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Everything posted by Lozz196

  1. On some combos they have a jack-plug socket for adding in another extension cab but looking at the manual for the BA115HP it doesn`t appear that there is one, so the answer would be no. Adding in another speaker makes the sound a lot better - especially if adding in the same speaker again - as you`re essentially doubling up so whilst not necessarily louder the sound is much "bigger/fuller". A head and cab is a good idea (or possibly two identical cabs, one for rehearsals, both for gigs), as is a combo and a matching extension speaker cab. It all depends on your needs really, so many different parameters to choose from.
  2. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1481549005' post='3193128'] Out of interest, I wonder how many of you above are members of original bands? The reason I ask is that (IME) the role of each member is much more clear-cut and constant in a covers band. With an original band, things tend to evolve and therefore roles have to also evolve, or new people have to be brought in to carry out those newly evolved roles... Some members might grow increasingly uncomfortable with their new (or changed) role. That was certainly my experience in my last band. Is this making sense? [/quote] Originals band for me. Can see where you`re coming from as it depends on how the band - and band members - want to approach things, and with the different opportunities that may arise as more success comes along.
  3. Yep, the majority of the gigs my band do there is either a provided backline or we all liaise as to which band brings what, to speed up changeovers and maximise on-stage time. That`s why I get all my eq/sound from pedals, no matter what rig I`m using and how it sounds on stage I know that the audience are getting what I wnat them to have FOH.
  4. We`ve supported a good few named bands, and I actually like the ones who spend forever sound-checking, as once it`s our turn the on-stage sound is usually superb. They`ve done all the work and we benefit - plus invariably it`s a band I like so I get to hear them playing a lot as well. I still liaise with the sound-person as well though.
  5. Bassist of course, and with blinding backing vox. But I also print the set-lists, book any hotels that are needed and largely look after the travel aspects, what time we need to be departing, sorting routes etc. I also liaise with the sound-person at each gig as to what the band line-up is, what monitor requirements we have etc. I do the hotels and travel stuff as the singer/guitarist does all the gig bookings and social media stuff, and the drummer handles all the merch sales (his wife attends all gigs so does the gig merch sales). Having worked all over the place I`ve a pretty good knowledge of routes and how long it takes to get to places. I`m also probably the person in the band that`s more into the workings of the sound, hence me looking after monitor requirements.
  6. Looking very likely that I`ll be going to see The Last Resort at The 100 Club, London, this coming Friday.
  7. I do like that Olive Green, looks nice with black pickguard and reckon it would be great with tort.
  8. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1481489231' post='3192685'] Isn't that how they came by most of their gear back the early Pistols days? [/quote] Certainly Steve Jones seems to have "acquired" much of the Pistols gear by nefarious means. He`s pretty factual about it in his auto-biog. Much of it coming from some rather well-known at the time names too.
  9. It`s always best to have someone along who knows the bands sound so at soundcheck they can give the nod as to what needs changing. All of what is described in the OP should have been sorted prior to the performance. It does seem that there is a current trend for vox to be just about audible, so when we soundcheck if this has been the case for the other bands I`ll speak to the sound-person and tell them that we like our vox to not just be heard but to be understood, so if that means the backline being quier through FOH so be it. A lot of it I find is clear communication, and instead of ranting be pleasant and ask. I also give the sound-person a list of band details/line-up, and what is required in the monitors for each band member. As a couple of posts have put, you`re at the mercy of those on the desk/lights, so the more professional and pleasant you are, the less likely they are - hopefully - to knack you in on purpose. Of course if they perceive you as a prima-donna due to behaviour then it`s their way of payback.
  10. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1480685368' post='3186410'] I like the Fender Metro bag. Can be got for about £38 on ebay from rst music. Pricier elsewhere atm. 1 piece handle! [/quote] I like these, got myself one recently for my backup bass and it`s pretty decent.
  11. I think send it back - it wouldn`t bother me but the fact that you`ve put this topic up suggests it does bother you, and that botherness may grow, and turn into resentment at spending £1500 and not getting a pristine bass. While you have the opportunity rectify it. But for me personally, if the bass played great and sounded great, it would be a keeper.
  12. Try Ebay to see if there are any on there and if they have Buy it Now, or have a look on Talkbass, maybe some on there?
  13. Not good, just shows even the famous get their gear lifted. That 61 must be worth a fair bit.
  14. I think the answer would depend on the individuals tone preference there. There are some who prefer the valve stuff, some who prefer the more modern amps, tools for the job really. Some would fork out a fortune for that tone, others would run a mile, irrespective of value. If you`re ok with the heavier gear - and like good old valve sounds - grab it while you can.
  15. Agree re the Matt Freeman, I`ve jus picked one up and it`s a very nice bass. I`ve heard plenty being played and they`ve always sounded great to me. Was amazed at how nicely if plays though.
  16. It won`t be light, and to be honest you`ll probably never need the 115, but it will sound immense. Plenty of guitarists use a 412 with a valve head and they never moan about the weight - or at least the ones in the bands I share the bill with don't. If you`ve the means of transport and band-members willing to help carry the cab, go for it. If my back wasn`t so bad I`d be pestering for the details of this myself.
  17. Boss TU2, just picked up a Korg Pitchblack Mini for times when I have to travel light, and I also have a Planet Waves clip-on tuner, but have found it can sometimes nto be too effective on the E when there is other loud music going on.
  18. I can do a Hiscox case, and there is some candy available
  19. We rehearse at the same volume as we gig, which is to the volume of unamplified drums. That`s what we`ll hear on stage and any further volume to hear our own instruments will come from the monitors. No need to ever be louder than the drums imo.
  20. Nice one, I have one of these on the way and am eagerly looking forward to getting my paws on it. I`ve heard a good few of these and have always liked the tone, agree, raw and punchy. The one I`m getting has had a replacement pickup put in it, but I already have another pup that I intend to replace that with.
  21. [quote name='luckman67' timestamp='1480967119' post='3188534'] I prefer the post 2012 Am.Std Precision's, & am still glad I managed to get my 2014 Am.Std . [/quote] Same here (well 2015 for me). If these new basses are better, imo that means they`ll be amazing instruments. As such I`m not gonna take the chance on even touching one, as I know me, I`ll end up buying one.
  22. I prefer to have no instruments in the monitors, with all the sound of the bass from an amp behind me, but have gigged amp-less before with only a DI to FOH and it was fine. I could probably do it without being able to hear myself at all, but I suppose it`s more down to monitoring for the drummer, if they need the bass or not.
  23. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1480971111' post='3188635'] January is always a slow month for venues [/quote] Yep, in my old punk covers band we avoided January gigs like the plague. Sad, pissed off punters (not because of us, of course) nursing their one half of bitter that will have to last them the whole night night dreaming of the last working day of the month (which seems like it will never turn up) when they will finally get paid and will have some money again, after a heavy Xmas/New Year spend.
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