I'll need to give him a call
  18. I had a GT200 built by Matamp and just the fact that it's all built by hand, regardless of the parts justified the price tag, IMO. What irks me are these vintage reissue Ampegs that when you open them up are all PCB's. My two outstanding pieces are my hand-built Marshall Superbass and Burman MPA and both of them for £400 and under. The Marshall is signed by Jim's Missus and the Burman would kick your teeth out in the pub car park.. but very cleanly!
  19. Putting one together in a bedroom might be one thing, running a business might be another
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