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Everything posted by bigjohn

  1. Aye, I've just picked up (not on here) a US Fender neck for not much over £100. There are necks about.
  2. Nice bass that. Same as mine but a year older. Surprised it's still around. I waited for ages for one to come up.
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  4. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbMSUQE36us"]https://www.youtube....h?v=AbMSUQE36us[/url] Y no worky?
  5. At least they're not asking you to sing. Are they?
  6. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1427839340' post='2735018'] lock in with the drummer, and get away with it. [/quote]
  7. Aye, as people have said, depends on the other members. If you're in, then keep at it, if they're trying to bust you out, don't bother. Every band I've been in, I've always felt like I couldn't quite nail some of the bass parts. It's part and parcel of being in a good band I think. You start nailing the parts you thought were hard, then something else crops up! ha ha.
  8. Yeah the HW1 has Mexi hardware. It's fine. The Hipshots are an upgrade on a lot of the older US / Jap tuners though. A lot of which are 16:1, the Hipshots are 20:1. They are noticeably different from the Mexican / HW1s. Top class rather than just fine.
  9. I connect an unbalanced mono jack output to a balanced XLR input on my power amp. I cant see there being a problem. I bought a bespoke cable from OBBM.
  10. Yeah, I have the Hipshots on my Mexi P Special. They are miles better tuners. Better gear ratio and feel. I was feeling very flush when I upgraded them though. And it was my only bass at the time.
  11. [quote name='lowhand_mike' timestamp='1427728638' post='2733545'] every day is a school day i was always under the impression that as 2 cabs move more air than one they would be inherently louder and with the extra power more so [/quote] Yeah, the two cabs more than one. The extra power might technically make them a little louder, depending on the amp and the cabs, even if it did, you'd struggle to tell by ear. I once rewired some 4Ohm 2x10s so they were 16Ohm. I didn't notice a drop in volume, but the power transistors in my amp stopped blowing
  12. [quote name='lowhand_mike' timestamp='1427726103' post='2733498'] yeah i get that more cabs (speakers) is going to be louder but for mine and others amps adding another cab does give the full power of the amp, i wouldnt have just one cab that takes the amp to full power as that would close the option of adding another cab should you need to. So far i get enough volume for where i play with one cab [/quote] I know what mean you but "full power" doesn't really mean anything useful. An amp driving say 2x4Ohm cabs using 500W won't sound any louder than an amp driving 2x8Ohm cabs @ 250W. The only thing that using the full power of the amp is doing is drawing more power and running hotter.
  13. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1426552830' post='2719346'] Try them however you like and stick with the arrangement you like. [/quote] Is the only correct answer. Speaker size is only one factor in many that influence the how a cab sounds. [quote name='lowhand_mike' timestamp='1427724279' post='2733464'] in some cases it is to get a lower impedence and get the full power from the amp, i know mine works that way [/quote] Nah, you don't get a bigger sound from using more power, you get a bigger sound from using more cab. Try using 8 ohm cabs and 4 ohm variants of the same cab, the 4 ohm cab, although using more power, won't sound louder. Just more likely to overheat your amp! Furthermore, having an amp than is rated for lower impedance is okay, if you're into that carrying needless weight around thing . Myself, I prefer a powerful amp rated for higher impedance and cabs to match. The transformers are lighter, they generate less heat and so are smaller and lighter as a whole.
  14. Ring up someone who does plastic business cards and ask for sample pack. They'll send you various suitable thicknesses measured down to the nearest micron.
  15. I have a 60s reissue (spiral, BBOT) unused. But I don't want a Badass II. I want a US Deluxe (0058396000) to replace a Badass III that's on my Jap 65 reissue (where the 60s reissue bridge is from) Perhaps there's a three way swap somewhere?
  16. A cursory glance... Not with that logo. Or headstock.
  17. Katana you say? Would you be interested in a Katana 6 string?
  18. Yeah, I agree. Horses for courses and that. If the drummer isn't bringing his kit cos he can't be arsed, but everyone else is bringing their own kit I'd make him pay for it. Different matter if the only way he can get there on time is if the kit is hired. All about consideration, responsibility, teamwork and compromise.
  19. [quote name='sirmuppet' timestamp='1427154055' post='2726635'] Sold pending payment. [/quote] Glad to hear it.
  20. I rehearse with my full rig. Nothing else quite cuts it. Our lead singer / guitar uses his own amp, which he leaves there. Rhythm uses what's at the studio, as does drums, with some of his own cymbals. We use the PA we usually gig with as the fella who owns the studio usually does our sound. Not sure it makes any difference at all to be honest. Every room sounds different to me. I do however like using my amp. I find that comforting. Saying that if there was a better amp there, I probably wouldn't bother. I do think though, if you don't gig that often (as we don't) it's useful to rehearse in an unfamiliar studio before gigs. It's easy to get too familiar if you use the same room all the time. And yes, we all pay the same regardless of what's been hired or not.
  21. [quote name='The Admiral' timestamp='1427136493' post='2726290'] Yes, don't get me started with people who dunk biscuits, or, worse still, put the cream on their scone first, before the jam. Dirty ba***ards. Who wants to sit next to that whilst they are trying to have a civilised cup of Darjeeling and a fondant fancy? [/quote] Quite.
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