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Everything posted by lurksalot

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  2. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1388231560' post='2319691'] Close call, huh..? Who'd 'ave thought it..? [/quote] Well, when there are T-shirts up for grabs it looks like you get focused
  3. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1388179360' post='2319283'] Loved all the entries but Lurksalot just got it, I did love Leonard Smalls entry too. Made me think 'techno punk' Well done to all [/quote] Woohoo indeed , many thanks for that ,
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1388186566' post='2319371'] I see what you did there. You'll just have to be Kev instead. [/quote] So will I
  5. I thought I would reciprocate with my bottle of Penderyn
  6. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1388070662' post='2318271'] I'll have a go at 'bumping' the vote thread, to see if it's merely a question of visibility. Every hour or so, if it's down the page, I'll give a nudge back up to the top, hiding any previous bump so as not to have a whole string of 'em. We'll see if that brings it naturally to folks attention. [/quote] interesting plan Dad , good idea I nearly didnt recognise you with your new shirt on
  7. [quote name='SteveO' timestamp='1388012183' post='2317920'] Some very cool submissions guys. One of the tracks captured the mood of the picture perfectly for me, so that gets my vote Am I right in assuming that we refrain from discussing the tracks in detail until after voting is closed? [/quote] Welcome to these threads Steve ,there is no real etiquette for the process but I would agree with your assumption in general , I think it fair to allow the entries themselves to 'speak' to the voters , and then discuss them at your leisure after the event . That said, I do sometimes post comments on the soundcloud pages of the entries , nothing insightful you understand just comments
  8. I have voted , you lot are a tough act to compete with , I think I step up a notch on my skills and ..........WHAM..... everyone else steps up 2 notches . superb stuff, absolutely superb.
  9. I got a Mic shield and a peavey ampkit for the phone , both doody bits of kit
  10. best wishes all, hope you have a good christmas and hears to great new year , if you wish you may take a tipple from my secret santa present , cheers [url="http://s86.photobucket.com/user/anti-barbie_2006/media/lurksalot_zps69b82e83.jpg.html"][/url]
  11. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1387562032' post='2313450'] The boys have been busy - better but probably still not completely finished: [url="https://soundcloud.com/dredd-and-the-badass-weed/bedtime-latest-mix"]Dredd & The Badass Weeds latest[/url] [/quote] thats great fun bud , I like it lots , it brewing up to be another quality field again this month
  12. [size=6]RESULT [/size] [size=4]Great news , I have sussed it .[/size] [size=4]Stupidly, I misunderstood the terminology of the USB cable , the midi plugs were labelled in and out , so I plugged the midi 'in to in' and 'out to out' [/size] [size=4]I now realise that the cable 'in' refers to in to the computer so has to go into the out on the keyboard [/size] [size=4]Many thanks for all your help guys but you will probably get more stupid questions thrown your way as t[/size][size=4]hat is the level of my (in)competence, but no holds barred any more , I have a midi controller [/size]
  13. I still havent got the midi data to come from teh keyboard although reaper can see the usb hook up to it , I will have another dig around when the daughter has finished tinkering with some carols
  14. You could certainly try it , if it shows up in the same list as we were discussing then you should be able to specify it as an input .
  15. I dont know which matters to be honest , on mine I think I can use direct sound , waveout and asio4all , but as long as the inputs are pointed at the sound card , ie realteck audio input , or primary sound capture I think worked aswell , it use the mic in line IIRC . HTH
  16. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1387206889' post='2309325'] Our band just happened to have a rare get together last weekend, and wrote a song wot would be perfect for this, as it's called "Bedtime". I've laid down the bassline over a sequence and Dropboxed it to the guitarist (who lives in France), who'll add his bit, then he'll send it to drummer, singer and other guitarist (who live in Sheffield, Peak District and Manchester respectively) who'll stick their bits on and mix it. Hopefully we'll get it in in time! [/quote] Taking the easy way then Ian , I hope you make it in time , I'm looking forward to it already
  17. OPtions , preferences and choose audio / device , you should then get to choose the input/output devices you wish to use , click OK at the bottom of the pop up and way to go
  18. I have already uploaded my december entry things have taken a bit of a downer as I cant get a midi signal out of the keyboard now , that is a new challenge altogether , but at least I know where to send it when I get one I have found a program to test the signal as it tries to send and recieve data , the real bummer is that I have only just noticed that the cable I have used has little LEDs which show when data is going through the cable .... or not , It all adds to the learning curve I guess , updates will follow if there are any , but may go along the lines of .....bought a midi controller
  19. Boys , you are the works , top patience and spot on advice , we have the keyboard recognised and configured by reaper , all I have to do now is work out what to do with the thing , but , and a big but , is that reaper can see the keys so that is a massive leap forward in my world . many thanks again .
  20. I think It fell apart at that point last time I tried messing with midi , I dont think that reaper/computer/soundcard or whatever , recognised the keyboard, I then probably spat my dummy out and gave up on midi Now I feel it could be an important addition to my recording arsenal I will try it again, don't hold your breath, and watch out for flying teddies around the edges of my pram
  21. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1387119594' post='2308340'] You could just be a bloke and press them all til you find what you want. [/quote] I thought I had pressed as much as I dared , I think its time to man up and press them all now then
  22. you probably have more idea than me how to use the kit youve got , though once upon a time I could throw an arrow or three
  23. [quote name='OldG' timestamp='1387107711' post='2308202'] Lots of controllers use USB these days, which bypasses the need to have midi in built into your interface... IIRC your 2i2 has no midi in - so a Nanokey/pad is very likely the easiest and hassle free way in. If you do want to use you existing keyboard using it's midi out, I would consider an interface upgrade ( or a separate midi interface) rather than trying to use a generic midi/usb workaround device.... [/quote] [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1387111045' post='2308233'] Back to my earlier post which said check that MIDI channels are matching on the keyboard and the computer. There are 16 MIDI channels. If your keyboard is set to channel 1 and computer is receiving on channel 3 you will get no sound. [/quote] Do I need a midi interface at all then ? should a midi - USB cable give me instant connectivity ? in which case how do I find and select channels for the midi to get the communication. I would assume the keyboard will be wacking out midi information when you hit it, and I guess it is for me to find a channel its on . but having done that how do I tell my computer how to find the channel , or does the DAW channel numbers cope with that , or are they internal channels rather than external ? thanks for the patience in this by the way
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