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Everything posted by artisan

  1. Absolutely loving my Overwater Jazz so I can highly recommend them.
  2. the less said about this the better
  3. Thanks guys,it is indeed a very nice bass,however after getting it home I found that I just didn't gel with it for some reason so I took it back to GBBL & swapped it for another bass I had been eyeing up. So I am now the proud owner of a lovely Overwater Jazz bass,3tsb,shell blocks & white binding It's bloody lovely,I'll put a new NBD thread when I get chance.
  4. nipped to see Drew at GBBL this morning to trade my 5 string for a 4 string as i just cannot cope with the extra string,i can play a 5 string ok but just can't get comfortable with one,so much as i loved the bass it was time to say bye bye. I went with the intention of buying a Jazz clone,either a Sandberg or a very nice Overwater,played loads of basses when Drew passed me the Anaconda & that was it really,job done,the other basses were very nice but not as nice as this little beauty. It plays beautifully,especially now i've set it up how i like 'em,& sounds wonderfull with its Bartolini + Glockenklang 3 band eq. construction is excellent & it weighs bugger all despite having an Ash body. And as for the fingerboard,i've has wenge boards before but never ones with grain like this,bloody lovely. Gigging tonight so it'll gets it's first outing. ok some pic's
  5. Usually you will get a card through the post with a reference number & payment instructions ( I always have,Parcelforce being the UK courier) Pay online or over the phone & they deliver next working day.
  6. Beautiful bass & I like the gold hardware too
  7. I replaced my Genz Benz NX2-212 with a Barefaced Big Baby 2 & couldn't be happier. one hand carry & sounds much better than the GB ever did.
  8. Met Mark at Blyth services on the A1 yesterday to sell him my Dingwall. lovely bloke,totally stress free perfect transaction just as it should be. just as I always say " you meet the nicest people on basschat"
  9. A bump for a very nice fretless bass at a bargain price
  10. any interest before i decide to keep this ? anyone got a Mayonnes Jabba 5 they want to trade ?
  11. +1 for UPS I always book through Interparcel as it's usually cheaper then going direct.
  12. [quote name='plunkrock' timestamp='1427278496' post='2728103'] I hadn't considered the Big Baby before, I thought it had a tweeter which put me off. Might be saving up for one of those rather than the Super Twin! [/quote] It does have a tweeter but it's a nice subtle one,not a horrible glassy sounding one like many cabs have,plus it has a variable control or you can turn it off. I use my cab with my upright bass & it sounds awesome,is small plus a very easy 1 hand carry. my band love it & it sounds way way nicer than the Genz 212 it replaced,I really can't recommend it highly enough.
  13. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1427215060' post='2727352'] I once fancied a Ric so I wrote to Geddy Lee and asked if he would sell me his as he doesn't use it anymore. He's a good guy. He wrote back and said; "No you can't". Trouble was he couldn't spell can't. [/quote] I nearly choked on my coffee you daft bugger
  14. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1427200409' post='2726975'] Short of sticking an RMS voltmeter on the outputs on the amp and turning down if it sits above a certain voltage for a while there's not really much you can do. Your best friend in this situation is experience (so knowing what you can realistically expect from a given cab) and good ears - or buying a nice cab of your own that's small and light enough to take to the gigs and robust enough to handle your needs! [/quote] sounds like a Big Baby 2 would do very nicely I'll never part with mine.
  15. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1426285296' post='2716703'] Get a Dingwall if you want fanned frets, they may not have done it first but they have certainly done it best. The combustion models are ridiculously affordable, more expensive than the Ibanez but the extra would be worth it for me. [/quote] +1 I just happen to have one for sale at a very keen price in the for sale section
  16. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1426808503' post='2722349'] Those basses (and that one specifically as I had it), have a very even tone across the whole range, and all the way down the neck. [/quote] +1. It's a great bass & a great price if I say so myself.
  17. The last owner told me the original pickups on all these basses were very week on the B string. dingwall brought out an improved pickup which gives an even balance across all 5 strings,this bass has these pickups,I can confirm an even output on all strings.
  18. [quote name='Black Coffee' timestamp='1426717441' post='2721318'] Oh man this is so cheap for a ton of bass . . . . . [/quote] thank you It is indeed a lot of bass for the money
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