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Everything posted by lurksalot

  1. and that my friend is my dilemna , unless anyone knows of a virtual fat lady VST
  2. My idea is a touch ambitious , and I have only just realised it is the shortest calendar month , so I may have to do a total rethink , but not till I really have to , its not over till .........
  3. Do they tell the part where Francis used to bring his Roller to Vicars Cross to see aunty Brenda . A lovely lady , who has been to see my band when we played my mate Petes 50th, so we played some quo in her honor . That must need a chapter all on its own
  4. I daresn't turn my screen back on in the AM as I fear you will have turned in one of your specials , thats if Bilbo doesnt beat you to it
  5. I recall seeing a documentary about some of the great Detroit buildings falling to rack and ruin , and if I was not mistaken this building was one of them , stripped bare and looted of plumbing, wiring, timber ,wall and floor tiles, carpet etc a scary thought of the opulence of the industrial corperate power houses of the west , literally being brought back to nature , what a tale to tell .....but what style to tell it in ? and what language ? .................oooh I have an idea .
  6. On behalf of the entrants in this challenge , I would like to offer our thanks to all who took the time and effort to listen , comment , and even vote . I think it fair to say that we all enjoy entering this challenge to develop our skills and offer something up for the enjoyment of the membership and to see so many dibbing in is awesome , cheers . oh and the lesbians are also most welcome to the show
  7. Brilliant Paul , you are an inspiration in these challenges , well done again. Thanks Douglas , I really love your appreciation ( and the other voters of course) but yes technically, I am a bit behind the rest of you so a bit of left field thinking can help bridge the musicality gap , plenty of room for that way of thinking I know we see some comments about the voting numbers , but 75 is a SUPERB turnout , it really is appreciatted , many thanks for taking the time and making the effort .
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1391185727' post='2354358'] It's tricky, isn't it? Best team of lesbian composers on the forum if you ask me. [/quote] [quote name='lee4' timestamp='1391201764' post='2354633'] In the interests of equality,I think there should be at least 2 lebians on this forum. [/quote] OK , I'll come out , I'm a lesbian, and to keep the numbers right , so is my wife
  9. Down to a.......... T ........... is that T for ............TAXI
  10. [quote name='SteveO' timestamp='1391151942' post='2353765'] What with work and gigs I didn't have time to finish my entry, I may post it for comments after the voting has closed though. My vote this month goes to Skol for the catchy (and vary well produced) tune, although Lurksalot nearly got it for the "stolen my cigar" line. Brilliant. [/quote] Cheers Steve , I'm glad I can raise a smile or two while learning how to do this stuff. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1391171713' post='2354041'] I voted for the first time. For some reason I have always felt that because I don't actually join in I have no right to vote. Not because of anything said about it, just my head taking its self to the stupid step. I do wish I could join in. I do keep fiddling about with recording stuff, finally got my head around doing the drums, but every time I try my mind just goes completely blank. I'm getting there, very, very, veeerrrryyyy slowly. Oddly, if there were prizes involved I definitely wouldn't enter. But, again. that's just me. I am quite happy to build someone a website, or give someone's kid a bass or guitar lesson, but as soon as I am offered money for it I go cold and can't do it. Oh, and I think a time limit on the songs would help. I think two and a half minutes would be ideal. [/quote] that happens SOOO many times with me , but what I have learned to say is WTF , and get on with it , doing this to order can be very frustrating but there is no point pretending that what I record will change the world .........though one day . I remember Bilbo saying early last year to me that the egg timer was my friend , I had no idea what he meant at the time , but now I realise people dont need to listen to anthems, just a short tuneful ditty , so I try
  11. Is it not fairly straight forward to identify these basses ?
  12. Bizzarrely ,I seem to recall that he gave one of his releases away with the mail on sunday or some such publication , and in the process helped drum up the interest in his O2 gigs , knowing the way things work this could be purely a stroke to get something in the media with his name on it .
  13. [quote name='AL-the-Bassman' timestamp='1390915019' post='2351164'] but it would be great to see 10 to 30 entries each month .. [/quote] That would be incredible ,however , I think there could be a bit of an issue trying to get the membership up for listening to 30 tracks before casting a vote , It would probably be a struggle for me to be honest
  14. Dad appears to be on it with the drums , though I have a midi drum machine that I can record as audio , I use [url="http://www.sonomawireworks.com/drumcore/downloads/"]drumcore free[/url] for my laptop which runs Reaper 32bit but on my PC I use EZdrummer for reaper 64bit which I paid £18 for. both are relatively easy to use after a bit of faffing but once you get the hang of one of them they work in a similar way . you can pick a loop and drag and drop it into place .
  15. Drums are available as virtual instruments , midi or even drum machines , as are most instruments to be honest , it took me a fair bit of hair pulling to learn the recording process but all of a sudden bits sink in fine and it seems to make sense . I mostly put my instruments through a simple audio interface straight into the computer and overdub them.
  16. Great stuff again gents , top fun listening through , I have cast my vote but it could Have gone to any of them to be honest , I am humbled to have 2 votes as well , many thanks to those and congratulations to all the participants [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1390776568' post='2349486'] I've just listened and submitted my vote...well done to you all! I've been thinking of giving the compositions a go but the level has been set so high [/quote] Dive in the waters lovely , you will get superb support and help if you need it , I am pretty much a noob to writing, recording and producing , and while it undoubtedly shows , the pace at which you learn is fantastic and it is soooo much fun putting them together .
  17. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1389111321' post='2330140'] just seen this thread - do I have time to do one? [/quote] I guess so , I have finished mine now and would be going around in circles if I tried to do anything else to be honest , I learned a few new tricks in the process which hopefully is good , well it is if the thing sounds better because of it !! I have uploaded to soundcloud as private , but on the settings allowed Skol access by using his Email address , this means he can download it to put it on the competition account , Good luck all
  18. My standard solution to these things is to undo , undo , undo until I find the prompt that tells me what I did ....... (..... undo invert time/space continuum ) etc Again not very elegant, but maybe you might find the bit where you shifted the time space continuum , ooh and just check for satanic proclamations while you do it , apparrently its rife don't you know
  19. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1389634819' post='2336380'] I'm opting for the latter, mathcore with a banjo break, god help me..... [/quote] A banjo break , who'd have thought
  20. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1389606931' post='2335936'] [size=4] ...That's what I like to hear....A bit of fun...!![/size] [/quote] I'm glad you enjoyed it Garry
  21. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1389563160' post='2335622'] Comments left; shan't repeat them here, too busy laughing..! [/quote] Thanks for the comments Douglas, glad you enjoyed it
  22. Mines done , I suppose it is a bit of a cheat as I didn't do a lot of playing on this one , but it was great fun putting together , you will have to struggle through my vocal though [url="https://soundcloud.com/lurksalot/toke-on-my-stogie"]https://soundcloud.com/lurksalot/toke-on-my-stogie[/url]
  23. the mix seems good to me , the sound must be awkward to capture but the room ambience is quite strong , I suppose you are stuck with that , unless anyone who knows stuff can comment
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