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Everything posted by rOB

  1. Can't believe more people haven't said shower. You dirty oiks! :-)
  2. Vintage v4? Cheap and decent p copy.
  3. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1369861222' post='2093751'] When I've lent my amp to someone, I just let them get on with it and sort out their own settings (unless they're really stumped of course). it's only a 5 second job for me to dial my own preferences back in and it seems a bit mean to lend someone your gear but insist they can't change anything to get their preferred tone. [/quote] Perhaps I wasn't clear. I'll often give a hand in getting a sound they're happy with. Has the benefit of giving me an excuse to make sure they don't set it in a way that could possibly do any damage.
  4. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1369860172' post='2093733'] So we all think it'd be ok to use the effects send? [/quote] That's what I'd do.
  5. In reference to the OP. Yes you definitely should have been consulted. Sounds like a lack of communication on the part of the promoter. I play a fair few gigs with other bands on the bill, either us supporting them or the other way round. I will usually lend my gear if asked nicely and ahead of time to help the evening run quickly and smoothly. I'll give them a hand setting the amp and they are told not to change the settings once they're set. If I don't get asked ahead of time and I didn't feel confident in lending my rig, I'd lend them a DI box so they can play through the PA. Having said that, no one has ever done anything that's made me uncomfortable.
  6. being as this thread is "best value.." does anyone have any experience of the Fender Rumble 112? They're light and cheap. Any good?
  7. I used an obt and sp210 for about a year. Worked a treat for monitoring and small gigs. I still use the cabinet Ymmv
  8. Played at the Musician in Leicester last night for the first time. It seems to mostly does Blues, Folk and Country music but always sounds excellent from the audience. Really good onstage sound which helped us play one of our very best shows to a small but appreciative audience. Lots of nice comments from the audience, the other bands on the bill and the sound engineer. Here's a picture.
  9. interesting topic. Will watch with interest.
  10. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1368605361' post='2078991'] Really great jam night last night. ..... bass drum started to creep across the floor. ... I had to play the last number (our 'original' blues song) standing directly in front of the bass drum with it sort of propped up against my leg. [/quote] Really glad it went well. Sliding drum kit happened to us the other day too.
  11. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1368966702' post='2083445'] Which make of cab are you using with the MB500? [/quote] I use an Orange SP210 as I'm all about portability for my gear.
  12. 8 ohm cabinet gives you the option of plugging into another cab if need be on occasion. Whereas if you go with a 4ohm cabinet you can't. I'm a very happy Mb500 user with one 8ohm cabinet
  13. rOB

    Looking for gigs...

    Happy to pass on some details on originals venues and promoters if that would help. Drop me a pm with the kind of music and I'll dig out some appropriate contact details.
  14. Hi all, My band Madam Fade will be playing at the Musician Pub in Leicester on Wednesday 22nd May. Savanna Bones will also be playing and they are great, so you should come and see them and you'll hear us play too. Bonus. Here's the facebook event with some more details. [url="https://www.facebook.com/events/508993449162108/?fref=ts"]https://www.facebook.com/events/508993449162108/?fref=ts[/url]
  15. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1368130815' post='2073705'] Nothing like what we do now, this was a track Maz wrote before she got the band together, grew up a bit and got into electro-gypsy-dixieland-funk. But it is getting us a free holiday to Brazil. [/quote] Enjoy your trip!
  16. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1366186869' post='2049251'] we're going on tour for a week in Brazil [/quote] Yay! [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1366186869' post='2049251'] one of our songs being on an advert for handbags. [/quote] Link?
  17. Got up early and as my partner is away at the moment had a before work practice which was very enjoyable, worked on some overdrive sounds (will get to try them out with the band tomorrow night).
  18. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1368022847' post='2072153'] I remembered I had a small amp stand, one of these foldable contraptions that allow you to take a small guitar combo and put it on the floor angled towards your head... so I found it and it's perfect for the MarkBass as a monitor. [/quote] I would highly recommend this set up for small gigs or gigs when you've got PA support. That's what I do and it works a treat. Congrats on the new amp.
  19. Thanks for your hard work shep. Always a good read
  20. It is indeed hard. I have heaps of respect for anyone working to be better at something that's difficult.
  21. Honestly? Not our best. Thursday night was beset with technical difficulties starting with a very slippy floor under the drums so the kit moved forward as it was being played. Our guitarist helpfully turned round whilst playing to put a foot on the bass drum to stop it sliding which helped but somehow enraged a drunk female member of the audience who took it upon herself to sneak into the stage area (i.e. bit of floor) to ask the guitarist to turn round. We were all pretty stunned and didn't really have time to react before she left again! This distraction coupled with the strange sounding PA put us off our game a bit and we didn't perform to our best. Having said that, the audience seemed to like it with some nice comments and we've been booked back at the same venue for their summer garden party/band day and offered two more dates by the promoter. So maybe it wasn't full on terrible but we can do better.
  22. Brilliant. Best of luck with it
  23. Just to add tonight's experience to the mix. Arrived at the rehearsal studio with my head, into the room and the rig was terrible so played through the PA instead. Worked a treat.
  24. [quote name='Ziphoblat' timestamp='1366667389' post='2055854'] Well for one thing the cab could have a lower impedance than your amp can handle. For instance, most amps are designed to run down to 4-ohms, if you were to plug it into a 2-ohm cabinet the result would be unhealthy. [/quote] Ah I see, thanks very much. But if you were to check the can's impedance and make sure your amp could handle it you'd be ok? Sorry if this is a stupid question.
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