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Deep Thought

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Everything posted by Deep Thought

  1. Burnses. And the Warwicks with wangs.
  2. Any number of Stranglers basslines, but I think I'll go for 'Tank'. Lucy in the Rain-The Three Johns Psssyche-Killing Joke Shadow of Love-The Damned Special mentions to:- Charlotte Sometimes-The Cure The Time is Now-Moloko Trackin' the Dog-Screaming Blue Messiahs African and white-China Crisis Disco Inferno-The Trammps Israel-Siouxsie and the Banshees Rhythm Stick Valley Girl-Frank Zappa
  3. i have an Irwin tool bag for cables, mics, tuners, footswitches etc. My wife has been given various bags by drug companies over the years which are very handy for smaller items like batteries, earplugs, torches and the like.
  4. Fair play to 'em. I just hope they don't attempt 'Smells like Teen Spirit'.
  5. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v317/MikeyB17/tumblr_lk1tofFkMA1qzbkduo1_500.jpg[/IMG] Him. I'd really like to read an autobiography by JJ too-Hugh Cornwell's written two books about the Stranglers, plus there have been a couple of histories, but I think JJ's version of events would be worth reading.
  6. All three of us are in the Ambulance Service, and a fair proportion of our audience (often all three of them!) are in the job.
  7. Low enough to keep the right arm reasonably straight and relaxed-too high, and the elbow flexed too much, used to play hell with my tennis elbow. I don't get it now, but I'm not taking any chances.
  8. AFAIK I think Jet is planning to do the tour next year-he was taken ill early on in this year's and Ian Barnard, his tech, took over (and did a bloody good job I thought when I saw them in March in Bristol). Ian wasn't available for the later dates this year, so Jim McCauley from Mike Marlin's band (support last year and this as well) did those. Jet doesn't tour overseas these days so that's why Jim did the dates down under. From some of the things JJ has said in interviews recently, I fear the band's days are numbered, which with Jet's health I guess is no surprise.
  9. Probably either Rhythm Stick or Nice'n'Sleazy by the Stranglers, which I have been playing for 20-odd years, but only now do I feel I'm getting on top of it!
  10. Oo, ta for that-think I might go for one of those!
  11. I just use the two-piece adjustable leather jobs-I've had fancy, heavy leather straps before and decided I didn't need them, a nice lightweight, flexible leather strap is all that I need. I won't touch anything with a buckle, particularly plastic.
  12. I own ours 'cos I'm the one who sings through it. We used to borrow one from a mate, but one day with a gig looming it wasn't available, so I bit the bullet and went and bought a PA. It can be a bleeding nuisance as I have more kit than everybody else to transport and load in and out. Never occurred to me to take a bigger cut of the money-actually I may bring up the subject!
  13. Used to get it really badly, until I went to a physio who gave me a load of stretching and weights exercises which sorted it right out. I used to find playing with my fingers whilst sitting, and thus with a more flexed elbow, made it worse.
  14. D'Addario XL nickels for me, 45-105's. I've been through loads of different strings, including expensive ones, and have found these keep their 'zing' the longest-better even than the Prosteels. They're also not too expensive-our local shop does 'em for £16 a set at the mo.
  15. Actually I'd say it was more like 'If Ridley Scott's Alien played bass...' Not my cup of tea, but enjoy it!
  16. Our drummer was there on Friday-took great pleasure in ringing me to tell me what a great gig it was! I've seen them 3 times, fortunately in comparitively small venues, and they were incredible every time, but I wasn't paying the prices they were charging to see them this time round. I've heard the new album isn't much cop, but I might get my mate to run me off a copy of his!
  17. [quote name='badboy1984' timestamp='1350818058' post='1843714'] Here's my Precision bass: [/quote] That's pretty much identical to my MIM when I first got it, tortoiseshell plate, ashtrays and all. The ashtrays didn't last the day, and the tortoiseshell plate was replaced by a black one within weeks! I persevered with it for a while, but in the end it had to go! Lovely bass though, still got it!
  18. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1350926265' post='1845157'] Surely it's either acoustic or it's not? [/quote] Well, no. We're talking about acoustic instruments with pickups that allow them to be amplified. Still sound like acoustics, only louder. My acoustic bass sounds nothing like my electric bass when amplified. And as I think has been established, electro-acoustic basses don't have enough volume to compete with other acoustic instruments if they're not amplified. Thus I don't propose to use mine unamplified again.
  19. We did a 'festival' this summer, where we found out two days before we were due to play that they wanted it unplugged. Thankfully I own an acoustic bass otherwise we'd have been completely screwed, but sadly I don't have a Roland Cube or similar so I was forced to play unplugged-I have a Washburn AB10. We did two sets, both outdoors. I used a pick and dug in hard. One was in the town square surrounded by buildings, and I was told the sound wasn't bad. The other was in an open area with no buildings, and it didn't work so well. I definitely wish I had some amplification. We weren't too happy with the whole thing, and the strength of this, we're not doing any more unamplified acoustic stuff. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v317/MikeyB17/150101_10150826672040892_123461020891_9919591_693651945_n.jpg[/IMG]
  20. Much underrated band. 'The Time is now' has a classic bass intro.
  21. I used to have one of these (although on mine the controls were at the top ). Damn fine amp, and not excessively heavy for a combo, I thought. Even better with a 4X10 extension cab.
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