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Everything posted by wateroftyne

  1. Well, it was kinda inevitable, but it's finally happened. Unboxing vid!
  2. I'd like to meet whoever mixed the audio for this clip, and shake them by the lapels.
  3. I can almost forgive him for playing polite parpy J tones throughout the electric era. Almost. But not quite.
  4. I believe the guy they wanted back in the day (local legend Frankie Gibbon) couldn’t join due to contract / management issues. He’s still alive btw 😄
  5. Put me in the 'It's hideous' pile. They've basically curled one out onto it. Dreadful overblown nonsense.
  6. Too dense? What the heck?? That’s a new one! Who was the courier? Glad you’ve got a new one, though. Keep us posted (if you excuse the pun).
  7. Nowt, other than it gives me hope that there's a few miles left in me too 😄
  8. More like last weekend than last night, but anyway... a reunion of sorts. One of the bands wot I'm in used to be fronted by three brothers, but they haven't performed together for seven years. They got back together for a one-off. The venue is a 250-seater, and I'm happy to say it sold out in a few days. Drummer is used a percussion kit thing to keep the stage volume down, but it sounded great. I used my '71P, flats, HandBox R-400 and TKS 2x12 with a mic on it. Hopefully we'll do it again sometime. Here's a song from it.. bear in mind these front three are all knocking around 70. They've still got it.
  9. On the subject of Nina Simone, if you get a chance to watch this, do.
  10. I've never got anything out of outboard compression. I don't use it down the Dog'n'Duck, and leave it to the sound guys everywhere else.
  11. James Guthrie has stated that Rick's contribution was significant.
  12. He played keys on it, and I’d be surprised if he was told note-for-note what to play.
  13. To respond to your paragraphs in turn: - No… that was Wish You We’re Here - You’re overthinking it. It sounds great now, and the band presumably all thought there was a need to remix it (as did I - it seemed obvious to me that it wasn’t as good as it could have been), and all signed off the results. - As you know, the band is long gone (recent abomination aside) so legacy preservation mode is all their is. FWIW, I like having the choice of remixes and remasters, and the option to buy or not depending on whether they’re any good.
  14. If you look into it, it was the first thing recorded at their new Britannia Row studio, and it wasn’t quite ready. They were never happy with the mix. And presumably, as is the case now, they had a schedule to stick to, so out the door it went.
  15. I’d argue that’s Dave. As much of a fan of him as I am.
  16. Sorry - better link: https://liveforlivemusic.com/news/roger-waters-update-animals-mixes-teases-memoirs/
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