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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. It would be ten million times easier to use regular switches. Even I could work out that wiring. Bonus for being able to look at it and see what you have when you pick it up.
  2. You are full on Anti-Cool. I'll see your list and raise you a U2.
  3. Mmmmmmmm.... Ma-tsu-shi-ta genuine parts. Using high purity al-u-min-i-um and silicon.
  4. OP hasn't been back since 2017. You might have better luck starting your own thread in Repairs and Maintenance. Loads of help available there.
  5. Every bass I ever bought had bad intonation. Some completely up the wazoo. By up the wazoo I mean noticeably off at 7th fret. I guess more bassists are badly tone deficient than you would think.
  6. Looks like parametric filter would be able to clobber the 90ish hz resonance. Low ceiling vs hard floor = half a wavelength distance makes for reflected energy in phase with itself on return forming a standing wave.
  7. Old SWR stuff has nil in the way of high passing to prevent damage to speakers from accidents and low fundamentals. Adding a HPF to a Workingman 12 combo let me have at it with a 5 string and get lovely tone. Without the HPF it was horribly flabby.
  8. Don't take PayPal. Insist on bank transfer. Very few Americans have any knowledge of Swift so you can expect the 'buyer' will run a mile, especially when he has to organise and pay for his own courier and insurance, and deal with customs clearance one way or the other.
  9. Let's get this straight. The unit is irreparable and unsupported but PJB sent some random parts to have a crack at fixing it anyway?
  10. As in ''we think your design is so good we'll take it for ourselves''. I think that's a compliment any designer can happily live without.
  11. Maybe the bass has a momentary short/break somewhere between pickup and jack?
  12. Trace Elliot sold the SMX system with strong claims that only a dual band comp could compress either or both lows and highs without either missing the lows or crushing the highs, something like that.
  13. The video originally went through a progression of substitute bodies: Proper guitar kitset body. Piece of 4x2. Air body.
  14. Another thing you can do is sit on the cab while playing and adjust your position to put pressure on the cab / brace joints. If there's a slightly loose brace you'll find it.
  15. The takeaway I got from the last time around this mulberry bush is it's semantics. The bridge grounding grounds the player from acting as some giant inductive antenna.
  16. Third time up in as many months? Short version, it's all pickups and strings.
  17. See my experience above. The test one thing at a time thing is a good general rule but it doesn't catch all.
  18. I could have bought a well played 70's shell pink P back in '93 when I was looking for my first bass. From memory it was about 500quid in today's money but that was too much for my close to brokeness.
  19. How small is small? Don't tell them it's a 4hr monster set?
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