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Everything posted by lurksalot

  1. Hello , I am here good fun , that video must have taken some doing
  2. a great piece Paul , and I have to say, I am much with Dad on this , its not my cup of tea , but is emminently listenable . I thought though that there were couple of stops in the middle that spoilt the flow for me a touch , but I have a few gil scot herron items on my playlists and this would fit in with that poetry to music vibe , again much different to the shouty angry way the youth like to communicate in this genre
  3. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1389382307' post='2333752'] The population is not further charged, but it is the business owner who pays the MCPS and PRS fees. [/quote] Maybe not invoiced as such , but maybe it could be seen as another overhead to throw into the mix of business costs The individuals can have their own radios at their benches or earphones on at no extra cost to the business for the same motivation purposes.If you are looking for an example of 'Having ones cake and getting paid to eat it ' one could certainly start with this scenario
  4. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1389375146' post='2333592'] Dad3353, stead of wasting your time arguing unsuccessfully against the royalty system for songwriters, why don't you get out there and write some songs of your own? [/quote] Dad has responded to this in his own humble way , but may I point out that he wrote, performed and produced the joint winner of the BC composition competion in December . I understand the romance of the idea Dad puts forward as I have seen him explain it a few times now , and have sympathy with the thinking , but there are too many people with their noses in the troughs to stand a chance of change . Take for example Radio , does the radio not pay the royalties for a broadcast , then why should an employer pay again if 4 people have a radio on in a workshop ? pay the approppriate royalty to broadcast to the population, but dont then further charge the population to listen to it FFS .
  5. I guess if its an instrument input it probably needs to be in Mono , is it a mono 'out' from the desk that is aimed at it .
  6. If you put a bass/ guitar through the ux1 , does your DAW 'see' it and can it record it ?
  7. I have something on the boil now It is a touch, programmed shall we say , or sampled I guess , but I have actually played lots of the parts on it , but I may have to sing just to add a bit of 'me' into it* *That of course would be the last ditch effort when all attempts at blagging a proper singer have fallen by the way
  8. Ive lost a bit of the scale but does this help [attachment=151696:january 14.jpg]
  9. I have just come back from practice and ran it quite hard , did loads of eq messing , tried putting a hot signal into it but it behaved fine , quite odd . found some great tones in there while I was at it
  10. We were booked for a party last night at Alexanders in Chester , we unloaded early as they wanted us sound checked by 7.30 , but got a call from lead guitarist at 6.30 to say he couldn't get out as he was being constantly unwell we called the guy whose party it was as they had not arrived yet and told him the score , and he said not to worry as his cousin can play guitar and could probably play with us , apparantly he had 20 guests phone and cancel with similar sickness so with a phone home SWMBO brought in my acoustic guitar , the barstaff lent us another , and we pretty much busked an hours first set with the hosts cousin , We had re-sorted the set so that we had the rocky stuff that we could do shorthanded for the second set. the cousin learned that in the break So from an impending disaster it turned out alright in the end , most of the punters that weren't with the party didn't realise we were busking the set . we got full money but made sure our 'dep' got his share
  11. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1388863979' post='2327130'] Well, you're upside down... but it is very entertaining... [/quote] But of course, being an anarchist , I reckon its for him to decide which way will be the right way up
  12. I have to be honest I don't know the routing options either , however what you describe as your outcome could be done duplicating tracks and apply eq as necesary then combining the tracks by rendering them together and use as you wish , not very elegant , I am sure there is a way to get reaper to do it itself as there are band splitters in there , I guess I am not a guru
  13. I bought one second hand a while back and all has been fine until last night , subtle cutting outs and and db drops that I knew were happening, very irregularly but they were happening and really distracting . is this the sign of death for this amp ?
  14. I am not listening in just yet , I have my ideas planned, but not started recording yet , so i wont listen to others till I'm done , but B*****y H**l Dad , you are going to be sitting around really twiddling those fingers for a whole month again waiting for the next one
  15. It sounds like one of those rooms that you can just write off to experience , we have played village halls and the the sound just bounces around them making it enarly impossible to get clarity with any volume , especially on a boomy stage to boot . you will also find small function rooms that look tiny , and with only 80 people in, suck the sound out so much you cant turn it up enough !
  16. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1388658902' post='2324388'] PS : my tip for this month would be to not get bogged down in a literal interpretation of each image. The images are meant to be a starting point for your music - the aim is never really to capture them precisely (like a soundtrack), but to produce something inspired by them. For example: from Smokey & The Bandit it could be a country theme, 'driving music', perhaps a sense of action/chase. From the Escher picture it could be something technical (even techno!), repetitious, or ascending/descending as already hinted by Douglas. And much more besides. You get the idea... [/quote] I guess you have already heard mine then , a repetitious country driving song , It takes the surprise element away though
  17. Both great photos but took a bit of tying together, but I think I have an idea for this one now, it could get messy
  18. Fantastic job gents , it was a superb competition and really exciting to the end
  19. Aha , it all becomes clear now many thanks , I guess its just the same with a bigger number . But I got to find out what VST means
  20. Say thank you for your interest and find something to adjust/put away / re-tune/wipe down, anything to make your excuses and get away from guy ,
  21. I am just about to download the Mixing files , I will try to play with these things in the process this month , I recall downloading lots of bits of kit that Si recomended , but I am not sure that my brain works in the right way to appreciate what needs to be appreciated to get the benefit from them.
  22. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1388319427' post='2320654'] [/quote][quote name='OldG' timestamp='1388321158' post='2320679'] [/quote] My Mixing/ listening skills are just not up to picking a lot of this sort of thing out , and the amount of differing kit and the subtleties they all offer appears mindboggling ( ) , let alone finding out that all the efforts I have been trying with till now is only the first half of the job , And I dont even do that very well yet .
  23. [quote name='OldG' timestamp='1388317898' post='2320638'] The Reaper plugs are designed for clean,artifact free work - for initial mixing,correction etc... if you add the EQ I mentioned above (after ReaEQ has sorted out all the unwanted stuff) you can add sparkle,grit,warmth,fairy dust and all sorts of sonic loveliness.... same goes for compressors ,limiters etc. 'clean' and 'character' plugs have their own place in a mix imho. [/quote]
  24. I have been doing a bit of looking myself though I am not sure what benefit all the differences with a lot of the kit is . I have reaper and in amongst all the boutique looking free stuff I keep seeing reco's for the Cockos stuff I already have however if virtual free GAS is your thing, and some of the kit looks very nice have a look at this [url="http://www.meldaproduction.com/plugins/product.php?id=MFreeEffectsBundle"]http://www.meldaproduction.com/plugins/product.php?id=MFreeEffectsBundle[/url] it is a while since I went through the thread and if I missed a link to this may I apologise most humbly
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