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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/464034-class-d-diabolical/#comment-4726790 Read this.
  2. Two of those in the classifieds at the moment. Once people digest the price rise on new they will be gone. In the meantime they could as well be painted yellow as they are going cheap. One is a nifty seafoam green if that floats your boat.
  3. Unless you're in the real big leagues where you get to demand a mic on your cab, in the case of needing FOH you're better off with a cab that doesn't colour the sound so much. Enter Barefaced 12's with compression driver or tweeter, but even the bare 12 is supposed to be reasonably flat response.
  4. Corporates get a ''multi site rate'', read ''handy discount''. If you did 4 gigs a month 17.99 is a saving on administration. Book a month of gigs with a few clicks. Pay one bill at the end of the month. Small timers won't see it that way but full on music venues could lose a staff member. In between the extremes the pubs that do music every Fri Sat and holiday might go for it if the manager is chief cook and bottle washer and band booker payer and is sick of the prospecting bands.
  5. There's nothing to stop you using the fx on the 50B multi unit as if the bays were stomp boxes as far as I can tell. ''Some songs that could use some fx'' might well be fully covered with what you have already. Do that for a start and add other boxes as you feel. Then retire the Boss, or keep it, or give the whole fx thing away. The only thing worse than having a multi fx unit not being used is having ten pedals next to it.
  6. Same, except now I am wondering if it isn't that I subconsciously want to correct the small differences that result from frets being an approximation depending on what key you are playing in. Nah, my intonation is not what anyone would call good.
  7. Most desks these days have shelving top and bottom. The yummy tone in the mids to upper mids can't be replicated without sophisticated plugins. Even then, if it was that easy nobody would making tube amps any more.
  8. You'll need two cabs, one on each channel unless you blend back to mono.
  9. How are you going to A B select it?
  10. Countryman 85 will take 300V up it. Just connect it parallel with your speaker cab.
  11. My big tube amp has a fan. No way to hear it when it's on stage doing its thing.
  12. Because a lot of sound guys can't think outside their own little bass box and get uppity about being asked for a little accommodation.
  13. Sounds like you would get a real kick out of some Alexander Technique lessons. It's all about accomplishing movement, or even being still, with only the truly necessary tensioning of muscles.
  14. I once had a cougar reach under my bass and tuck 5 bucks under my belt buckle. In those days 5 bucks would buy a beer.
  15. There is a Countryman DI that will take a feed off the speaker. If you want to mic you need your own mic and preferably a cab mount. You will get pushback from many a stage hand who is only interested in plugging your bass into his DI and moving onto the next job. You have to short cut that by telling him to 'have a listen to this' and shoving your mic leed in his face when gets to you.
  16. Repeat after me: I own this stage. This stage is mine. You below may now bask in glorious bass. Silently of course. As many times as necessary.
  17. Have you tried lowering the master and upping the input?
  18. No experience of the 50T but plenty with other tube amps. Indeed 50w will give you a nice clean sound that disappears at rock band level. Up to a point it will keep up with a wild hair on, but there's a reason they make bigger ones. Guitards.
  19. That's dedication beyond the pale. I once resorted to a sharp knife from the bar. Needs must. Had practice from resorting to my pocket knife when the trimmers went missing. Scissors work well enough too. File? Your tool isn't sharp enough.
  20. How much cling film? Consider yourself well served. I got a rather expensive bass from the luthier in its nondesript case, duct taped and Fragile stickers.
  21. There is an argument that any amount of packing can't prevent disaster so just enough packing that the nature of the precious thing stays obvious while protecting from rubbing is best. Doesn't apply to OP but I have been sent a few instruments in cases and not a lot else.
  22. I used to run around with DB and a 215 in the back of a Dastun Sunny wagon but it would have been bad news for me or the DB in anything more than a minor fender bender. I really should be in the habit of strapping stuff in like I used to do with the 15 on the front seat. Seat belt engaged and strap through handle and around the belt.
  23. Is this for DB and drums or that was just an entertaining anecdote? Not ideal but a 3/4 will fit in a original Mini so your choices are wide open unless you are the drum wagon also.
  24. First things first is play some music with cymbals in it through the cab and put your ear up to the HF driver. You'll soon know if it's working or not.
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