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Bassman Sam

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Everything posted by Bassman Sam

  1. Some fine looking basses there, the blue four string with the maple neck is lovely.
  2. Welcome aboard or should that be drao[size=4]ba emocleW as your a lefty. [/size]
  3. I hoped you asked the bass player of the headline band if it was ok to use his rig. [size=4] [/size]
  4. [quote name='megallica' timestamp='1353140607' post='1871939'] I'm not really a Fender fan but this bitsa bass is stunning. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/133661-gone-thanks/page__p__1213950__hl__cd_david__fromsearch__1#entry1213950"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry1213950[/url] [/quote] This was the last bass I owned before I had to give up playing due to RA. It was put together by our own cd_david for a Pink Floyd tribute band he played in. It was the best P- bass I ever played, better than my original '75 in the same colour. It now resides with bobpalt of this parish and I think he has added side LED's to it. I really miss this bass.
  5. [quote name='Paulgm1' timestamp='1370641270' post='2103985'] Love the Smiths and Andy Rourke. His bass playing got me interested and was a big influence on me picking up a bass. Have enjoyed playing This Charming Man in the past in a pub band (pretty unusual to find a singer willing to give it a go!). Stll think Morrisey is a bit of a tw@t though. [/quote] Beat me to it, love the playing of AR and JM but hate Morrisey with a passion. The man spoiled a great band for me.
  6. Funny, I thought WoT was bigger. It looked like a dwarf and his rig was about 50m behind the rest of the band. No wonder we couldn't hear you. [size=4] [/size] [size=4]Honestly, nice one WoT, lovely looking fretless and I would be a happy man to be part of that line up. Envious me.[/size]
  7. Very nice. Love a rosewood neck with white blocks. If your not going to be using the G & l, I'll store it for you, free of charge.
  8. [quote name='Green Alsatian' timestamp='1370040035' post='2096029'] I've seen this a few times and I swear it gets better each time! [/quote] +1. Bliss.
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1370043761' post='2096075'] Hee, hee. [size=4][/quote][/size][quote name='icastle' timestamp='1370041616' post='2096052'] Fixed [/quote]
  10. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1370031858' post='2095911'] [url="http://s1128.photobucket.com/user/h4ppyjack/media/Just%20Stuff/Music%20and%20Musicians/NickOliveri.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] Oh look, a bass with four knobs.
  11. 31 votes out of over 26,000 members, WTF? [size=4] I really don't get it. Ban everyone that doesn't vote, that should do it. [/size] [size=4] [/size][size=4]Sorry, rant over. [/size] [size=4]Well done Skol. Another cracker. [/size]
  12. This month's contributions has made it the most difficult for me to decide on so far. Just outstanding chaps, the rest of basschat don't know what they are missing. The talent shown here makes me so proud to be a member of this forum. I think Bilbo summed it up for me when he said that he had paid good money for lesser work. I wish I could give you all a vote. I'm already looking forward to next month's selection. Keep up the great work guys.
  13. It sounds to me like your are not being assertive enough and are being taken for a ride by your band mates. Have you tried to put your point of view across or do you let them walk all over you. The whole band should be making an equal contribution to expenses and then any profits split up. Do you have any say in the writing of the material or do they look on you as a easily replaced item. If you do not have an equal input to the band and are unhappy with this, then walk away. If you are happy to take the crap because you think it's worth it, try to at least get some money back for all your time and effort keeping this selfish lot on the road. Good luck, sounds like you need it.
  14. Main stream newspaper give praise to bass, who'd have thunk it. [url="http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/may/29/lets-raise-glass-to-bass"]http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/may/29/lets-raise-glass-to-bass[/url]
  15. Great review, good looking bass. Nice to see Martin Turner's name crop up too.
  16. A guitarist with a brain, well, who would have thought that. [size=4] [/size]
  17. Daz speaks the truth. I remember my first new bass day almost 45 years ago.You may go on to buy many new basses but the first one will always have a special place in your heart if you bond with it. Never sell it, you will regret it. Nice bass btw.
  18. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1369442631' post='2089434'] [/quote] [size=4] [/size] [size=4] [/size] [size=4] [/size] [size=4] [/size]
  19. Sorry Mr Foxen, I thought you said Ross Kemp, I was thinking of a bald bloke running away when the music got heavy Back on topic, Rick is a great player and a gent, met him years ago before a Steeleye Span gig in Glasgow and was a top bloke. Great bassist.
  20. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1369428532' post='2089304'] Its definitely not Prince is it? [/quote] Nah,too tall. Cracking player though.
  21. Mary had a little pig It would not stop it's grunting She took in the shed one day and kicked it's f@*king c**t in. Use with caution.
  22. That's a great track and video, well done that man.
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