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Everything posted by bigjohn

  1. There's is one guitar I'd call she... But that's it. She's the exception...
  2. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1359314716' post='1952990'] When we had a King ships were also called she. [/quote] Yeah ships are historically she. As is the sea. She's a cruel mistress etc etc. Mostly frowned up nowadays as superstitious claptrap, but like most anthropomorphism and superstition, brought up when the sh*t hits the fan. Each to their own though like. The way I see it is, the more likely you are to call basses "she", the more likely you are end up drinking your own piss
  3. It won't be long before ships being called "she" will be the preserve of fictitious Pirates. I've a few sailors in my family. Never once have I heard any of them refer to ships as "she". They're all called "boats" or "the boat". Legal documents don't refer to ships as she any longer either ( so I'm [s]un[/s]reliably informed by the internet). Though I have copies of some registration papers for a river cruiser somewhere or other and don't recall any "she"s in it. The same river cruiser is never referred to as "she", but again as "the boat". As in, "we're gonna need a bigger boat".
  4. No female (or male) basses in my house. I have no problem becoming emotionally attached to sexless inanimate objects. It's what makes me a great lover.
  5. [quote name='tayste_2000' timestamp='1359129465' post='1950378'] Apogee just announced all their interfaces will be iOS compatible so thats the Jam, One, Duet and Quartet I have an Alesis IO Dock and will be selling it for a One or Duet depending on what I decide. Amp sim wise Jamup with the additional bass pack is the best, but Amplitube isn't bad just don't expect a lot of updates for bass. [/quote] Yeah, those new Apogees look just the ticket. If they work with PC I'll be all over the new "One" I think. I've been on the hunt for a decent headphone amp / dac for my desk PC for a while. Hopefully will do that job too.
  6. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDSaMc93nmo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDSaMc93nmo[/url]
  7. Like anything, some parts of playing drums is very easy, some of it hard. ie, walking up stairs is easy. Walking up stairs trying not to wake the house after 10 pints is hard...
  8. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  9. I use err indoors car to get too and from rehearsals. I work from home so rarely have use for one except for this. Which sometimes makes to gigs awkward. Especially if she wants to come and there's no room in her car... So I tend try to be diplomatic about it and cadge lifts where possible and if they're local enough, use taxis. On the other hand... on the odd occasion when I need a lift to rehearsal, the buggers make me get buses here there and everywhere before they pick me up, whilst when I give lifts I do door to door. Swine that they are.
  10. At tip with the screws - I find putting some PVA wood glue on them is a really good thing to do. It doesn't glue the screws in at all, but creates a harder than wood thread for the screw to sit in and be screwed out of. Every screw I put in wood I do this with. Makes them much easier to remove, more difficult to damage by over-tightening and less likely to come loose.
  11. I my Precision Special (bought 2nd hand, but as new) came with a Fender Gig bag, Allen keys, guarantee card, Fender price tag (with barcode/model number) and a Fender cleaning cloth. Then again, this bass cost £599 new in 2001. So you'd expect some candy. The P Bass Upgrade I bought similarly as new, just came with a Fender gig bag. My guess is that some MIMs come with candy, some don't. Some have their candy pilfered on way from factory to customer, some don't. So yeah, because of that people don't know what you're supposed to get, unlike with every US where you expect a hard case, strap, lead, manual, allen keys, truss rod adjuster etc. What do you get with a Japanese bass when new?
  12. All about horses for courses and how sober / professional one has to appear to be. However, I can't be convinced that either I am[i] that[/i] good that having a few pints makes me play noticeably worse, or I'm that bad that being totally sober allows me to play better. However, I will concede that everyone having a few pints makes unforeseen cock ups more likely, again, I'd be surprised if anyone notices and there are tonnes of other factors just a likely to cause such problems. I don't class having a few pints as being pi$$ed though. Not unless I've not eaten all day or had little sleep. In which case a few pints usually results in some kinda disaster - falling off stage, pulling amps over, forgetting to plug in etc etc. I understand certain gigs having a non-alcohol policy (I've played a few) and bands being the same (I've never been in one) but I'm of the opinion that this is more of a safeguard against people getting pi$$ed rather than having a few beers over a couple / a few hours.
  13. I've owned 4 Fenders in total. I still own three of them. There's nothing wrong with any of them at all. No gaps, no alignment problems, fit and finish all present and correct. Once set up to my taste, they've all been excellent. I bought all 4 blind. Two off here, two off eBay. No problems at all... Hardly the sample of all samples, but I find the idea that one has to be extra vigilant for Fender QC issues a little bit odd really.
  14. I'm a big fan of my cheapo HD202 Sennies. They fit nice and sound great. they've also withstood some good droppings, kickings and squashings and are still fine and dandy.
  15. Yep, I've certainly bought some expensive gear... And had a few laughs.
  16. [color=#1C2837][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Sorry, no new content found.[/size][/font][/color] That's all I get. That's all I've got for a few days... on a few different devices, I've signed in and out... Anybody else or is it just me. Have I seen it all before??
  17. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1357236795' post='1919626'] Do the valves in them have screening cans? [/quote][quote name='dood' timestamp='1357237909' post='1919653'] None of mine did! - A good suggestion actually! [/quote] A very good suggestion. I thought about fitting some in mine, then caught myself on. Mine doesn't hum...
  18. I paid £150 for mine and always thought I'd got a bargain!
  19. I'd like a go on the Addler book one day. Sex with sleaze is something I miss.
  20. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1356279630' post='1908721'] Not light but I'd be putting a C Audio behind the TH pre amp stage. [/quote] I like C Audios too. But yeah, they're not light.
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