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Bravewood Basses - As Good As They Look?


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My main bass ( <- ) is a Bravewood, but with a Wesley Steed neck. Best Jazz I've owned, very light, very resonant and has fantastic (Voodoo) pickups. I could never work with a bass worth £5k but this does everything a "real" one would do. Unfortunately, that includes microphonic single coil pickups..but I can happily live with that. The relic work is done so well I don't even think about it, and I don't have to be careful with it, beyond the usual common sense stuff.

I have a Bravewood neck on another J bass, and its my favourite in terms of sound and feel - but it has too much stiffness built in, and doesn't ever give enough to play cleanly around the 3rd to 5th fret, even with the rod undone. Can be remedied by some careful spot fret work, but I have it set up with flats and a medium action so it works ok.

There are other UK makers (as above) who can make you a superb Fender type bass - talk to a few and see what you think of their attitude. You do place a lot of trust when ordering you bass, so keep your eyes open.

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[quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1390224597' post='2342740']
...Any hoo....anyone else got a review, opinion on a Bravewood bass they have played?

I have one.

The unknown element is that you are dealing with a one man band and things can go wrong.

I got a bass that developed a truss rod failure. There was someone else on here that had Bravewood Jazz bass with out of line tuners/headstock.
Where I'm going with this is that there [i]could [/i]be discrepancies that you only find out once you have the instrument in your hands and from personal experience he is not a nice man when it comes to after sales support and I cannot recommend him on the strength of it.

Jon Shuker may be your man...

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  • 3 months later...

I've got a 63 "S Type" from Bravewood and its my main guitar. I've gigged exclusively with it since buying it in February this year. If you're into the whole relic thing, they're amazing and cost a lot less than the Fender CS "Heavy Relic" equivalents. Unfortunately, I can't speak for Bravewood's basses as I've never played one but the "early 60's J Bass" currently on his website looks amazing! This one is mine: [url="http://www.bravewoodguitars.co.uk/63whiteS.html"]http://www.bravewoodguitars.co.uk/63whiteS.html[/url]

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I sold my Bravewood "Jaco" replica [i]only[/i] because it was fretless, and I had absolutely no musical outlet for it and it deserved to be out getting gigged somewhere as a fretless. If it was fretted I would never have sold it (and I did consider having it fretted many times), the back of the neck felt amazing, and the whole relic job was unbelievable. I'd love to have John do me a '75 Jazz relic at some point, but I think his prices (and popularity) have increased a lot since I had mine built, and rightly so!


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[quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1399999990' post='2449783']
I've never played any of his basses but once did have a nice email chat with him about Ibanez Musician basses (he likes them).

I bought one of his MC940s from him. It's a corker

Edited by police squad
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  • 1 month later...

John did a refurb job on my 61 jazz, you can see the results on his website. He is now working on my 64 P bass and i am talking to him about building me one from the ground up, cant recommend the guy highly enough

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