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Everything posted by wateroftyne

  1. how old are your monitor & peripherals…??
  2. Purely as a treat for the ladies (and some men).
  3. First gig in a while with my semi-regular dep, doing songs from the golden age of American music. Nice old-school social club - great-sounding room, lovely people, cheap beer. Second chance to use my new Handbox valve amp, and sounded lovely. Here's a clip.
  4. Ping them an email and make them a daft offer. You never know. 😂
  5. He probably needs to pay for a flight case for ‘em, though.
  6. The ‘The Chain’ fretless Alembic is in there…
  7. Cheers, Dave! I do. Bass & treble flat, and a very slight bump at 240hz.
  8. After an unexpectedly quiet couple of weeks, I got to use the WB-100 last night for a semi-regular dep. It's unreal... I genuinely struggle to explain it, but the detail and the - yes, I'm going to say it - heft is remarkable. It's just effortlessly dynamic. Here's a clip from a camera capturing the stage sound. The amp was barely ticking over. So much headroom.
  9. I wonder if he was responsible for this one I played a while ago...?
  10. wateroftyne

    In Memoriam

    My goodness - that’s so sad.
  11. The irony of this happening because you got new glasses. Best wishes for a swift recovery.
  12. Because, as FM, they were making a steady living on the US college circuit. Had they changed their name at any point up to, and including, the Buckingham Nicks era, they would have had to start back at square one.
  13. “Hey Siri… define ‘understatement’.”
  14. It looks like an Australian's nightmare.
  15. Yeah, those M1 Airs are outrageous. Had I not needed the 16” screen, I’m sure I’d have been happy with one of those.
  16. Here's a clip from my debut run out with the WB-100 last night. It's not a great example for a few reasons: The camera is pointing right at my cab so there's not much context I'm using flats for this one which won't appeal to most The stage volume was pretty low, and there's no noisy guitars to fight against, so the WB didn't get a chance to work up any sort of sweat With the benefit of hindsight, I'd have driven the input gain a little harder to get more glow - as a result, it's pretty much clean... which isn't a bad thing! What I hope does come across is the huge amount of detail. There's no tweeter in my cab, but it's all so clear. What probably doesn't come across is the low end, which seems to even bigger and immediate than the Mk1. The DI seems to be the same as the MK1, albeit slightly hotter. I'll post a rounds-with-louder-band clip soon.
  17. He’s using GH2s so wouldn’t have thought he’d have any problems..?
  18. ...I was about to say an M1 MacBook Air, but thinking about it it's probably overkill for what you need.
  19. Could you stretch to a I never do. Is this a Vegas thing?
  20. Hi gang Just part-way through Trevor Horn's new autobiog, and it's blummin' marvellous. He's a humble, likeable bloke, and his journey from the pit villages of County Durham to the global pinnacle of polished pop via dancehall bands and Yes is remarkable. There's a reasonable amount of bass content in there too. Well recommended.
  21. OK, so some observations & comments: Leszek certainly knows how to pack an amp. I can only think Dave dmccombe7's first parcel must have fallen of a cliff during transit 😞 Feel the quality... it's beautiful & solid. The fit & finish is outstanding. Nothing feels cheap. It's gorgeous. Just look at it. Only one handle compared to previous iterations... I don't mind this at all, 'cos it's a one-hand lift and it means you can set it down on its end if you need to (for short periods under supervision!) Mid knobs! 240kHz & 600kHz - I've always ran these preamps flat, and never felt the need to tweak. But I guess they're there if you need them... both EQ points feel sensibly chosen. I haven't had a chance to break it into a sweat yet... I have a gig this weekend (if it's not cancelled) so I'll give it a run out then. Can't wait...
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