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Everything posted by mep

  1. Hi and welcome. Great intro. Enjoy Basschat.
  2. We had a couple of gigs recently during restrictions that went well. Our next gigs are later in August. Despite the lifting of restrictions I'm concerned about future pub gigs. Loads of people mixing in a crowded poorly ventilated space shouting and singing whilst infection rates soar. Let's see how it pans out over the coming weeks.
  3. Tried out my AH200 lockdown purchase tonight along with my borrowed Marcus Miller Jazz. Bit let down by the really old strings but it did the business and sounded fine out front. I would need to try it with Stingray to see how it compares to my RM500EVOII.
  4. Yeah it was never a fender, only had their tuners. The only brand name evident so bit rich calling it a fender. Looks a bit of a dog.
  5. If drinks are really that expensive I'm sure you could get some free snowballs.
  6. Nice one. I have had the same experience with the glue and now use gaffe tape. Great sounding cab though.
  7. My main rig is an Ashdown RM500 and BF Two10. I hsve bought a TE AH200 during lockdown and am keen to try it out.
  8. Good luck finding a replacement. Some great songs by REM. I fancied getting into a tribute band many years ago but it never came about. Really enjoyed playing their songs and Mike Mills bass lines.
  9. Love a bit if ACDC too as our band covers more of their songs than any other band. Ozzy too as I really enjoy playing Crazy Train. Sterophonics featured many years ago when I tributes them but none are in my current bands set now.
  10. Greetings from another neighbour. Good move to the bass. Welcome to the forum.
  11. Had one singer who came in on a random place during a 12 bar blues song live at a gig. Needless to say we had to restart the song!
  12. Had our first gig on Saturday at our favourite regular pub. A quieter than usual affair with restrictions in place. Good to get out and play again. We did pretty well considering. We have a booking in another regular, but much smaller, pub in early July which is still going ahead. We don't know how it's going to be managed as there is very little room around the 'stage' area. Bands will now be paid by the money from passing a hat around. The landlord has apparently been up country and this is how it's now done. Easy win for him and a gamble for us. We have cancelled our July gig and are not sure about the rest.
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