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Everything posted by woodyratm

  1. [quote name='Bo0tsy' timestamp='1384879117' post='2281793'] Thanks guys, I've already read a few horror stories about buying direct. Guess I'll keep looking for a second-hand one. [/quote] They appear every so often on Prymaxe - they were pretty decent to buy from
  2. me too. Ideally a peaked beanie, or at least something to actually cover my lugs (i've a massive head)
  3. [quote name='Bo0tsy' timestamp='1384870679' post='2281644'] Hi - as usual I'm probably too late to the party. Did the Xerograph definitely sell? I'm really interested in getting one of these. [/quote]Sorry bud - sold! Good filter, I'd suggest buying second hand if you can. Buying direct can lead to tons of issues.
  4. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1384705760' post='2279697'] Exactly! It's a difficult thing to try to explain to someone, "sing from your guts" etc but once you get the hang of it it almost becomes second nature and doesn't even make a mark on ones throat/vocal chords at all. I do tend to get a slight sore throat after doing it for a while but that's just down to all the air I'm inhaling and exhaling often pretty violently. Did you take any lessons or did you just start doing it one day? Truckstop [/quote] Just started one day, went really well untill one gig and got too into it, screamed from the throat and was in agony! One thing i've found which helps is to use your mouth - opening wide allows you to project more volume and power.
  5. I used to scream - found trying to scream from your throats the sure fire way of destroying your voice. I still struggle to hit notes now. Take it from the gut and roar!
  6. Tom was great to pitch ideas to. Kinda want a synthy fuzz...Tempting...
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  8. That looks amazing. Hows it sound?
  9. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1383126329' post='2260394'] That is not the correct behaviour though. The dot should take you to first unread post. The title should take you to the start of the thread. I don't see why we should have to contradict the established logic of the full site just to accommodate people's sausage fingers. I have this anomaly at present and I DON'T WANT IT. Dot - first unread message Thread title text - first message, beginning of thread. This is how the full site works, ergo it is how the mobile site should work. [/quote] I think it's more the dot should be [i]slightly[/i] larger. I have pretty skinny fingers and still end up on page one more often than not.
  10. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1383051749' post='2259501'] Hmm, I just tried clicking on the title in the mobile site, and it took me to the first post, NOT the first unread post as it does for you. (iPhone 4s, IOS 7.0.3, Safari) . If the tltle linked to the first unread post that would solve my biggest problem with the mobile site. [/quote] I get this too. I often miss the wee dot and end up on page 1.
  11. [quote name='alstocko' timestamp='1383050726' post='2259490'] I am only 20 years old, and despite my two and a half years driving experience, I believe that this is not an option for me [/quote] Try budget. I hired a car with a mate to go to UFC in Manchester and they insured me (24) - 600 quid excess though because I'm a young driver (who's been driving for years!).
  12. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1383043491' post='2259347'] Ah same spec as mine, I thought you went for something simpler. Internal master volume? [/quote] Pretty much. Gain for A, Gain for B Level for A, Level for B (a+b together - so further adjustment! ) Phase switches on both channels.
  13. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1382837922' post='2257150'] Same here, I have the first, that I know of atleast, line selector type pedal that Tom has sold? I maybe wrong though. [/quote] Yours made me want one hah.
  14. Defo speak to Tom @ COG. Alternatively; i'll have a ls2 for sale soon. Tom's building me a replacement.
  15. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1382712623' post='2255817'] Wow. If they can't even manage the return of your money, that's very poor! [/quote] Yep - I've no idea whats happened with them. Ordered stuff in the past, quick build times, fast shipping. Honest comms. But now.... um not so much! Not really sure what else I can do to get my money back now.... They were paid via paypal using credit card in Aug.
  16. [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1382696263' post='2255493'] Just get your money back and go your way ... ;-) [/quote] Still waiting to hear back about it. No word as yet.
  17. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1382708465' post='2255725'] Ha ha, me too. Though I might chuck in a third now and then just to impress [/quote] Showoff
  18. [quote name='Left Foot' timestamp='1382627437' post='2254646'] As far as I can tell, Akai don't have any other highly desirable 'leading' pedals or effects out, I just don't understand why they don't reintroduce this pedal to establish a leading product. They could still sell it for £400 and maintain their integrity. I wouldn't be buying one but it seems like a very profitable venture with a cultivated audience. [/quote] As much as I would love Akai to rerelease this (ideally lower than 400 quid!); all that would do would push the "MK1" up in price as people claim it sounded better
  19. I'll easily trade you a shuttle 6 for the streamliner Hah!
  20. Okay to update - I was told the units would have been shipped in a week on the 11th, I gave till today for that to happen. No updates, no shipping notice, nothing. I've asked for my money back since it doesn't appear as though I'll get them this millennium... As much I love the stuff they build; I can't recommend anyone to them now. Sorry [u][b]Iron Ether[/b][/u] - this wait for 3 pedals is appalling, lying about pedals being shipped when they're not is also utterly mental.
  21. This is what it will look like in the end! Replacement for my LS-2 with with controls for each channel, phase switches etc.
  22. [quote name='Oldman' timestamp='1382216664' post='2249504'] PM'd [/quote] Sold pending!
  23. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1382208500' post='2249375'] MB1. Great Tracking! Might be worth mentioning it also a Octaver too! [/quote] Good point - a very good one at that!
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