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Deep Thought

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Everything posted by Deep Thought

  1. My speakers live in the garage-I keep my amps indoors, but the speakers (with covers) have been fine thus far (touch wood).
  2. I don't think it's Zep's best either, in fact Plant is on record as saying he'd rather be remembered for 'Kashmir' than 'Stairway'. I like it once it gets going, the first half is all a bit 'Hey Nonny Nonny' for my liking.
  3. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1373876410' post='2142398'] If not drinking will spoil your night, you have a problem. [/quote] I think there are an awful lot of people, who do not have any kind of alcohol dependency, whose evening would be spoilt if they could not have a drink. I am a shift worker, and a driver, so when I am on a run of shifts I won't touch alcohol, and I can live with that. I do not drink to get drunk, and have often said that I think I could go without altogether if I had to, but even I, if going out for the evening, would feel it somewhat curtailed if I couldn't have a few beers at least. We have a (wife's) family wedding next month, and I am [i]not [/i]going to that and staying sober. As regards the gig, it does seem a tad excessive, but as has been said, if it's really that much of a problem, don't do it. I think I would just go into 'work mode', mentally prepare myself, and live with the lack of alcohol for the duration.
  4. Ideally, every gig, although we don't gig that often so actually about once a month. I find once I've sweated on them, they go dead pretty quick (this applies to pretty much all strings-I've tried plenty, finally settling on D'Addario XL's). I, too, like the zing.
  5. They are playing at the Eden Project down the road from me this very night-supported by Chic! Bit of an anti-climax, I would imagine. I'm not going, BTW, and wouldn't be even if I wasn't working.
  6. I was also there in 1987, my only visit thus far. I went to see Hüsker Dü, which I did, and very glad I am that I did. Otherwise I don't remember much else except That Petrol Emotion, who I also enjoyed. I have a vague recollection of Elvis Costello, although I confess I was out of my head at that point. My most enduring memory is of the sh*t I had when I got home, having clenched my buttocks together for four days being unable to face the festival toilets-no Portaloos in those days.
  7. Sorry, I'm a bit behind as well. Another welcome from up Snozzle.
  8. Absolutety no problem Dylan-I also have to say I remember very little of the transaction (apparently I had Paypal issues), but that's very decent of you, and many thanks!
  9. My Shuker JJ is my main bass, backup is a Mex Precision. I have seen a bottom E go on a bass at a fair-sized gig, and it took ages to change. I want to be able to take one off, put another on and keep going immediately. Unlike our guitarist, who has now twice broken a string on his fancy Musicman guitar with fancy locking trem, and spent about ten minutes changing it, whilst Muggins and the drummer have to fill in somehow.
  10. I find the best thing for inspiring me to play live is to go and watch somebody else doing it.
  11. About the only place I ever listen to music these days is in the car. I will occasionally take my MP3 player to the beach or on a long trip, but usually it's the crappy old stereo in the car. If I'm learning new stuff I usually use Youtube. I own two music systems, including a record player, and I still have all my old vinyl, but they rarely get used.
  12. I've been there but not played there. It's true access tot he beach is via the steps (and I wouldn't want to lug kit up and down them either) but they have a restaurant and various other stuff on the beach, I would be very surprised if there isn't some way to get heavy equipment up and down.
  13. I noticed when I saw the Stranglers in Croydon last month that JJ had black tuners and string posts, not the old chrome ones, and wondered if this was a new bass. I always thought my Mk.I version was pretty light-I think I'll stick with it..
  14. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1367764980' post='2069182'] NOI to anyone else, but I still think that The Steely-Eyed Missilemen is the best band-name on BC. [/quote] Bless you Skank, I'm going to print that off and frame it. I sometimes think it's a bit long and unwieldy, and I get fed up of explaining the origin to people, but we've had it a long time now, and you've just renewed my love for it.
  15. We tried to change ours a few years ago, and for weeks we went round and round in circles, trying to find names that all three of us were happy with, that hadn't been used by somebody else. Eventually we gave up and stuck with what we had. I've come up with some good ones since, but I don't dare open up the can of worms again.
  16. That is pretty damn impressive-the thing that amazes me though, is how can she get up onstage under all those bloody lights in a great big fur coat?
  17. Various Stranglers Various Foo Fighters Rammstein Queens of the Stone Age getting a lot of play at the mo Various Led Zep Wilko Johnson Neil Young Muse Doors My Chemical Romance Currently also rediscovering REM Plus several complialtions I've knocked up over the years.
  18. I still have mine from when I replaced them on my '07 P. Only marks on mine are a stamped serial number, and a couple more handwritten numbers in white. One has a black and a yellow wire, the other a black and a white one. No other distinguishing marks.
  19. I cannot think of playing a bass of any other colour than black. Just can`t.
  20. I use an Irwin tool bag, tough and roomy with plenty of pockets for odds and ends and lots of room for cables, pedals etc.
  21. [quote name='ZenBasses' timestamp='1360950074' post='1978931'] My vote is for a Shuker jj Burnell Signature p bass. If it's ballsy enough for the stranglers then it's good for anything. [/quote] Have to agree.
  22. I was in my local shop the other day, he says the Musicman SUB basses are flying out the door, excellent giggable basses for sub £300 (£269 at Soundslive).
  23. When I used Schaller straplocks, I would take the strap off. Now I'm using Grolsch 'straplocks' (which I much prefer), I leave the strap on-I don't go in for thick, heavy straps any more, so the thin, flexible leather ones I use fold up inside the case nicely.
  24. I love mine, although would probably go for the G50 if buying again as the transmitter unit is metal I believe. I found pound shop batteries didn't even last for a whole rehearsal, but a set of Duracells lasted ages. I find the battery compartment door catch hard to shut-it does eventually, but it's a struggle. I had a look at Line 6's forum, it seems to be a common complaint, but Line 6 refuse to accept that it exists. Still a cracking bit of kit.
  25. I see Jon is now doing a JJ signature Artist bass as used on the Stranglers' acoustic European tour:- [url="http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/jjpbass.html"]http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/jjpbass.html[/url] Nice as it looks I doubt I'll be getting one!
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