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Everything posted by lurksalot

  1. Fantastic entries this month , really got me tapping along , some real smiling tunes and plenty of technical excellence. great stuff ,superb .
  2. Welcome Rich As long as we can link to it and hear it, any format will do , even 'you tube' performances have their place here . just put a link in the thread and Skol will pick it up and put it in the vote.
  3. good luck with this , your sound is superb . great songs too
  4. OK , I have run out of opportunity to get a vocal on the piece so I have put a trumpet for a melody and a couple of harmonies , [url="http://soundcloud.com/lurksalot/colour-me-tranquil"]Colour me tranquil [/url] I hope you enjoy
  5. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1382392058' post='2251728'] Keep an eye on the thread. I'm sure it will be near Hull at some stage. When it is, just make as much fuss as you can [/quote] why make a fuss , just PM the the BCer who has it when it is near enough to pick up , same goes with everyone
  6. [quote name='Aqntbghd' timestamp='1381176268' post='2235517'] I'm interested for cambridgeshire, and i can go and pick it up in london as i work there quite often. [/quote] PM Bluejay and arrange a pickup [quote name='aende' timestamp='1381231392' post='2236042'] I am in West London too - have a gig at the beginning of November, also happy to collect from Bluejay or meet after aqntbghd has used it. [/quote] PM Bluejay and arrange a pickup [quote name='Jonnyboy Rotten' timestamp='1381322640' post='2237527'] I am based in Buckinghamshire (Chesham/Amersham area) and I am interested to play. I don't play in a band but I do play in the Worship group at church so we might be able to get some donations from the congregation? So the deal is that I make a donation, meet the previous 'guardian' and collect the guitar, let people at church know what is going on so they can make donations, play it, take a photo of me playing it and then pass the bass to the next person? Let me know.... [/quote] PM Bluejay and arrange a pickup The trick is that no-one is here to organise the relay for you , if you want it, arrange to pick it up, use it and pass it on , add the collection to the just giving page and thats it . so whoever is first up gets it
  7. [quote name='Stephen Houghton' timestamp='1382045606' post='2247334'] Hi all, Tried to do a laid back Reggae style thing and it just sort of imploded and I took loads of time messing with it, I have binned it (note to self don't attempt reggae style keys again until I can actually play a keyboard, it ended up sounding a bit like the magic roundabout theme on acid). Will have another pop if I have time but I really am struggling at the moment, seem to have writers block. [/quote] I like the idea of a laid back reggae vibe , it can be really loose , that would suit my playing , recording and mixing talents , ah well its nearly done now
  8. I am ahead now then , I am pretty much ready for the vocal , I just need to find a vocalist , I am going lay an instrument down as the vocal melody then at least I can run with that if I have to
  9. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1381928581' post='2245590'] How about a separate forum in the Performance Section called [b]Basschat Members' Bands [/b]or summat. No need to even pin them. Just a list of BC members' bands, created and controlled by the members themselves, they can sling everything in there. [/quote] This does seem a common sensical idea , I quite like it TBH [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1381920928' post='2245387'] Many thanks for the quick response. I'd like to understand what other folk are talking about. So a simple glossary would be good. WRT the starting to record, I've probably met my requirements. Others may like to know a good low cost way to get started to write the kind of music in the monthly composition compo. Others may want to get to where I am, but using another route other than a Zoom. [/quote] and [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1381929075' post='2245598'] Same from me.... I'd like to be able to contribute to this as well. I'm limited on the time (and currently money) to get my self in a position to be able to record. I must admit the time factor is my biggest concern. Let's say I had an hour to do something bass related - I would much rather be playing or practicing or learning. I am reluictant to open the door to, what I see as a slippery slope, of faffing with the computer and settings on this, that and t'other. A simple, user friendly guide and setup and colour me interested. [/quote] I am a very latecomer to home recording and if I can help I will , it is odd that it seems soooooo much hassle getting your first steps on the rung , everything just seems strange and you miss some obvious bits because there is too much to play with . I still get that so I can still see the recording noob in me !! [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/information/Glossary.php"]this helps me a lot[/url] , thanks to Si who pointed me to it ....
  10. I have dug my old lappy out and fired it up , I am trying to edit the drum track on the lappy while playing along with the bits I have done on the PC , when it is about right I will save it as a wav and import it onto PC , then mix it . OH the woe, I am miles behind now and the daughter goes away for half term so I think my lyric will have to be replaced by a musical melody line . Hey Ho . Thanks for the help , there is always a workaround ,it is just a timescale and hassle factor that I wasn't expecting
  11. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1381762449' post='2243290'] Spare bedroom, living room, main bedroom, hallway, bathroom, kitchen.... yeah I live alone [/quote] And aiming to keep it that way by the sound of it
  12. Again many thanks , but I dont really know what any of that means does it mean that drumcore is the issue then ? but it seems odd if all the other 32 bit ones work ?
  13. the bridge didnt work , though it seems to be a settings thing , it is asking me to be signed in as admin , but I already am , I cant suss it at all, it will be a case of getting the lappy out , oh , i am sooo far behind now
  14. lurksalot

    BC on phone

    I am having a tormented time trying to my new PC up with the same software as my lappy , but everything gets better and improves so much the software versions arent compatable and wont talk to each other any more , progress
  15. cheers gents that jbridge looks to be the thing , I will have a play when I get a chance , its time to learn 4 new songs for rehearsal tonight
  16. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1381605431' post='2241398'] Yes, I'd agree with all of that. I understand that wood can be denser towards the centre (and bottom) of the tree, but I'm talking about something different. I'm talking about latewood and earlywood. A quarter sawn board has a higher concentration of dense latewood compared to a tangentially sawn board, regardless of where on the tree it was cut. [/quote] Ok , the late wood / early wood issue is largely irrelavent in this context as the difference in the wood is in essence the definition of the grain . this happens every year in the cycle of the tree and you can tell the good growing years by the width of the ring of growth , the ' late and early' purely define the parts of the year that the growth occured . most trees of the same age in the same climate will show similar patterns in the grain to each other . yes the late wood is denser , but by definition you cant cut a stable quarter sawn board to incorperate more latewood , a quarter sawn board will radially cut a tree and the growing cycle of the tree will determine how much early and latewood is in the board . If a board is quarter sawn, it will shrink along the lines of the grain, effectively compressing the grain but staying flat . this is the quality that is sought after , and because of the way you have to cut it, it is is more wasteful and time consuming than just slicing a tree along its length. as soon as you cut up up sliced tree and start glueing it together again, opposing the grain each time, you will get some very strong and stable constructions without worrying tooooo much about which way the wood was cut.
  17. lurksalot

    BC on phone

    The cake might not be ready yet as I am a couple of months too soon , but while the ingredients are being mixed...... would it be possible to have the ability to navigate at the bottom of the mobile page as I have to scroll all the way back to the top when I need to go back to the forum , or am I doing it wrong
  18. Sorry to have troubled Y'all but drumcore /reaper do not support each other in their latest formats , well you live and learn I guess ,
  19. OK , I think the issue is a 'bit' thing , my new PC is a 64 No and drumcore is a 32 so drag and drop wont work , 3 hrs to suss that when I should be making sweet music
  20. If it helps , the drumcore on my new machine says 'bridged ' and doesn't pin itself inside the FX popup if that makes sense , is that a clue , i wonder ?
  21. My lad does a few videos with his canon DSLR and thats one of the reasons he got it , they are quite incredible quality when you suss out some of the tricks . personally though I am not a fan of music videos in the main I find them a bit distracting from the song , but thats because i am pre MTV I guess . but the song is great and if you are pleased with it thats what counts , good luck with it .
  22. recordists of the great BC whats left of my hair is being pulled out slowly and painfully tonight .. I have had a couple of issues trying to load up my new PC with the plug ins I have on my lappy , each time I hit an obstacle that seems to put hours on my work flow and now I have hit another . I have downloaded drumcore , no sweat (eventually) I have got reaper to access it no sweat ( eventually) drumcore will play the samples in its own window , but , when I try to drag and drop the samples it just wont happen and I know it should , I am reaaaaaaaaally hacked off now . If anyone knows what the issue could be could they kindly pop a note up , many thanks
  23. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1381601443' post='2241307'] Wood has alternating layers of dark, thin wood (latewood), and paler, wide wood (earlywood). The latewood is much more dense than the earlywood. Quartersawn timber, being cut radially, has lots of straight layers packed pretty close together. A similar width of tangentally sawn timber will pass through far fewer layers, and they appear to be much wavier and more spaced apart. So it's simply the fact that quarter sawn has a higher concentration of the dense stuff in it. TBH, I don't know how significant it would be in terms of tone. [/quote] The denser wood can be cut from the centre of a tree at any angle , the trick with quarter sawn is that it is cut radially through the centre , the main idea behind this is consistency of grain direction so that when it dries, the direction and shape of the timber is predictable . When making anything that needs excellent stability most woods are engineered into laminates and that gives a much greater degree of stability .
  24. Don't listen to them , I never do , probably for a similar reason , but also I would like to know that the inspiration comes from the picture and not from another entry. I end up having to learn an entirely new musical style than I am used to half the time , thats probably why mine are in the more supporting role rather than at the head of the field . the later entry date is worth a thought though .
  25. I have heard Miss Givens can be quite serious when she goes to church TAXI ..........
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