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Everything posted by mrtcat

  1. I have the exact same cab and it is simply awesome. Yeah it's not feather light but forget that it looks the mutts and hell it sounds better than any other cab I've ever heard.
  2. [quote name='maldy' timestamp='1384106502' post='2272816'] Go to the normal site. Type in your email address to access the backstage area. Once in the backstage area there are a bunch of links when you scroll down to the bottom. Most of the backing tracks are here. Hope that helps :-) [/quote] Thanks Maldy, I'm on it!
  3. I've joined too but struggling to find the backing tracks to download. I've paid the £38 but it's still no clearer as some of the links on the site seem to go to random pages. Anyone else struggling?
  4. We're available a couple of weekends in Aug [url="http://www.crudemeasure.co.uk"]www.crudemeasure.co.uk[/url] but we may be a bit "cheap" for you - although quality is decent (drummer is pro and singer is top drawer). I used these guys for my wedding [url="http://www.indefinately.com"]www.indefinately.com[/url] and they were great. Quality playing is clearly important to you but I'd advise that as long as the band are good and tight the music selection will be more important for your guests.
  5. We need a keyboard player with bv's. We're a busy covers band playing weddings, corporate events, beer fests, clubs and pubs. Check our website for deets of what we play etc. Don't be shy or if you know someone who may be interested give us a shout. We are based around Bicester and cover a decent radius. Cheers for looking.
  6. Nope. You're helping them out. If it were me my response would be "OK but if that's the case I want an equal share of what you make at gigs". I'd be inclined to suggest the bass player you stand in for should pay your share.
  7. Our drummer is a brilliant player and a true pro. He owns an electric kit but point blank refuses to use it for gigs saying that it sounds unnatural and there's a risk of crosstalk. Sometimes if we have a wedding at a venue with a strict db limiter I wish he'd bring it but he's pretty good at playing at the vol required. I definitely prefer the sound and look of acoustic kits but that's just me. I use a reasonably big amp set up as I like the theatre of a big cab and head too. PA and monitors are everything. A clean sounding powerful PA with lots of low end welly is essential to make an electric kit work.
  8. Would be nice to hear the bass played in a band situation as well as just solo. Basses like Stingrays aren't my favourite solo but I think they sound great in a mix.
  9. Gonna call my next band "The Rolling Stones". It maybe taken already (haven't checked tbh) but I don't care if it is and can't really see how it could lead to confusion anyhow.
  10. I really like a decent DJ who can select the right tunes at the right times and put them together with style. I also like DJs in live bands and think they can add a huge amount to the overall sound. The vid in the OP id defo not my cup of tea though. It was clearly brilliantly done but like most bass/guitar/keyboard/*insert any instrument here* solo it was just a bit boring after the first 20 seconds. Not questioning the guy's ability though.
  11. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1382269637' post='2249819'] Really...... well I guess it depends on the type of pubs you play.... most of the ones we play you need to have a decent system and there's no way I'd go out with just a pair of 12" tops...... [/quote] Agree totally but the OP says he's only interested in reinforcement for vocals and there are some really good powered tops that would comfortably do that. Personally I'd never dream of only putting vocals through the PA unless the venue was tiny with a nasty limiter but that is the criteria that the OP is saying he wants. My post was suggesting 12" subs not tops (our tops actually have 8" drivers - albeit in folded horns so they don't sound or act like you'd expect from 8's). 18's are generally big, heavy and difficult to move. A well designed lightweight sub can work wonders whilst keeping the amount of gear humping to a minimum.
  12. Nowt wrong with that at all. Anyone who thinks they murdered anything need not come see my band lol.
  13. Carbine gives great rock tone IMV. I'm not over sold on the other heads but its purely due to price. I think you can get close to the quality for less. If money's no issue then that becomes a moot point. The cabs however are great IMV. Yep they're uber heavy but beautifully made and will handle pretty much anything you throw at them without breaking stride. I've dismantled and rebuilt a road ready cab in the past and it was like a tank. There's a reason the cabs are expensive. Don't let the fact that Macca uses them put you off ;-)
  14. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1382191221' post='2249096'] 18" subs? [/quote] Nobody needs 18" subs. One or two decent 12s would suffice. However if all you want to mic is vocals then just go for two middle of the road powered tops (Mackies or yamaha's as mentioned by JTUK would do nicely) and some nice reverb / delay. You'll be EQing out most of what a sub would cover anyhow. If you're only running vocals through a PA then anything spent over about £1k is a waste of cash in my opinion.
  15. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1382105281' post='2248064'] Also, are you running mono with what you are suggesting? Given the fact that most amps are 2 channel, I take it you are running a sub off one channel and the rest off the other channel. You don't want to be running tops and a sub off one feed... not without a crossover in there somewhere... What are you doing with the monitors too? FOH mix as monitor, how do you control the stage volume? You probably want 4 channels minimum... which in most typical power amp setups, would be at least 2. [/quote] No we have three power amps but that's because we play everything from pub to outdoor festival and therefore need to cover every base. As you'll se from my sig I have more PA than the OP needs. My point is that two lightweight 1U amps could drive a full system including monitors. A single sub well placed will outperform two of the same subs if they're placed underneath the tops at either side of the stage because unless the they are more than 56feet apart they need to be less than 2.8 feet from each other to couple. Placing a single sub near a solid wall or even better in a corner will deliver surprisingly good results thanks to boundary effect. Don't forget this is pubs we're talking about.
  16. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1382101318' post='2247969'] Thats the point. It's another box to carry around... and if you want small and portable doing pub gigs, don't you want to have it all in one box. Now if I was doing a large scale setup, I'd probably choose to use a load of single poweramps running into passive cabs, with a whole load of processing. But let's keep things in reality here. It's a pub band. He wants a small, portable rig. I reckon that a 2 powered tops, 2 powered subs (with built in crossover), 2 powered monitors, beats 6 passive cabs which would require 3 poweramps and some sort of crossover (e.g. on desk or external unit). If you want to expand that latter, it's more cabs, more amps. If you expand the futher, just another XLR into another powered cab. Done. It's pubs. Lets keep things simple eh? [/quote] I'd much prefer power amps separately in pubs as there's always a shortage of power supplies so i find it simpler than having to run extension leads all over the place. One sub is more than enough in a pub and you can easily run up to four and sometimes 8 from one amp.
  17. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1382096375' post='2247834'] Sounds good - but the portability is lost with having seperate poweramps. Ideally you want your power amp in the desk or in the cabs. Guys looking for portability don't want the added baggage of having a seperate poweramp. Just my humble of course... [/quote] I don't really agree as new lightweight power amps can sit in a rack along with Eq and crossover. A 4u rack could potentially hold all and with the right subs and tops you will destroy most powered stuff. I'd imagine that the barefaced option would be very light and compact and extremely well engineered. I have built a BFM rig with 1 sub and two tops for a band in Northampton that they transport in a car which is not only super light and easy to rig up it also sounds beautiful. They have since ordered three more subs so they can use the same rig for outdoor gigs next summer. That would be overkill for pubs of course but it just shows the flexibility it would give.
  18. Not a classic yet but surely just a matter of time lol [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=699Tx2ZLz-U"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=699Tx2ZLz-U[/url]
  19. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1381668949' post='2241978'] if ever there was a crackin rock funk record, this is it for me. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDWJGslOf70[/media] [/quote] That whole album is totally killer.
  20. Thanks so much for the info guys. It's very reassuring. We are all sensible and will really try to do the right thing vol wise. We play weddings regularly and don't get complaints about being too loud. I'm all about our sound system and the guys are used to turning down so I can control sound levels. It's the Whitchurch near Winchester in Hampshire btw. Thanks again for the words of wisdom.
  21. Has anyone played here? We have been asked at short notice for a wedding but are concerned about the limiter which according to the venue is set at 86db.
  22. Hartke kilo into berg nv412 chosen for sound. I like balanced appearance also so wanted a big head to sit on a big cab. Weight not an issue as im only a nipper (36)
  23. Hi all, this is a blatant plea for help. A local chap runs a charity project to raise funds for a school in a deprived area of Kenya. He's an absolute legend and really gives his all to help the kids at this school. Over the years he has made an enormous difference to the children. Every penny he raises goes towards materials and he and other volunteers travel out (at their own expense) and do all the graft. He has organised a fundraiser at a village pub near Brackley in South Northants for next sunday (25th) where a blues band will play from 2-6pm. He has just been let down by the people supplying PA. He came to me as I have helped before but I'm on best man duty next sunday so can't do it. Can anyone offer to help? It doesn't matter how good the rig is as long as it works. It's all happening in a marquee. Theyre expecting 200 people and are desperate for help. Wayne is the most humble guy and will be so grateful to anyone who can do this for him. If you think you can help just let me know and I'll put you in touch. Check out the fb page for Wayne's fundraising group - [url="https://www.facebook.com/groups/RokaSchool/"]https://www.facebook.com/groups/RokaSchool/[/url]
  24. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1375452939' post='2161634'] I've played with Blunders a fair bit (ooer), monster player..... [/quote] A big hitter too. Apparently the snare drum head resembled the surface of the moon by the end of his stint. In fact that was something I noted with all the guys - they all hit really really solidly.
  25. [quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1375370949' post='2160444'] that sounds like a superb gig. How come so many big names were there? [/quote] It was a residential drum academy which has been going 20 odd yrs and they draw a big student base. guys like Gregg Bissonette and Steve White have supported it for years and are regulars.
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