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Nail Soup

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Everything posted by Nail Soup

  1. Reminds me of something John Peel said... John said that he eventually stopped booking reggae artists for sessions due to the number of no-shows at the session studio. It may have been they'd blow out the session if they got a paid gig. Does that sound plausible to you guys??
  2. hhhmm, Ive got a pink highlight pen somewhere
  3. Good idea, I'll put them up later (or tomorrow 😀)!
  4. Not from me, I didn't have anything ready enough for a mix. Maybe I should have held on! However, the mix I did get was of a previous entry to the composition challenge.
  5. I've pulled the trigger and bought the upgrade. It was actually on discount for mothers day (the American one I guess) - 25%. I think it's still valid till tomorrow (10th). Took hours to dowlaod all the budled stuff, but now I have it installed. I've already added the one VST I already have (MT Power drummer which I got for my experiments with Reaper). Not tried many features yet (and will probably never use a lot of them) , but one of the new effects, a channel strip seems pretty good. But the main thing is that the door (DAW?) is open for VST's now. A decent drum app is needed.... maybe EZdrummer. Couple of 'negatives' ... I'll post them in a different post.
  6. Brian Jones might have something to say about that!😇 Seems that chivalry is not dead...... @mikel could easily have let 'the missus' carry the can for that😀.
  7. @leftybassman392 Thank you for a) the Tuba Skinny vid and b) the explanation of the difference between Autotune and Melodyne. I have a question about Autotune ..... if used as "set and forget" how does it handle glissando?
  8. I know we are discussing how high the bass is, but it didn't mean up a hill!
  9. I enjoy the vocals of Mark E Smith and Bob Dylan - the imperfections are part of the charm. I do like the singing of Aretha Franklin say, but she doesn’t need correction. So for my ears it doesn’t have any application. But if it can help someone with good ideas and character to iron out a few glitches then I’m happy too.
  10. So what is the speaker/ amp power ratio in a combo?
  11. I'm in the "should like Zappa based on my other likes, but don't" camp. So now I have another opportunity to convert!
  12. I would take the middle ground here.... choose an amp and speakers that had the same power rating. Not out of compromise, I just don't know any better!
  13. Some of the melodic elements might be, but drum kit and sequenced parts not so much!
  14. I suspect that the first use of fixed tempo and repetitive rhythm happened before we started writing it down.
  15. And, like trouser waistbands, gets higher as we get older!
  16. Same for me........ I might go even for the oil too 😃!
  17. Another Zoom HN2 user. Works well and can double as a good quality USB mike if you ever need it.
  18. Top of P pickup at bottom of belt. Used to be lower when younger😃
  19. Yes Tom Hark was one that made them into global super stars!
  20. I agree that the drummer in a chicken suit is a good way to signal that you are not taking it too seriously. I think in another TOTP appearance the drummer played at the front , topless - using fish as drumsticks.
  21. I go to the occasional Bluegrass gig and I’ve only ever seen a double bass or maybe no bass. However seeing as it’s a jam and there’s already a tele in the mix hardly worth the layout😉 ( of cash and learning) But a uke bass would be cheapish and not too hard to adapt to and would fit sound wise.
  22. Micachu and the Shapes - debut album "Jewellery" (2009) ( Here's the opening track
  23. *pedant alert* I wouldn't say it was "apropos of nothing", as your comment was reasonably pertinent the the topic of discussion" *end of pedantry*
  24. I've seen a few Basschatters praising the basswork on a the early Quo albums, so that validates the OP's point.......... to a degree. Not, however, to the degree of universal worship amongst the entire bass-playing population !
  25. (OK, I may be distracted by the overall image)
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