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Everything posted by bigjohn

  1. There's nothing wrong with keeping stuff somewhere other than a centrally heated modern house. So long as it's done with some common sense. So long as the roof doesn't leak and it's not got mould or damp, the temperature won't matter too much. What might do some harm is taking it from cold to warm and back to cold again in one evening. That's the route to water condensing on the cold metal in the warm then later being taken back to the cold and not evaporating. Or simply just having warm moist air from a bar or club inside the cab which then goes cold and unloads the moisture into the nearest absorbent material - the speaker cone. The trick would be to put some bags of silica gel inside the cabs. And yeah, raising it off the floor, where the coldest air and the biggest water "droplets" live. And these would help. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Kontrol-Krystals-Unscented-Streamline-Moisture-Dehumidifier-Trap-/181011918840?pt=UK_Home_Garden_Hearing_Cooling_Air&hash=item2a2526aff8"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item2a2526aff8[/url] I keep some dotted around our garage and they do make a difference.
  2. I go in phases. I've we're rehearsing or gigging every week I sometimes never take my bass out of the case except for at the studio, sometimes I practice every day and take that practice into the studio. When we're not, sometimes though I play every day. Something new, something old... whatever. Sometimes I see an exercise I'd like to try and that makes me play more. Sometimes I decide to play a line slightly differently so I practice that. Sometimes I can't be bothered. Like everything else
  3. Heavy and flat for me 49-109. Thinking of going heavier. No pain.
  4. I've been using Dunlop 65 for years and have nothing but good things to say about it.
  5. I bought mine from a discount book shop for buttons... How i wish I'd bought the job lot!
  6. [quote name='rOB' timestamp='1350409268' post='1838468'] We could have pulled the audience in but surely an audition is about the quality of the performance? [/quote] Or about actually being auditioned, rather than them collecting the door money and buggering off home before you even play. Basically, all they're bothered about is gauging if you'll sell some tickets to the festival, whilst taking door money as a bonus. You could be a one man band who plays Dixie on a toilet brush shoved up your arsehole and you'd pass the audition if you bring enough punters. Though I'm sure there are some very good bands who have graced their stages, their once-in-a-lifetime chances to do so bestowed purely on musical merit and suitability.
  7. We "auditioned" for it a couple of years ago. I think it can be ok if you get on. Though I have seen some photos of bands playing to emptiness. We "auditioned" a couple of years ago and to be honest, I found their whole set up a little unprofessional and felt like we got the piss took really. We got the last slot on audition night (11pm on a wet Tuesday), which punters had to pay to come to and by which time the only judge, who'd told one of the other bands earlier that he "doesn't like Neil Young" had fooked off home. As a Neil Young tribute, we wondered what the hell we were doing on a few different levels. Their loss as it were.
  8. Pitchblack for me! Like Knightrider.
  9. I dunno. If it was all about what punters thought most of the instruments and music produced wouldn't exist. I'm more in the, buy the best bass you can afford camp.[i] It's you that gets to play it[/i]. It doesn't really matter what other people think it sounds like so as you like it.
  10. I put a US "original" Fender pickup in a MIM bass once. It did sound different after. Much hotter high end and much more clank. Before I sold it I put the stock pickup back in and actually prefered it. That said I've heard some MIMs sound a bit lifeless and dull. Basses are strange beasts, often more than sum of their parts. It's a virtue to be able to play and hear them with an open mind to what parts they built with and where.
  11. Very interesting. Though yep, as people have said, its very hard to tell the diff between a 4ohm and an 8ohm cab volume wise. In fact I rewired some 4ohm cabs to 16ohm once and couldn't hear the difference. My amp ran a lot cooler though!
  12. Get a '57 or a '58. If you're bothered about how much they are, buy 2nd hand. People will always want them and you can sell them back in that market easy. Don't buy a new one from eBay or Amazon market place, those places are flooded with fakes.
  13. Nice! Two things I've gassed for for years.
  14. I used to gig a JCM800 bass series. Bit of a one trick pony but like nothing else at it's one trick
  15. Bit weird that Steven Addler has nearly twice as much cash as Mick Fleetwood. I'm surprised he's got any left.
  16. The bridge I prefer over the BBOT, the Gotoh, and a Badass III (not ever owned a II) is the Fender High Mass bridge that comes on more recent US standards. It's rock solid.
  17. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1345294511' post='1775971'] Having a bad day, one way or another - sorry to anyone for over-reacting. [/quote] Aww... I'll put my pitchfork away then...
  18. [quote name='dodgnofski' timestamp='1344603953' post='1766989'] This won't last long - if only I had the dosh & didn't have the glass back!! 10,9,8,7,6............. [/quote] No need to worry about the glass back. It's light as a feather really, the handle positions make it easy to move on the odd occasion you actually have to lift it. The wheels are dead good the rest of the time. Like wheeling round an empty suitcase. I moved mine around fine last year even whilst walking with a pronounced limp through sciatica.
  19. If it wasn't for the bass and drums that would be alright that. Mostly the bass though. Right from the off, the best riffs and hooks are all slightly out of time and the tone is rubbish.
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