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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. They say "never meet your heroes". Thankfully "they" are wrong sometimes.
  2. Go for gold mate. One post per year and a bit tempers the enthusiasm though.
  3. Ideally find someone to help you set up your 'new' bass. Every used bass I ever got was poorly intonated just for starters. Seems the larger number of bassists are fully incompetent in his area so choose a helper wisely. There's an old Trace Elliot combo in the classifieds for £150 that would cover a lot of gigging. Used gear all the way.
  4. My phone does similar, but in the vertical plane, when it's getting time for a cache clear out and reboot.
  5. The combo was designed with more of a hifi set of sensibilities. It looks like it has a 10" speaker so if you turn it up too far it will get quite punk, before you break it. To give it the respect it deserves you should find its limits without the extension cab. Then when the extension is added it will just get a helluva lot louder. So long as you don't crank on it any harder the combo will survive. I think it would be loud enough for my punk band but maybe not for your punk band. Wear ear plugs or you will go deaf. The 1513 is a sweet little cab so worth grabbing this rig for both its parts individually at the very least.
  6. Jeebus. Just put the tuner after the A/B box, per the first response. /thread
  7. @Buckminster Emptier best don some mittens and read all the above a few times before going back to your manual and joining the dots.
  8. But what was the percentage? At that stage MJ was already a proven talent. I doubt anyone knows the tradeoff considered between guaranteed $$ and potential $$$$ or $$$$$$ depending on whether it hit small or big AND the percentage.
  9. I don't see anything demeaning towards the unfortunates who have had the poor experiences.
  10. Exacerry! (If I had thought of your analogy first I would have written it 11.44pm and 23.57). Who is to know which was the unmisconverted spec?
  11. All options in one and mysteriously still for sale.
  12. I saw a pedal steel web forum where the guy had goosed the bass, left the mids more or less noon but still a little up, and boosted the highs to blazes all supposedy to make his Elf "flat". Presumably with the gain down to compensate for all the boosting it might not be a million miles away, because science?
  13. I don't see it like that at all. I see a response tailing off below 80hz, a small bump at 150hz and a bigger dip at 400hz, taking the 'zero' at "36". Are those dB volts or watts being plotted?
  14. That will get you into some very nice P's. I think there may still be a very nice natural blonde Mexican P Deluxe in the classifieds for a lot less than 1200. Turning off the preamp makes it a standard P with a slimmer than usual neck. Turning on the preamp makes it an active J bass with a P neck pickup that you can still solo and you have three band EQ to boot. Kinda a must have a go on kind of thing.
  15. The website keeps crashing out on my browser but what Insaw looked good.
  16. TC is boycotted after the "sounds like X watts" nonsense. Being part of B'ringer's tribe now only seals the deal. A Korg Pitchblack works AOK and actually a tad better than when I have the full pedalboard in service.
  17. A tremendous amount of work goes on to put a plane in the air and get it back on the ground safely that has zero to do with the pilot.
  18. If Leszek has a stoner friend he should rent the space behind his couch for overseas order wood storage. "Specially seasoned" wood sets drug dog off...investigation...no drugs...carry on.
  19. You could get a matching fetching green leprechaun outfit to go with.
  20. I saw them when they came out here on tour. The bassist had a slightly shorter then medium scale acoustic bass guitar. It looked all wrong when he could just as easily have played a uke bass.
  21. I never took you for a grammatarian. (autocorrect rejects grammatarian but diligaf)
  22. Iirc nominal flat in 'clock' positions is bass 10, low mid 2, high mid 1, treble 10. Start there. Be very aware that your solo tone, aka 'bedroom tone', is nearly always 'best' with more bass and less mids. In a rock band band mix that becomes a woolly lost mess buried by guitar hero 'bedroom tone' with boosted low end that obliterates the toneful bass mids.
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