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Billy Apple

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Everything posted by Billy Apple

  1. Yes, the finish is slightly translucent and the grain shows through, very subtle though.
  2. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1496651529' post='3312884'] When Jack played it for the first time at home I immediately yelled at him to stop hitting the E and A strings against the damn pickups! [/quote] Poor feller. I'm's not's sure's it's right's that's the women's-folk are around's when a mans settin' up hiz bass.
  3. Cool. I like the fact that he's massive, so what does he do? Wears geet big New Rock's.
  4. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1492718127' post='3282723'] The long road out of Hell. Bring it to the Bash, eh? [/quote] We shall see!
  5. If anyone thinks that a member they've done a deal with is not who they say they are then please PM the site admin and we can have a look.
  6. I don't understand any of this tec stuff, but have had JJ's fitted in 2 amps with no problems.
  7. I had comms from John and we're looking at the end of May for completion.
  8. I would never expect to be offered a cup of tea in a shop, any shop (tea shops excepted). You might get one downstairs at the gallery, but it's a workshop with an entirely different vibe. BD don't let you take the basses down off the wall and this is for the gain of the ultimate buyer.. That's you and me folks! So they're not about to risk hot liquids being spilt on them. There's a caff nearby if you want a brew. As for personal discussion on individual members of staff, I've found Marcus to be helpful and enthusiastic, but then I engage with people, what you give you get back. I think we've had a balanced view of BD staff members from both sides and I'm asking at this point that we stop being personal at this point, otherwise sanctions will be applied. Just remember, the reason BD gets under the microscope so much is it is one of the very few shops that does what they do. If I go to GAK and buy some strings and the counter hipster is clueless, it doesn't really bother me too much. Perhaps a sense of proportion is needed.
  9. [quote name='BigJim' timestamp='1491908531' post='3276324'] Are you sure no trades? [/quote] Thanks, but no thanks. I've all the gear I need at the mo.
  10. Are Rockinbetters not made of maple? I thought they were.
  11. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1491767256' post='3275258'] Rockinbetter is NOTHING to do with Tokai. [/quote] Who is it then?
  12. Don't be posting your FB sales here. They'll get unapproved
  13. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1491498125' post='3273565'] Indeed! they take caps out for starters. [/quote] But they comb their hair when they do
  14. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1491480646' post='3273368'] That depends whether it had already been taken out when you got it. [/quote] Well, then I wouldn't have modded it, I'd have restored it. As I said in my post, it was a cap mod. Other people do know stuff, you know
  15. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1491412543' post='3272862'] Do you mean you added the cap in or took it out? For me the cap mod is taking the cap out on a 4001, although I guess if you've got a Ric without a cap then the opposite is true. In my experience the results vary massively and I've tried it on lots on Rics. My Fireglo 72 still has the cap in, but taking it out hardly makes any difference at all; I suspect it's probably goosed. On my Azure 72 it makes much more of a difference. The biggest difference was on a '76 I had, that was night and day. It went from sounding like a banjo to sounding like a bass. Of course YMMV and the results will depend on playing style, amplification etc., as well as differences in the bass itself. [/quote] Erm, on a 4001 it is taking it out. I can't bypass what's not there!
  16. I did the cap mod on my 4001 and it was awful. Both pups became hugely unbalanced and the tone a dull thud. Changed back pretty quick
  17. [quote name='TomWIC' timestamp='1490890722' post='3268880'] I've just won the 300 model from PMT, picking it up in a couple of weeks time so this thread has been pretty positive to read! Looks like it's finally time to give the Peavey Tour 700 a rest. [/quote] Cool
  18. How did you work the deal out, did you factor in the costs when it comes into the UK? Mine had the best neck of any bass I've owned... and the worst body! I couldn't stand the binding biting me. I've thought about an S and hopefully you'll not have the same problem. My conversation to Spectors solved all my issues, but I do miss that wonderful neck. I think Rics are like Harleys, either you get them or you don't. Sometimes it's not all about the speed, brakes and handling, but the journey and the noise! I think you've got the best model in the best colour, I hope you enjoy it!
  19. I think the crit with Orange bass gear is that it does one thing, but to many it does that very well. Maybe this 4stroke does something else that is appealing to others?
  20. I doubt SH prefers free toot over his tone. Not a popular bass brand? OTB anyone?
  21. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1489745537' post='3259354'] If I recall Basschat member Discreet had a lovely leather strap made for him I dont know where it was from but he was seriously pleased with it maybe worth asking him? I thought there was a thread on here about it but cannot find it sorry [/quote] I think that was Taurus who are a Greek company.
  22. [quote name='naxos10' timestamp='1489736696' post='3259258'] I have looked at Harvest from America and made that the benchmark for a UK made one - anybody able to help? [/quote] Harvest are German. I've got two, they're great.
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