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  2. He also has three of them... somebody made one of them and thought... "Do you know what the world needs more of? Expensive, hideous and unusable bass guitars with really nice hardware." So they went and elevated their first "mistake" into a crime against taste. If I ever find out who did this, I'd give their care worker and their guide dog a dammed good talking to. Rob
  3. I'd avoid Mark Bass amps. they are no less reliable than their rivals but if they do go wrong outside of the guarantee period expect no support. They have contracted out repairs to a single company and there is no possibility of third party repairs. The only real repair on offer is a complete board replacement at a significant proportion of the cost of a new amp. Ashdown on the other hand offer the best after sales in the business.
  4. i just bought an AE112 and honestly i'm stunned by the sound it makes been toying with finding another (as i'm running a 900 watt head haha - oops) - then i see this literally as we've emptied the bank on kiddo's birthday next month DOH !!! and my god you're near by too.... nooooooooooooooooooooooo GLWS someone is gonna love this
  5. lol, I've only seen a quote in reference to Pratchett's punctuation theory upon trying to look it up. I did however learn a new word, Interrobang 👍 I also counted 6 exclamation marks, even too many by my standards, soz 😁
  6. Flushed Down the Pipes - Kaitlin Hopkins , Linda Hart
  7. You are putting some really nice kit up for sale!
  8. Have a look at the photos for details. Just don't use them anymore.
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  10. This thing is hideously ugly and completely unsuitable for any gig ever... so I want it to be my main bass! Tbf, being ESP custom shop it is probably built really solidly!
  11. Another price drop. Any takers?! This is an absolute steal!! Such a great rig, capable of so much tone! A brand new SansAmp RBI is £399, and its essentially two of these, a power amp, a 4U shallow rack, and a 410!
  12. I think either a mirror or a piece of black metal matching the knobs.
  13. This one is defretted Bartolini pickups and harness. Ive actually been playing it a bit lately trying to get my fretless chops up for studio
  14. Flushed From The Bathroom Of Your Heart — Johnny Cash
  15. Def, Glen Matlock had some very nice inventive bass lines to some of those songs - and a great sound too.
  16. The copper tape looks good - you might be able to improve on it a little by using wider tape so there isn't a seam and maybe using some sort of small roller to make it absolutely flat (possibly, not sure if that would work), but that's pure nit-picking.
  17. Definitely vinyl. And maybe shape it as an homage to the SR4 control plate? I know the footprint of the original won't cover that cavity, but you could get close.
  18. Great, thanks! The Sarzo is a stunning bass but the electronics do let it down a little.
  19. But with three question marks, doesn't that stray into Pratchett's punctuation theory area? “And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head.”
  20. I had to route them out. Specifically for the "ears" No routing for the main body but though. It's what inspired the rings actually. My poor routing!
  21. I've just picked up a Peavey Rudy Sarzo and was thinking about replacing all the electronics on it. Now this has really pleased me! Did the MM sized pickups fit into the existing pickup recesses or did you have to rout them out a bit? The rings look awesome!
  22. Private group! How much are they asking?
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