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Everything posted by bigjohn

  1. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Bbfrn400zs"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Bbfrn400zs[/url]
  2. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1360963701' post='1979275'] [media]http://youtu.be/-7f3XTby1a8[/media] [/quote] Radical.
  3. Stick it all in a Venn diagram and see what we get For me, I think good players have an element of surprise to their playing. But seeing as I see the bass as mainly suited to ensemble, the good player should also be able make musical choices that don't overtly challenge the context of the ensemble. It's the balance and juxtaposition of these two elements that when done well, makes players interesting and [i]good[/i]. Oh - and making my foot tap helps.
  4. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1360752029' post='1975734'] Fender CIJ 1962 re-issue. There really is no reason to spend more money. Get a good one and set it up properly! [/quote] I spent ages looking for the right '62 reissue for the right price. Never got there and ended up buying my US Standard. Was more expensive, but nicer than all of the 62s I tried and it's got graphite truss supports for my big heavy La Bella strings.
  5. I had a fight with the wardrobe door a couple of years ago. Caught it square with a big left hook. Would have been fine except I hit it right were there [i]was[/i]... nice little dainty porcelain handle, which broke off and flew across the room. Needless to say - it bloody hurt. For months. Very lucky it didn't do any more harm than bruise. Made rehearsal that night and for a few weeks after a rather painful affair too. I'd had a particularly bad day. Our wardrobe doors a built into the wall - about 3ft up. Said door was open, I closed it over, bent down to pick something up off the floor, stood back up and cracked my head on the door that re-opened under it's own weight. I'd hit it before I had a chance to think.
  6. The f***ing Beatles. Fanf***ingtastic
  7. I've gigged my Ampeg B50R a few times. No good for a rock band - but for more civilised / acoustic affairs, it's fine. Even as a four piece with a drummer. It's only 50W with a 12". It's deffo a very full fat 50W though I've also gigged my mates brothers B100R in a much louder band and that went ok - that's 100W into a 15" though - so you'd expect it to have a go at holding it's own. I've played with some 200/300W combos (Ashdown, Harke, Markbass) and they've all been more than loud enough. All about EQ as far as I'm concerned. There's no need for for more than 100/200W if you're willing to EQ for it. If, like me, you EQ with bass, bass and then some more bass, you sometimes need more power.
  8. There's a Badass III on my Jazz. It came with it. I do quite like it and it's more robust then the BBOT. However, I wouldn't actually buy one and fit it. I once bought a Fender HM bridge and put it on a MIM P. Made no difference at all sonically. Although it was easier to fit strings and was more adjustable. I think my favourite bridge is the current HM bridge which comes fitted on US Standards. But there's nothing wrong with a BBOT. At least I've not owned a bass where a BBOT would be a problem.
  9. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1359996639' post='1963222'] How do you make that fit? [/quote] Roll the long end and put it in the gap next to the top horn, lay the shoulder piece over the cubby hole, fold the shorter end of the strap and put it under the headstock. I do it without thinking now, so it's not a problem, it pisses me off though when I think I'm packed and then I see my strap lying there unpacked Or when I've got to do it all over again because I've not packed something else. Grrr!
  10. I fit my strap in my Hiscox case, it's it one of these : So doesn't roll. It's a faff, and I have to do the same thing when using my Fender SKB case too. It's doable though. Leaves enough room in the cubby hole for a spare lead, tuner, spare strings and a screwdriver.
  11. I had this a bit when moving from a 3 piece to a 4 piece (extra guitar). I used a Marshall JCM800. It got lost. I ended up finding a cleaner sound that sounded much the same in the mix with my Ampeg pre / power amp combo. I needed to find another (deeper) space and needed more power.
  12. I can vouch for the B100R (and it's smaller little brother B50R - not for playing with drummers). Also the B3 series are good combos too. My B3158 is a tank but sounds great.
  13. bigjohn

    Owen - Feedback

    A real gentleman amongst gentlemen.
  14. Well let's hope you get your bass and there's a reasonable explanation.
  15. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1359632455' post='1957813'] Whenever I sell something it is an immediate priority to get the goods to the buyer, basically at the point i receive the payment the item belongs to them and it is my duty to ensure the goods are with them as soon as possible, and that they are fully kept in the loop as to when it will be picked up from me and delivered to them - I expect the same courtesy when buying. [/quote] Yeah - I sorta go along with this. Comms is what it's all about though. Paying for something and then not having it in your possession 3 weeks later is one (bad) thing. Not having heard from the bloke during the three weeks is quite another... And the other thing - buying stuff on here is no different than buying anything anywhere else. Don't part with your cash unless you're completely happy to and as ever - caveat emptor. Just because someone posts on Basschat doesn't mean they're [i]necessarily [/i]a good egg. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1359638479' post='1958013'] I'd be more concerned if it was a relative newbie too, rather than a long established member. [/quote] Quite. The bad uns get weeded out.
  16. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1359581332' post='1957115'] Whats all this sudden obsession with "tone", have I accidentally logged on to guitarchat.co.uk ?. I just saddens me that people will spend the rest of their lives obsessing about something which quite honestly makes sod all difference to the vast majority of people who will ever watch them play when they could be putting the time and energy to much better use. I mean really its almost hard not to get a decent sound from modern kit so why waste time chasing some ultimate unobtainable super tone. [/quote] Yeah, sod it. I'm turning up to my next gig with a Ukelele. The load in and load out will be so much easier.
  17. I had a 100W "Sperrin" head. It was handmade by some fella in a shed. It hardly ever worked and when it did it cut out. Though it did sound amazing (to my totally uneducated ear). Especially when plugged into the the bass bin I got with it from the guitar shop. Wow they saw me coming...
  18. Yeah I snagged one a few years back for about £170. That was immaculate too. And about 15 mins drive away. Doesn't look like a standard MIM though. If it's a Fender at all. The specials usually go for quite a bit more. Looks maybe like someone's got a standard MIM and tried to make like something else.
  19. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1359506662' post='1956033'] No, it's all in your head! [/quote] Ha ha, Too true. There's something to be said for using the right tools for the job though. Even if it's just to provide some comfort that you're doing something right No doubt I'll end up cranking the Alembic and trying to make it sound like the Ampeg. I'll probably end up running them in series.
  20. All depends on what gear. I've just forked out on an Alembic FX-1 Pre-amp. I'm looking for a smoother deeper tone than I get easily out of my Ampeg SVP-Pro. The Ampeg does does get close to where I'm trying to get, but I have to remove a lot of gain from the signal, which sort of defeats the object of having a five valve pre-amp that sounds great when it's cranked. It's just that at the moment, I'm not really cranking it like that. That's not in my fingers.
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1359485358' post='1955516'] Aren't you worried your BF cab is at risk of damage from the local cat population..? [/quote] The local cats seem far too well behaved. I've been waiting for one to move in since our sadly departed, but no takers as yet, despite by bassy serenades. They used to come in, foolishly I thought they came to see me, but obviously they came to see our cat. ****s.
  22. My rig as is... with a new addition coming soon...
  23. There's is one guitar I'd call she... But that's it. She's the exception...
  24. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1359314716' post='1952990'] When we had a King ships were also called she. [/quote] Yeah ships are historically she. As is the sea. She's a cruel mistress etc etc. Mostly frowned up nowadays as superstitious claptrap, but like most anthropomorphism and superstition, brought up when the sh*t hits the fan. Each to their own though like. The way I see it is, the more likely you are to call basses "she", the more likely you are end up drinking your own piss
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