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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. I took it the 800+ in the thread title indicated D800+, aware that it has the switching for 2 ohm operation, and it's the only one with 800+ in the name.
  2. Either you're having a senior moment also or I have no idea what's going on. Surely it's 2 ohm mode switch time with 2 times 4 ohm cabs = 2 ohm worth of cabs?!?
  3. To sumarise, "it's obvious unless it isn't, not my fault of you blow your stuff up".
  4. Fender do a lovely satin finish on some models. Right up your street.
  5. It's not always obvious when a cab is being stretched. In a metal environment it's even harder to hear when a cab is distorting, or simply fading from too much heat. If it was easy nobody would blow a driver. A good rule of thumb is if you need to turn up and it hardly seems to get any louder the best thing to do is take a break and turn it down from there just a bit instead.
  6. Tempting to not fix what isn't broken? Most of us would be very happy not to have to bring a cabinet with us like our Siamese twin. Of course one day you turn up and the monitors are 1 10'' wedge each side so it pays to have a cab in the van. What's the drummer doing? I have heard that in Europe e-drums all the way to IEM silent stage metal is a real thing. Maybe in your neck of the woods turning up with no monitor amps is the new normal?
  7. A Ubass is a space saving and very affordable backup that is no slouch for the tone either.
  8. The bassiest guitar in the whole world is an acoustic. I was in a duo on DB with an acoustic guitarist. One day we're setting up and it just won't mesh no matter how I tweak the EQ. Guitar boy had been doing a solo lunch gig with the low cut turned off. Sorted in seconds. DB sounds like a DB and guitar sounds like a guitar. Btw. Saturating your pickups comes under too much gain as well as attack of strings. Something you are doing is making it growl one way or the other. On the other hand, all that isn't pure synth sine waves is the bass guitar stings, pickup, amp and cab doing their things and you could say it's all growl. So perhaps you need to be more specific. From what you're saying it sounds like it's not overly loud so most likely growling from the bass and you're amping that. I think you would have found a sweeter gain master balance already. I can get flat wound strings to growl but it's a lot more work. If taking some bass out of the guitars doesn't work and lowering your pickups doesn't work that's maybe all that's left.
  9. That's a very dangerous choice of wording at the best of times, and then the OP is Romanian. Absolutely there are decent cabs that won't take everything a LM800 can put out. Then there's That's a more than decent cab! I think there's a used one in the classifieds for 900 pounds. Reading between lines OP has 800€ budget, in Romania. Regarding 4 ohm equivalent of an 8 ohm 210 cab. That is only properly useful for when your amp is low powered and you don't need to get very loud. There's way more chance of blowing one of those to kingdom come with a powerful amp. Two of the 8 ohm versions used might be well in budget?
  10. Exactly, you're backwards from me on that semantic!
  11. @fleabag If it's growling it is either coming from your bass configuration/attack of the strings, or it's distortion. I can get all kinds of growly with round wound strings if I pluck it like I mean it just so in the breadbasket between bridge and neck. Distortion can come from too much gain applied to a circuit or too much power applied to speakers. Distortion of low mids is very audible in the upper mids. Instead of boosting mids you could cut the bass and treble and up the volume. Less chance of too much gain or power overall.
  12. Saves 2 minutes, that's 4 dropoffs in courier maths!
  13. Usually at a 1kHz frequency that is fully unrepresentative of an actual bass guitar. If you send a real bass signal the low end content will destroy the speaker by over excursion before reaching thermal rated level.
  14. How so? To me they are synonymous so very interested in a diametrically opposite interpretation.
  15. You're listening for the power chords on the guitar that use open strings. Been awhile so only D and A come to mind. If they are coming over as Db and Ab it's detuned. The obvious gimme is a low Eb on the bass. Or just set Auntie Google on every new tune. It really needn't be any drama.
  16. I think you must be reading it wrong. A lot of the stuff my cover band of old did was detuned bass along with detuned guitar so it was a no brainer to detune my bass. If a tune wasn't half a step detuned we retuned standard to learn it and played it half step down at gigs. Nobody had the spare cash for two instruments! OP is playing half a step UP from recordings. My guess is OP's guitar hero learns it from chord charts on his standard guitar. So he swears up.and down he's playing in the original key.
  17. Two ways around that provided you are onto him from the start. There is tech that can detune the recording so you can learn it on your regular bass at the 1/2 step up from recording key. Or you can get another bass for learning on then play it with the band on your regular bass. Some sensitive ear types might struggle with it sounding weird.
  18. Have you seen the price of a new one lately! Should come with gig bag, or did you wear it out?
  19. From the tone the OP is somewhere in Europe where used BF cabs may be thin on the ground? What's $800 in € when buying from Thommann.de these days anyway? Very confusing. A twin stack of the MB 210 cabs will do it all with the option to just take one when it's not going to be too rowdy. Budget pretty much dictates used any way you go.
  20. Not that I have played a 100th of the PA supported gigs of some here, on every occasion the DI box has been right by the bass position. Depending on the gig they may have it all set to go DI to desk and DI to amp and be expecting you to plug your instrument cable into the DI. Depending on the gig you might be stuck with that which is why I have gravitated to pedalboard output. On the gigs where we the band or client is bringing in a sound crew for us the DI box is presented. It's on you to politely ask to unplug it and try the amp DI. You never want to just yank their lead without asking. If you carry your own XLR to go to their DI from your DI you open more cans of worms with the level that hits their desk so you don't want to be doing that unannounced either. Never had to scramble for an extra XLR cable so I don't carry one. It would probably end up with the soundcrew anyway. Afaik it's industry standard that the bassist is responsible up to the end of the instrument cable.
  21. Sometimes you can hook the front amp feet on the front of the cab. A length of black bungee cord from the hardware barn can do a lot of stabilizing.
  22. Putting another preamp in front of the VBA is very likely to get a lot of tone happening before the power stage. You're 'preamping' a signal that is already good for power amping when it was expecting only pickups. No wonder the input gain was set low. Likely the signal hitting the power stage attenuator is quite overclocked making the attenuator knob position unreliable also. Good idea to test your pre into the power stage. If you are A/Bing amps be very sure to power down the tube amp before unplugging the cabinet, and vice versa. You can kill a tube amp in short order by having it operating with no cab.
  23. You don't have to be so tall, just very strong so you can pick up the top two of six while someone slots in the 4th. I don't believe you are that silly though.
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