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Bassman Sam

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Everything posted by Bassman Sam

  1. Great review and some lovely basses there. Looks like you had a worthwhile trip.
  2. As usual, a high standard again this month. 3 numbers I really liked. Debs, what a cracking first entry, keep it up. Discreet, really enjoyed that one, well done Sir. Skol/Urb, just outstanding for me, a wonderful collaboration. Love it.
  3. [color=#333333][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]A 12 pt. business card means that it is 0.012 inch (0.3048 mm) thick. Hope that answers your question.[/size][/font][/color]
  4. A good and honest post. I wish you well with your sale and good luck with your move t'up north and projects.
  5. I saw them in the '70's a few times,some gigs with Bill Bruford and others with Alan White. Both great drummers. Chris Squire was a massive influence on me picking up a bass but a Yes gig without Jon Anderson or Rick Wakeman. I don't know if I could enjoy it without being negative about their absence. Didn't like them without Steve Howe either. YMMV.
  6. Nice one Nigel, great drummer. I hope you keep in touch with him. BTW,was that Van Morrison's twin brother on vocals? [size=4] [/size]
  7. I wonder how many of the people objecting to the seller fees now didn't make a donation when they sold in the past. Quite a few I'll bet.
  8. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1371559630' post='2115480'] Cheers Karl.....I was aware of that (Insert sarcasm font) But the charge is still payable. BC is not E-bay they dont have the same systems in place to operate in the same way. And i would have thought the benefit is obvious, the fact that BC lives on. Or do you not count that as a benefit ? Am I right in thinking some are against the charges & someone else should pay for the site other than the people who use it everyday? I'm not meaning that in a stroppy way, I'm just wondering why someone can justify using something & not offering anything in return. Lets be fair guys. people were not paying & now Basschat is asking for help, And some people seem to begrudge this. Going back to the idea that BC is a meeting place, free to be here, come & go as you please. I'd like to elaborate on this idea: Now change this idea to Basschat being your house. people can come round, chill out, have a laugh, swap advice while having a good old chat in your house & garden. they can come & go as they please any time they like. But at the end of the day it's your responsibility your paying the bills & sorting out the cleaning of the house....this starts getting more and more expensive and is taking up more & more of your personal time, when you notice some people are using your house like an open market & selling items that are in most cases expensive. So basically people are using your garden to sell stuff for (some cases) hundreds of pounds and even up to a grand and above they are still walking away with a full wallet & your still left to clean up and pay out of your own pocket just to keep the place running. they are walking away with money they have made by using the contacts they have made from being at your house, without you providing this space they could not have made the contacts they have in order to make these sales and it is still costing you money to run.......So you ask for a small cut of those sales to help out or at least break even & your visitors start to moan at you for asking for a contribution towards the running of your house that you have opened for people to use freely..........I dont know about anyone else but if that was to happen my foot would be so far up their arse, their Adams apple would be my boot. I think peoples opinion is one way or the other: are happy to help the site or not ? I admit I'd been using the site for years before I realised that someone was paying for this site out of their own pocket & then I felt really guilty for not helping. This year I paid my £20 to trade, have I sold anything on here ? no. did I feel ripped off ? of course not I have used this site for years, met some great people & learned so much about music and equipment. I have even got some free stuff from people so I think that £20 is almost an insult for being so cheap. I think people should start to see this site as something more than a thing on a screen this site is a asset not a right. [/quote] Well said Fumps, totally agree.
  9. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1371429708' post='2113904'] I'm just obsessed, in my own small way, with music. Some instruments I adore, some less so. I'm a frustrated drummer, but I love guitar, and bass is my current voice, I love bass. But I don't think anyone is born a bassist anymore than I think anyone is born a butcher. [/quote] Oh,I don't know, I've butchered many a bass line over the years. Must have been born to it. [size=4] [/size]
  10. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1371337219' post='2112808'] In that case I look forward to your signature bass when you become well known to have one. Surely the whole point it is [u][b]his[/b][/u] signature bass, and as such it's not for anyone else to tell him what it should be like. [/quote] This. /thread
  11. And thought it was just me that liked LS's work. Dirty Harry was a great movie and great score. A fan here. Garry, thanks for the big band vid, ace.
  12. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1371324193' post='2112655'] Yeah, Paul is foing the live ginal rounds. When the Voice run ends, he's iffvto South America for more jamiroquai festival dates [/quote] Can you roll me one too? [size=4] [/size]
  13. I used a pick for all of my gigging days, so no worries there. Welcome aboard.
  14. I saw one in the mid 80's as it put on a display on Brighton beach. It came in low from the sea and then into steep climb with full afterburners just as reached the beach. The sound was thunderous and shook the bowels, fantastic aircraft.
  15. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1371289328' post='2112119'] Thank you, I shall have 'cantaloupe'. [/quote][size=4][quote name='paul h' timestamp='1371289549' post='2112124'][/size] It's all in the fingers. Your argument is invalid. BOOM! POW! I WIN AT BASSCHAT!!!! [/quote]
  16. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1371233326' post='2111609'] If I wanted a sliding pick up I'd get one of these. [/quote] And that would sound like Guy's Warwick? You're having a laugh mate. Have a word yourself Edit, to say: Sorry if that came over a bit strong but they are not comparable. .
  17. Trevor Horn was the man behind FGTH 's success. That's where the talent was, IMHO. The band was average at the best.
  18. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1371252662' post='2111892'] My 86 Monarch was a cracking bass. Separate volume and tone for each pickup but also a, very handy, flick switch to go from neck P only to both pickups to bridge J. Gave a great array of options at the flick of a switch with fine control from the separate vol and tone pots [/quote] I just googled that, I've not seen one of them before. Molan, you owe me a new set of undercrackers, that's bloody lovely.
  19. A old band mate put these photos of me on Facebook last night. I didn't know they existed. They show my original '75 P bass. The only thing worth looking at. The pix were taken in '77, a lifetime ago.
  20. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1371233753' post='2111619'] [size=4] Bought a cheap 15 quid pre wilkinson Vintage from a mate, that had done the rounds between friends, wasn't in the best of condition and was filthy, so i named it after a girlfriend it reminded me of haha.[/size] B [/quote] That has got to be the best line I've read on a intro thread. Welcome aboard. You now have set yourself a high standard to keep up with. Glad your enjoying the bass, you won't regret it.
  21. How can they justify this outrageous price rise and expect to keep customers or I missing something? Are they trying to put themselves out of business? Please enlighten me.
  22. Trying to remember the pup positions for a particular tone in a gigging situation would be a PITA. There must be a hell of a lot of options there. Like the body shape though. The laser inscription of the logos looked cool, not seen that before.
  23. I was looking for information on a '57 ri p bass and Google brought me here. I couldn't find my way back out. Still trying.
  24. I was in my early 20's and played in a rock covers band when punk came along. We played the usual mixture of the time, Jethro Tull, Led Zep, Wishbone Ash, The Beatles, The Eagles and blues covers. I wore tie dyes, flairs, loon pants and cheese cloths shirts. Part of the old hippy culture. When the punk thing happened, the gigs dried up fast, they had taken over and if you went to a gig, you got spat on and sometimes the crap kicked out of you for being a hippy. I don't have good memories of the punk era and most of the music left me cold. There were some so called punk bands that I liked but they could really play, I thought that against the whole idea of the movement. Just another manufactured craze in my eyes that the kids of the time fell for.
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