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Billy Apple

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Everything posted by Billy Apple

  1. Do you have to put the 3 point on it? How about a Hipshot or 2 piece?
  2. As above. Don't add a scratch plate. If you want to do anything get some decent strings and a set-up.
  3. [quote name='JPJ' timestamp='1484763768' post='3218256'] Er posh 'voidless' birch ply [/quote] Rubbish! If that was the case, where would the amp go?
  4. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1484740827' post='3217928'] Sorry, I'm turning into the pub bore here, aren't I? Just turn me around and point me back towards my table in the corner, I've got a pint of mild to finish... [/quote] No, no.. Not at all. Come back, come back and tell us more!
  5. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1484516938' post='3216088'] Different of course. All three had a lot to offer. Hughes impresses me most. [/quote] I think Hughes has the most talent, but the least earthiness or soul or whatever you want to call it. Watching GH play here is a joy.. [media]http://youtu.be/t4fDCwDiWJQ[/media]
  6. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1484513989' post='3216052'] ...are better vocalists than Coverdale. [/quote] Do you have any empirical data to prove this? While the MkIII version may get some stick, I don't think you can ignore the groove of Mistreated and I doubt Glen Hughes on his own could give it the same soul. Better or different?
  7. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1484509479' post='3215990'] Except Gillan. [/quote] And Glover. What's your point?
  8. What's your favorite Deep Purple track? Burn. It's got everything. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCnebZnysmI[/media]
  9. [quote name='prowla' timestamp='1484119089' post='3212759'] I'm sorry about that - I posted the white JB because it was a nice looking bass, not because of the sale per-se. I fully appreciate the stance; my bad! [/quote] There is nothing against Forum rules with posting a picture of a lovely JB bass. But to reference that it's for sale, the price and the location is. This may appear odd due to the volume of information available on the internets, but IIWII and if you require the reasons behind it all please feel free to contact John Hall at Rickenbacker. Now, how about a picture of a nice John Birch bass?
  10. Once again we're removing posts with references to sales elsewhere. I'm surprised we need to mention this, but sales of Rics and Fakers are not permitted on BC, which includes reference or links to sales elsewhere. If it carries on a locking may be in the offing.
  11. I'll have it. I'll pay for posting tho
  12. [quote name='BigJim' timestamp='1483448575' post='3207165'] If people could please share their experiences with Vic and any funny stories/pictures etc, I'm going to put them all in a book for his family! [/quote] I scored a Jule Monique and Demeter Minnie on the forum. BG were kind enough to let me have it delivered to the shop. Vic gave it a good check over, showed me how everything worked and how to get the best out of it. We also tried it with a few different cabs. He told me it was bang-on and that I'd got a good deal. At no time did he try to get me to consider another amp or try to sell something else. Was probably there for 2 hours! He was just immersed in the whole bass-thing. I did buy something from BG eventually! Top chap.
  13. So very sorry and upset to read Mike Brooks post on FB. Vic was a lovely guy who'd helped me out a number of times, always above and beyond the call of duty. Much love to his family and his Bass Gear family. [color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]It's with a very heavy heart and much sadness that I have to report that Victor Davies, formerly of Bass Gear in Twyford, passed away this morning, following several months fighting a very severe form of cancer. For those of us that knew him, he was a bright light, a friendly soul and a real pleasure to be around. He was also a wounderful friend, although I only knew him for a few years, he has left a lasting impression. A very sad day, he was so young.[/font][/color]
  14. Thought so.. http://youtu.be/NEuqgZzKxC4?t=14m22s
  15. I thought the 4003's top-coat was a UV cure? Maybe leave it out in daylight instead of in its case?
  16. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1482919509' post='3203469'] My pair - both short scale [/quote] Nice!
  17. Just a quick reminder that the forum does not allow sales of Rics or Fakers. This includes posting asking if anyone has one they're looking to move on. Thank you
  18. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1482156108' post='3198063'] +1 to this post Re the OP - I can't believe it has been 37 years! I feel the Clash, and this album have stood the test of time better than some of their contemporaries back in the day [/quote] I think the best thing about The Clash, and what sets them apart from their contemporaries is that every album they did was different to the last.
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