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Everything posted by mrtcat

  1. Thanks Mark, it's a couple of inches smaller than the J12 in pretty much each direction which was the deciding factor for me as I'm looking at using the car for gigs instead of the van from here on in. It's light like a jack too especially with the neo driver. An easy enough build though.
  2. Thanks guys, I'll do a proper review once t'other cab is finished and I've had a chance to use them in anger.
  3. I'm hanging up my BFM building hat this year due to incoming baby and the fact that its pretty much impossible to operate at a profit with prices of everything in the uk (drivers, wood etc). Decided to treat myself from some leftover bits and do a new rig. I've made a simplex 1x12 with kappalite 3012lf driver and another with the same driver and a tweeter. Currently waiting for the crossover components so second cab can't be completed. Have whipped up a matching case for my amp head too. Finish wise ive used some tuff cab in "funky purple". Not that funky in the flesh lol. The finished cab sounds lovely. These will replace my Berg NV412 and I'm already happy that they will be as good as that. Cheers
  4. Would you be prepared to split?
  5. I've had an Svt2 which was amazing, an Svt4 which was great, an Svt6 which was ok but noisy and have used an Svt7.......which was gash. All IMO of course. Sansamp is the key to great ampeg sounds these days unless you want to splash huge cash and have a strong back.
  6. RCF905s are great but possibly a little hard to find used so if you find some buy them quick. I was pleasantly surprised by a Mackie hf sub I heard this weekend but I always worry a little about Mackie reliability and service. If you want passive give me a shout. I have a pair of used BFM titan39's in the workshop that will shake your world.
  7. Got booked to play a 30th birthday a few years back. Turned up at the given address (6 piece band) and were told to set up in the living room. Was an ex 50s council house so we filled the front room completely. Everyone danced in the hall and kitchen. Great gig tho lol
  8. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1396784124' post='2417227'] Ok, it's a job... as I wont do a gig for no money. We pay minimum for each gig and if that means we don't get that min, we have to cover it from the kitty. Good payers supply the kitty. This way we can afford deps and petrol money etc etc .. [/quote] This. Much as I love gigging I always run the band like a business. Doing this has given us a professional approach which in turn has lead to better gigs and greater enjoyment. It has also allowed us to run better gear and pay deps when needed which again improves proffessionalism. Plus it's much easier to justify to the good wife when I'm out gigging weekends if I bring home good money.
  9. Gigging is my only option these days. We're expecting our first baby in June and the money I earn from gigging is what will allow Mrstcat to have a decent amount of maternity leave. If playing didn't bring in cash then I'd have to get a bar job or something to supplement our income.
  10. [quote name='SlapbassSteve' timestamp='1396641548' post='2416063'] Can't go wrong with a pair of Mackie SRM450's [/quote] A possible option although I find the sound they produce pretty unpleasant. Most other suggestions above will significantly blow the £800-£1000 budget unless you can find them used. I suggested Rcf as you can get a pair of powered 12s new for about £1k
  11. Where are you based? If you're anywhere near here you can pop round and I'll happily give you a PA 101 session if it helps. I've got a stupid amount of kit in the workshop at the moment so can go through anything from mini PA to festival rig.
  12. When you say you don't need mics do you mean you won't be using them or that you already have some? If it's just for music I'd get two of the best RCF powered 12 or 15 inch cabs your budget will allow. They're tough, compact and plenty loud with good sound quality. If you need to use mic's with it for plays etc then two of the same with a small mixer will do a great job. Other brands to look at would be EV, Yamaha, HK Audio.
  13. I understand your upset at being last to know and that would certainly grate on me a little but don't be too hasty. At the end of the day these guys are free to do what they want. If the rise of the reunion project starts to affect your current band then spit the dummy but I'd be inclined to let it pan out a bit as these things tend to just peter out a bit and disappear. Yes you now know where you stand communication and trust wise but do you need to be best pals with the people you play with? With regards the PA situation if it continues I suggest that you talk about a bit of Financial recompense for your efforts.
  14. [quote name='Handwired' timestamp='1395864439' post='2407432'] NV412 [/quote] Got one of these. As near to perfect for me as I think is possible. Love it to bits and I'm defo also a Barefaced fan but the berg is a peach.
  15. Played a social club with a band which is not my usual one. I agreed to join them when they wanted shot of old bass player and I needed to bring a little more cash in. Great guitarist, decent singer and a really nice chap on drums who sadly can't keep time. They seem to think it was a great gig but I thought that with the exception of about 10 songs it was poor. I'm all about giving an audience songs they know and love but these guys are dead set on playing their favourite stuff regardless. Think my days may be numbered with them.
  16. Saw steel panther at Brixton Academy last night. Totally killer live show despite the backing tracks lol
  17. Regularly run amp flat but with jazz bass I put a little frown on the eq to flatten out the natural scoop the jazz has.
  18. Thought Jack Bruce's new stuff was massively disappointing. That track "Drone" sounded like it had been mixed by a child. Really rubbish IMO.
  19. Bet it sounds and plays far better than some basses 10x the value. I have a BBN5 and it's shockingly good for a £1000 bass let alone one that only cost me £90
  20. Odd one really. Wedding at the Oxford Union. A very old building that is the heart of Oxford University and every bit as grand and quirky as you'd hope. We played really well despite an awkward room with really high ceilings and had a packed dance floor all night. Did 2 sets (8.30 - 9.30 & 10.30 - 11.30) and between sets we were given food / drinks in a private room. The bride had her own ipod playlist for the gap between sets which we ran through our PA for her. When we came back for the 2nd set it became quickly apparent our gear had been messed with. All settings on desk had been adjusted, drummers sticks were on floor, guitars were out of tune and mics had been moved. We were all mega annoyed and then best man (some posh twat) bowls over and says "we tried to sing karaoke while you were away but couldn't work out how to turn mics up - how do we do it?". Discreetly told him to do one and then set about assessing damage and sound checking again. Luckily no lasting damage. At the end of the night we took our money before letting groom know about incident, reminding him of contract he signed (including bit about guests not being permitted to touch our stuff) and said we would be looking over our kit in detail today. He was very apologetic but I have today let him know all seems ok. Lesson learnt methinks.
  21. Baby oil and makeup for the Big Hair band.
  22. I'd be very wary of the EV ELX tops as the non powered version specs of 95db/w for the Elx112 show them to be relatively inefficient meaning that even with the claimed 1000w you'd still be lucky to get them anywhere near 120db let alone the 132 odd that they claim they can produce. You'd nearer 5000w to manage that and that's more than the drivers would cope with anyway I'd imagine.
  23. I went through something similar when I was a teenager. I couldn't be bothered making time to practice and none of the people I played with were particularly supportive. I saw lessons as an expensive pain in the @r$e. I talked to the guy giving me lessons and he was cool. Basically told me to take the pressure off myself and stop lessons for a bit and keep bass on a stand so I could pick it up when I felt like but under no circumstances flog my gear. I did this and didn't play for a few months. One day I was kicking around my room with music on and a RATM song came on that I loved. As my bass was right there I just picked it up and started playing along. For a few months I just enjoyed chugging along working out bits and pieces and playing root notes etc. Eventually I got a chance to play with a friends band for a few parties and that was enough to kickstart my enthusiasm again. I got back into practicing and lessons. I now play with various bands some of which earn me some handy cash. I guess I learnt that a break is good but keep your gear around so it's ready when you are. BTW if you're competitive you're almost certainly being hard on yourself and others are likely to see you as being better than you think you are so keep looking for people to play with. All the very best of luck.
  24. Do you still have the 422's? If so how much are you looking for? Cheers
  25. Many thanks for taking the time to give this info. I think we'll go k12 and then look for best subs we can get with remaining budget. Much obliged.
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