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Everything posted by rOB

  1. I don't know about you but I gig because I love playing music that I've written to an audience. It makes me feel good. I'm not a professional or semi pro so getting paid is not top of my list. I have a day job I get paid for.
  2. rOB

    Hartke bass?

    [quote name='Mr H' timestamp='1363519311' post='2013508'] EDIT: just saw your post, rOB - spot on! [/quote] It was fine (not wonderful) as a cheap starter instrument. Started my love affair with pickup blend knobs.
  3. rOB

    Hartke bass?

    When I started out I bought a starter pack from hartke. Bass was a PJ setup with a black gloss body and matching headstock. hartke branded. Not too bad really.
  4. As has been said above really. Good service, honest advice. I'd also think about offering to ordering stuff in on request? Don't know how feasible that is though.
  5. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1363373500' post='2012098'] No pre amp, just power. All of which means that you can drive it with a pre amp pedal. Hmm I wonder if you could just plug an active bass straight in and use the onboard EQ? From my perspective, one of the reasons for the purchase is the ability to angle the Cub and use it as a personal, on stage monitor. [/quote] I see, thanks!
  6. please can I ask a stupid question? What's the difference between a combo and a powered cab? Edit - rig looks ace by the way!
  7. mmm, just to air a different opinion/experience. I've never been given chord charts for an originals band. I've also never been asked for charts by prospective band members. Not to say that its a bad thing to do though if it helps learn the songs. Like has been said, personality will be a big deciding factor.
  8. Off to rehearse the new set for this gig. Finishing of a new song called "Electric Catfish Soup".
  9. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1363195763' post='2009626'] Gigging is supposed to be fun not a horrible ordeal.[/quote] This. If the worry (or potential unpleasantness) isn't worth the fun, pull out.
  10. New full band [url="https://soundcloud.com/madamfade"]recordings[/url]. All feedback gratefully received.
  11. Aw man, that sucks. I had to leave a band I loved once. It was totally rubbish at the time. You have my sympathies.
  12. Afternoon all, Hope you're all enjoying the sunshine. Madam Fade's next gig will be at the Shed in Leicester on Wednesday 27/3/13. Loads of local artists and bands. Should be a good night of rock/alternative/indie stuff. [url="https://www.facebook.com/events/473223529409161/?ref=ts&fref=ts"]Link to facebook event[/url]
  13. I played with Madam Fade at the Bowstring Bar in Leicester last night. Bit of an odd set up for us as its a non-music bar, the promoter brought a vocal PA and stuck some originals bands on. Got some funny looks from the regular Friday night crew as we played but saw some nodding heads as well as a good reception from our usual crowd. No soundcheck but we played well and really enjoyed ourselves, maybe partly because we hadn't been hanging around for hours between soundcheck and playing which seems to get us all a bit antsy. The promoter/organiser loved it and said he'd be in touch about future dates, a musician/promoter who played before us wants us to play for him too. Good times. The tiny mini rig (see sig) worked a treat without PA support and made the load in and out very easy and contributed to the relaxed feeling and enjoyment of the gig.
  14. May I suggest that people Follow the the whole gigs section of the forum? That way you get notification anytime anyone posts about a gig they're playing. Might make it harder to miss stuff happening in your area?
  15. Hi all, My originals band Madam Fade will be playing at Bowstring Bar in Leicester on Friday 1/3/13. Its free to get in, there are going to be some other cool bands there too. Alt rock, heavy indie stuff. There's a link to some tunes in my signature if you fancy a listen.
  16. Good points all. I for one will make more effort to listen to more of the music on here. AND I'll make sure to always post in the gigs section when Madam Fade plays live and keep more of an eye out for Leicester gigs. Link below if anyone fancies having a listen and giving some feedback.
  17. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1361872040' post='1992069'] I'd suggest that all this angst about 'new' music is more of a sociological issue than a musical one. Kids use new music as part of their rebellion against the status quo, they are attracted to stuff that has never been before. Also, many people like to dislike stuff simply because it's popular, so they are naturally drawn to new stuff because they think it gives themselves some sort of originality. So there are all sorts of behavioural stuff going on concerning music, but strip all that nonsense away and there's more than enough music already in the world to satisfy our basic musical needs. [/quote] Aren't the feelings of the listener important? I believe that the emotional response of the listener is a vital part of music. I don't think its important whether a third party deems that emotional response valid or "nonsense".
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361813935' post='1991314'] contrary to popular belief, there [i]is [/i]good new music out there, but you're not going to find it by listening to the radio or watching TV... Or going to see your local coves band down the pub. [/quote] +1
  19. Ooo, interesting question. From an audience member perspective I think there's [i]sometimes [/i]something about music created recently (or at any other period) that [i]sometimes [/i]captures the mood of a group of people in a way that music not created at that point in time. Personally I'd miss the excitement of going to see a new band and knowing that some of the music they're playing has been written in the bus on the way there or in the rehearsal room a week or two ago. From a writer's perspective then I'd miss being able to express myself. Songs I wrote even just 6 months or a year ago might not say everything I want to say now. Having said that, yes there is a huge amount of material already out there that I've yet to discover and I'm excited about that as well as excited about music that has yet to be written. I just think that there are artists who might not yet even have been born yet who may well have something worthwhile to say.
  20. [quote name='Angel' timestamp='1350030504' post='1833626'] I love this percussion playing: [/quote] Oh yeah I like that very much. Couple more ideas. Not really alternatives to drums just variations which might make things more portable and space efficient Cocktail drum kit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzB9s-drzAY Suitcase drum kit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDt3D5WaCPw
  21. Aw man, if I had storage and a method of transport I'd buy this just to have a spare kit for multi band gigs when our drummer doesn't fancy sharing. Have a bump on me
  22. [quote name='jackers' timestamp='1360954304' post='1979051'] I said that it was fair enough, and got our drummer to bring his kit instead. Our drummer had a decent sized car, so it wasn't really too much of a problem for us. It made set up take a bit longer though.[/quote] Mmm. Yep, that was probably the best way to handle it. I really don't like being in charge of other people's instruments particularly organising sharing drums. Stress city.
  23. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1360953767' post='1979031'] In my limited experience the etiquette amongst drummers seems to be to share everything except cymbals and snare drum. [/quote] Yep, that's my experience too. I feel an interesting discussion with our drummer coming on.
  24. [quote name='jackers' timestamp='1360953687' post='1979028'] I've been the organiser person for my previous bands, and yea, this is pretty much what I have found. I've only had someone say no to a request to share drum shells once, it was a guy who had just bought a new kit and was really protective of it. Fair enough though, it is his kit. [/quote] Mmm, yeah it is fair. How did you handle it? I've had a no recently, we took our kit and ended up using theirs anyway. Massive waste of energy. Would you expect your drummer to share his shells?
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