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Status Updates posted by BassAgent

  1. Just put some Labella flats on my newly acquired 73 Mustang. Gosh darn it what a brilliant little bass.

  2. I did podcasts with Robin Mullarkey (Jacob Collier) and Dave Swift (Jools Holland). Check 'em out if you like :)


  3. Someone filmed the whole set of my UB40 tribute gig last Thursday. Pretty satisfied with the result.


    1. Desbass


      Saw this and thought I'd have a quick look to see how it sounded as UB40 were one of my favourite bands when I was younger. That quick look ended after one and a half hours! Well done guys (and the lady who did the Chrissie Hynde numbers). Great playing and fantastic show all together.

  4. Over the next few weeks in my podcast: Robin Mullarkey and Dave Swift. Both great guys and great players. Can't wait to publish those episodes.

    1. Dood


      Where can we access your PodCast BassAgent?

    2. BassAgent


      Through your favourite podcast app, look for Basgasten. 


      Here it is on Spotify:


    3. Dood


      Following! Looking forward to listening when I get a mo'!


       If you fancy giving my YT channel / Instagram / FB a follow i'm @DanVeallBassist





  5. Last minute addition to my bassists' podcast: Robin Mullarkey! Very excited to meet him tonight and have a chat.

  6. Had a great conversation with the amazing Gail Ann Dorsey. Listen on Spotify:


  7. Gail Ann Dorsey is one of the nicest people I've ever talked to. She even showed me Marilyn. What an incredible honour to have her on my podcast.

  8. Just got a "yes" on a big, big guest on my bass podcast. Chuffed to bits. Can't wait to speak to this amazing bassist.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BassAgent


      Yeah thanks for getting back to me so quickly! Really appreciated.

    3. Owen


      Link me to this podcast you speak of....


    4. BassAgent


      @Owen Here it is: 

      There are about 10 or 15 episodes in English. 

  9. This month marks my 25th anniversary as a bass player. That's a long time.

    1. shug


      Congrats on your silver anniversary.


      I once told a friend I'd been playing for 40 years. He replied,'' Is that 40 years or 1 year 40 times?''. 


      Clever bastard...


      Best Regards



      51 years and counting



    2. Rich


      Well done! :) here's to many more.


      Rich (42 years in)

    3. HazBeen


      Congrats!….. 36 years in

  10. Got a call for a UB40 tribute set in November. Did the same gig a few years back, very happy to be called again. Now to decide which bass to bring...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lozz196


      Nice one, well done

    3. Reggaebass


      Where about will you be playing 

    4. BassAgent


      Couple of gigs in The Netherlands :)

  11. So now there are two basses in transit that concern me. My old Custom Shop is on its way to Slovenia, and the 5-string Lakland USA JO that I bought was just posted from Krakow, Poland. I think my heart rate will not go under 150 for the next couple of days.

  12. Just shipped my old Custom Shop Jazz to Slovenia. I've packed it well but it's still so scary. I hope it arrives well.

    1. TheGreek


      Yep...can relate to that. I've sent basses both home and abroad and it is scary but we put our trust in the courier and hope for the best. 


      Hope it all goes well.

    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      Fully understand - I hate sending basses through the post too. Hope that it has arrived safely.

  13. In Bath tomorrow and Bristol on Wednesday, with about an hour and a half to kill in both cities. Stuff I should check out? Shops, anyone up for coffee...?

    1. Marc S

      Marc S

      Bath is a lovely place. Vintage n' rare guitars shop - if you want to look at old instruments you can't afford lol.
      Nice little cafe on Pultney bridge (you have to at least go & look at the bridge when in Bath - it's the law ha ha).
      So many nice buildings & pretty places. The Roman baths are quite expensive to visit these days, but worth a visit, especially if you're not often in the area.

      Re Bristol, I like the whole area around St. Nicholas's market. Some great street food in the market. Some cracking pubs in the city. I like the Strawberry Thief close to the market. Really nice Belgian beers - but it's not cheap. Or there's a cracking micro brewery near Temple Meads railway station, situated underneath a railway viaduct. 
      "Little Martha's Brewery" 

    2. prowla


      I went to check out the SS Great Britain after the Bristol Guitar show last year, but the parking was ridiculously expensive so I didn't stay.

  14. This 1973 Jazz restoration is turning into a bit of a headache.

  15. The new EP by Aafke Romeijn is here! Super proud of these songs. And also: super proud that my slap bass feature is on the title track.


  16. Dang it. Because of my "which bass do you want but shouldn't" topic I posted a wanted ad for a Sterling Ray24 or 34. Stupid GAS.

    1. Marc S

      Marc S

      Quick, delete it while no one's looking ;) 

  17. I have a gig tomorrow. One of the songs we're playing is I Can't Make You Love Me. Question is: do I bring a fretless just for that 1 song (out of over 20)?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. pete.young


      I would. That's a beautiful song, now I have band envy!

    3. Rich


      So, did you?

    4. BassAgent


      Of course, but I did figure out a way to add fretless on 3 other songs. 

  18. Wish me luck on a possible bass acquisition next Tuesday. Can't wait.

    1. prowla


      Good luck with your possible bass acquisition on Tuesday.

    2. BassAgent


      Thank you for wishing me luck with my possible bass acquisition today.

  19. So someone stole two pairs of my favourite Nike Air Max today. Such a dumb theft, but so annoying. Give me back my shoes.

    1. dodge_bass


      Sorry - that really sucks. 

    2. Phill


      Thats just pure stinky poo :(

  20. Well, thanks UPS. They shipped my new bass from Tamworth to Amsterdam (where I live). And then to Stanford. And then to Amsterdam. And then to Stanford. And now it's on its way to Amsterdam for the third time in two days. Great.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. prowla


      Maybe it'll come with a tour T-shirt!

    3. Bunion


      Multiple trips from Amsterdam to Stanford in a week that’s just screaming to be impounded 😄

    4. prowla


      There is some free space in a guitar box into which some herbal remedies could be fitted for transportation...

  21. Just got word that UPS is picking up my new bass at Andy Baxter's today. Can't wait.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lownote


      Oh for sure, UPS are better than are Evri.  Just adding a little yin to the OPs yang. 

    3. Lozz196


      What bass are you getting @BassAgent?

    4. BassAgent


      Well, apparently it's actually being delivered tomorrow or Friday!

  22. So it's going to take a while because I've agreed with Andy Baxter to wait with shipping until after New Year's (to prevent pointless storage in transit) but this absolutely gorgeous 44-60 with Fralin pickups is coming my way. Can't wait.

    1. TheGreek


      Lovely....wouldn't be able to wait personally

    2. lowregisterhead


      That's a beauty - love the stacked knobs.

    3. BassAgent


      @TheGreek Yeah me neither but on the other hand: no shortage of basses here

  23. Was scammed yesterday; I've been looking for a Danelectro 59 single cut for a while now. Got a message from someone who sold one, living 2 hours away, for a decent price. So I got in my car, drove for over 2 hours (darn traffic) and the person nor the bass existed. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NikNik


      That's seemingly common in the USA. Usually with poor pizza delivery guys. They get their float and bike nicked. Seen it happed with Craigslist deals.

    3. BassAgent


      Well it's a common trick to make sure people are not at home so they can burgle the house, but they didn't know my address and my apartment building is a fortress... Plus it was 300 euros, and the address I was sent to wasn't exactly in the middle of nowhere either. 

    4. petecarlton


      Very strange.  At least you'll know next time.  Thank goodness none of the other scenarios took place.

  24. I already have five Jazz Basses and have serious GAS for a sixth one. What's wrong with me? Please send help.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. gjones


      I've lost count of how many Jazzes I've got. 


      As long as they're not all identical .......because frankly THAT would be weird 😂

    3. Lozz196


      I think the real issue here is not acknowledging that once you have the six that a seventh will be in order.

    4. BassAgent


      Oh definitely @Lozz196, N+1 is always the perfect rule.

  25. Sold my Music Man Sterling today. Missing that amazing neck already.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      Ah, we've all regretted selling some bass or other.
      My most recent regret was my Squier CV Precision. But I must behave! apparently.... ;) 

    3. LewisK1975


      Ah seller's remorse - Every time I've sold a Yamaha Attitude Bass (I've had 4 of them, definitely should not have sold the last one)

    4. BassAgent


      @Marc SI haven't regretted selling it. Yet. But nothing is forever😁

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