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Everything posted by fretmeister

  1. Either amp head into fx return and regular bass cab, or straight into a Yamaha DXR10 FRFR powered cab.
  2. Yes. I run a pair of them. Very happy indeed. Lovely and light and sound great.
  3. Can't beat the little Roland Bass Cubes. Still got my 10 year old one even though I hardly use it. Can't bring myself to move it on - it sounds brilliant. Or - if you only want headphones and you have a Smart Phone, then something like the Line 6 Sonic Port and the free version of Amplitube. It will access music in your library and let you plan along.
  4. Yngwie doing Gimme Gimme https://youtu.be/zliRIq693iQ Just for ideas!
  5. The software between the LT, Full fat and rack is identical. It's only the external connections that is really different. Fewer fx loops on the LT If you create great patches on the borrowed one you can get your mate to upload them to the L6 site or email them to you so you don't have to recreate them when you get yours.
  6. [quote name='ern500evo' timestamp='1508264252' post='3391007'] Thanks, that's awesome info! I'm meeting up with an old guitarist friend of mine who's got the Helix original, be good to sit down and have a good play about with it without having to go to a shop. I can see my wallet taking a hiding in the not too distant future! My only concern is having something that expensive sat on the floor at pub gigs, but for financial reasons, the LT is a more attractive proposition than the rack unit. What I've down in the past at really tight gigs, is place the pedal board behind me, in front of my amp, which is fine as I don't tend to switch fx mid song anyway, I'm doing 99% covers now so it's more likely to be set a patch for a song and leave it. [/quote] The guy that mods the biggest facebook group makes protectors for them. Little stick on things to go over the screens and scribble strips. If you are gigging in places where spillage is likely then it might be worth getting a set https://www.facebook.com/groups/line6helixusergroup/ Join the group and send a message to Chad Boston.
  7. [quote name='ern500evo' timestamp='1508245271' post='3390789'] Have any of you guys seen the Erik Arko vid where he's using a Yamaha Attitude LTD3? I'm starting to take more interest in the Helix LT, and in the vid he uses separate signal paths for each pickup/output of the bass, but he also send them to separate outputs. I have an Att Ltd 2 and was wondering, is it possible to use 2 inputs and have a seperate signal path per pickup/output, but only use one output on the Helix, so I can run into one amp? The plan would be to use the fx return on my GK MB Fusion, meaning that in case of emergency I've still got an actual amp with me on gigs. [/quote] Yes. Dead easy. Each of the chains can be separated or joined together for a mono output. In fact if you really want - you can have 1/4 inch to a real amp, and another going to a 2nd amp without cab sims. Then the XLRs with Cab Sims going to the PA split left and right or clean and dirty.... and then have the USB going to a PC for recording etc etc. Easy to do as well. Set each input path up for a different input so they behave like separate amps. Then at the end of each path set which output you want to route it to. Under 20 seconds to set up that routing. Probably under 10 seconds when you've had it for a week!
  8. I asked Doug on fb about the tone control on the B3K - apparently it's exactly like the version within the M900 amp. That pleases me hugely - I think the M900 version is the best of all.
  9. https://www.darkglass.com/creations/microtubes-b3k-v2/ https://www.darkglass.com/creations/microtubes-b7k-v2/ Now with a mid boost....
  10. Sweet Child of Mine + Not actually Guns & Roses = wrong band.
  11. Wait to you see the Bas Vegas sign! IIRC there's a pretty good chinese restaurant about 15 mins walk from the train station.
  12. The AO is fantastic as a clean preamp too - with the drive at nil. Super impressed with that ability on it. I haven't yet tried that direct into my powered FRFR but I'm very curious to give it a go. I'll try that at the weekend.
  13. I know it's a guitar demo, but see how close this is.... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=231&v=wC-TU-3TdeE"]http://www.youtube.c...1&v=wC-TU-3TdeE[/url]
  14. No. At some point Trump and North Korea will end all music. Not just contemporary stuff.
  15. Screen Junkies Honest Trailers for me.
  16. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1507536758' post='3386050'] Now, a butterfly Daisy Rock, that could be cool! Yet anything with Trump's face on it would simply need to be slapped. [/quote] As it happens I've got a Daisy Rock Butterfly - but the balance on it is rubbish! (alas!). Sounds like a pretty good P bass though. I take it out when band mates are being too serious and need annoying!
  17. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1507493728' post='3385897'] I suppose it depends on your nature. I'm particular about all aspects of the look of my basses as well as the tone. [/quote] Ah. For me the look of the bass is completely unimportant. If the perfectly balanced comfy bass, with acceptable tone was a Daisy Rock Butterfly with Trump's face on it, loaded with DR UV reactive strings... then I'd be happy to play it.
  18. I had no idea silk colour bothered people.
  19. BSW. Or L6 Otto filter. The Hotone is cheap at the mo, but not very good on bass
  20. I wish I had the money. I love my Consat.
  21. The lack of bending down is why I went with the rack
  22. I’m using a pair of One10 and they cope with everything I throw at it.
  23. The compressors in Helix are brilliant. Very pleased with them indeed. I don’t use octave so I’m the wrong one to ask about that.
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