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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. Car crashes on both sides of the highway, for the non UK contributors.
  2. They fail to mention they are selling a photo of a guitar.
  3. Either way the pound has appreciated against the Euro. What really matters is the Yuan.
  4. You mean the one that introduces the Ebay weird stuff you don't want to buy thread?
  5. I think there's a misfire in this system. Sometimes stuff I already posted comes up for editing. It always involves a quote.
  6. Without distortion there can be no saturation so I really have no idea what you are on about.
  7. I believe anything of quality that is called a side cutter will do the job. You need one with a big enough set of handles that gives you the leverage on the mouth to snip. Find a place selling tools to tradesmen and tell then what you need to cut. Stainless steel cable. You might pay a little more than 'HomeDepot" but it will be a one time purchase.
  8. 9999/10000 daisy chaining IS running in parallel.
  9. Growing up we had a monthly performance evening for all ages of music students. Most months had an adult band or soloist give a mini concert demo. That pretty well normalized performance as the purpose of practice.
  10. It's well documented on TalkBass. A lot it is pinched straight from the GenzBenz Streamliner.
  11. I don't believe there is any such thing as export duty. There is every possibility that the reciever will be paying import duty in Croatia. Or it's an 'insurance' scam.
  12. What's wrong with carrying a double plug and a 9v wart? 9/10 there's a spare outlet so the double plug is only for the 1/10 time. Blimin' sight easier than carrying a battery power pack. You would do well to learn where flat enough EQ is on the controls of a few of the likely suspect amps in your area. Then you can plug in the front and no worries about pedal output level like you get plugging in the back.
  13. I so miss gigging on the regular! To answer the OP question: There was some conference on and they dined out in a restaurant nearby. Someone influential must have been a jazz fan and we packed out a cocktail bar with the corporate credit cards buying 500 buck rounds left and right. They had to borrow staff from their other bar to come and help. We're playing improv jazzish originals, leaning on funk and blues traditions, now that's entertainment! Trickle Down Theory in action. We probably paid for ourselves for the whole gig season with the one night. I had zero qualms about taking our top dollar fee after that one.
  14. That'd be because they copied it all from Genz Benz and to crow about the selection of EQ points would be kicking sand in their face.
  15. I think Christmas songs are a way of giving audiences what they always want. They want stuff that is familiar to their tribe and they want stuff that is not the same as they had every week for the last year. The golden rule is to have fun with it. If you're banging out a lousy cover just because you think you have to then it's probably going to come over poorly.
  16. I am well familiar with these beasties. Bend the knees and don't wear a buttoned shirt and all will be fine. They aren't so heavy. Keep your shoulder blades together and lift with the legs. So long as you aren't a broken down old geezer with no hip flexion you're fine to pick it up and walk with it. Putting it down is when shirt buttons go missing. Don't forget to bend the knees to get it back to Earth. No back muscles need be harmed.
  17. Exception to prove the rule of no rule: the ABBA hologram show = "not the band".
  18. The Glenn Miller Orchestra is a good case for no rule can apply.
  19. Walshy's BF 610 is a mere 1150 delivered.
  20. "Multiposting by submit button not working the first time".... is back.
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