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Everything posted by binky_bass

  1. An odd beast indeed! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/225787890085?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=VdZjYeLGRlC&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=mojaVkKDRiC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  2. Brexit is a complete and utter disaster, it was always going to be and has proved to be exactly that, it was brought about by the voice of fools and xenophobes that believed the utter swill that was fed to them. A foolish government leading a foolish population with a result that has basically knee-capped the country, made everything worse and demoted us to the international 'kids table'. *Runs away and hides under the stairs while the mods now lock this thread* 🫣
  3. No, put the whole bass in and it has the added affect of giving you a lovely roasted neck at the end. An extra tip: Chuck it in while cooking your Sunday roast for that baked in delicious chickeny aroma!
  4. I've owned loads of these over the years (no, this one isn't mine!) £145 BIN is a pretty good price for one of these great little acoustic basses. 👍 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/175915848675?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=K0tCieOTSZK&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=mojaVkKDRiC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  5. I've owned 3 Sei basses over the years, for me ACG is my personal preference over Sei, but by a VERY small margin and purely just personal preference. Sei build exceptionally good instruments, each one I've owned has been a joy to play. Excellent ergonomics, fantastic tonal pallette, love the look and the build quality is simply stunning. Perhaps have a little look at ACG too as for me they're the closest UK based competitor in terms of quality, price etc. That should then give you a good perspective as to whether Sei is 'the one' for you. I would say that if you do go Sei, you won't be disappointed, they are truly excellent basses and for me hands down beat the likes of Fodera and Wal that charge 3 to 4 times the amount.
  6. If I had some spare cash I'd love to give this a new home along with the SY1000.
  7. eBay do 'nothing' about far more serious issues (not wanting to diminish this example), so it doesn't surprise me they did nothing about this. eBay is great when all is well, but if you get a seller/buyer that is a literal maniac (had this a few months back) eBay just wash their hands of it all.
  8. Good basses these, had one a while ago... for sub £200, it's a solid deal.
  9. I'm not suggesting you're one or the other of the potential two examples in my prior comment. I know full well I don't have the expertise to weigh in on these technical matters, so I don't.
  10. It's not a case of being a genius or not, it's a case of actually knowing what you're talking about vs wanting to sound like you know what you're talking about.
  11. Cool colour. I just recently received an amp from @Fionn, excellent packaging and a super smooth transaction all round - I'm sure whoever buys this will get similar treatment. Almost tempted myself... reunite the bass with the amp it was probably played through!
  12. I have a 6 string BFR Bongo, very similar spec. It's an absolute monster, far better than I was expecting if I'm honest. These are serious basses... Can't imagine anyone who buys this will be disappointed!
  13. Reckon I've spent an easy 10k in GG over the last 5 years, always had fantastic service. Even when I had an 'issue' (quite a sizeable one and not entirely GG's fault) they worked to get it sorted ASAP. Definitely one of the best BIG guitar stores out there.
  14. £130 is a steal... I also bought one of the 'sale' ones and was insanely impressed by it. For £130 you just won't find more power and a better sound. I ran this against my Trickfish Bullhead 1K and my guitarist preferred the sound of the Bugera despite it being near 10 times cheaper!
  15. Excellent basses indeed, I had the same 3 sixers!
  16. I've asked you before to stop taking photos of me...
  17. Absolutely not... how dare you. I hang out alone down the back of train stations drinking white lightning out of the bottle then pass out in a ditch. Its a fine and honorable life. Genuinely speaking, I'm more of 'a few rums at home with some pals' kinda person. Beats having to interact with certain folk that fit the bill of my prior comment!
  18. After 5 of either you don't care what the 6th is... might as well save the pennies and start on the cheap stuff given its all coming back up anyway after the 10th. 😆🤮🍻
  19. I have zero social media, so that's me out. Also, and without wanting to be a constant Bass Direct Basher, these 'new format' emails are far less useful than the old ones. The older ones had a good solid list of what pre-owned stock was available, these new ones just have fairly generic thumbnails that often don't go to the right item and when they do they're linked to FB which some people don't have! Doesn't seem well thought out at all. I won't bother browsing the website or emails anymore, far too much of a faff/impossibility to get to a screen that shows what I have an interest in compared to the prior format. I've probably spend maybe 5-7k at BD over the years on bits I'd stumbled across through either the old emails or the old site, can't say I'll spend the time doing that going forward, just isn't as user friendly or enjoyable to navigate in my humble opinion. Might be fantastic for others, so let's hope I'm the minority!
  20. Similar position here. Canny want for much more - quite aware its a privileged position and don't take it for granted at all. Being GAS free is a rare thing indeed.
  21. At £25 a set it'd cost you £2075 to re-string your herd! 💸 💰
  22. I'm not particularly precious about brand - generally anything with an RRP of north of say £35 for a 6 string set are all decent and perfectly usable. I tend to try and find discounts if possible as I'm cheap! Got 26 sets 6 string strings (the ones that are now branded MarkBass) for £260 a while ago, that saw me through for a good few years. Recently picked up 5 sets for £25 of 'super budget' strings to see what they were like... not great, but that wasn't unexpected. Also bought 5 sets of Rotosound SM666 from Amazon recently for £14 a set... that was a great deal and well spotted by @TheGreek.
  23. Will be in Wolverhampton in a week or so... might be interested. Will let you know the date if I am up that way.
  24. Anyone else finding that literally every single link in the latest Bass Direct email takes you to something completely different? Tried clicking on 5 of the thumbnails and all of them bring up totally unrelated products. Bit poor really - also completely unsurprising.
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