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Everything posted by rOB

  1. always nice to be well thought of. Must be doing something right.
  2. nope, I just count bars/riffs/repetitions for structure purposes.
  3. Be nice to other bands, promoters and sound techs. People who like you are more likely to work with you again and will try harder for you when they do. Make sure the promoter knows what you're doing to promote the gig yourselves. I've gotten extra bookings based on the promo before the actual gig.
  4. If you can afford it and you want it, why would a partner be angry? If you're spending money that should go on food, rent/mortgage or other essentials on music gear then take a good look in the mirror!
  5. Schecter C4 (Diamond Series) with Hipshot xtender. Its been my main bass for 7 years through 4 bands. Haven't played anything that I'd swap it for. A neck I love, 2 humbuckers with pickup blend, 2 band eq, great looks (IMO) Edit- just googled them, can't believe how cheap they are now.
  6. For that kind of budget I'd be looking at a powerful rig to give you flexibility in case you get offered big gigs or one without PA support? What kind of sound are you going for?
  7. Good performance by us to a small but appreciative audience at Firebug in Leicester last night. Excellent stage sound from the tech. Nice people in the other bands. Second to last gig before I go to New Zealand for a year so mixed emotions. Really going to miss this band.
  8. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1378028122' post='2194747'] Our guitarist stepped in to do a solo set at the beginning, we did our set and the other remaining band fulfilled the rest of the night. Audience were happy and we got paid.[/quote] Excellent, glad the show went on.
  9. Very frustrating. Best of luck with the show.
  10. Why not post examples of typical sounds as used in songs? As has been said many times before its very hard to describe sounds
  11. The Ashdown head and Laney cab will probably do what you're after for little money. Small venues should be ok, larger ones and you're looking at PA support I'd say.
  12. Glad to hear you like it. I'm a huge fan of anything small that does the job of bigger gear. Love my mb500
  13. I've had two pw circuit breaker cables since before I joined bc (few years ago now) gigged and rehearsed since then, no problems at all. I just use them as handy mute switches.
  14. Great to hear its going well for you Bilbo. Any chance of any live recordings?
  15. [quote name='GazWills' timestamp='1373922921' post='2143326'] just found this thread so listening to a range of soundcloud pages tonight - rather liking this (blind juggler especially). [/quote] Thanks Gaz, that means a lot right now. Edit - listening to Von Bartha now. Loving it. Right up my street.
  16. Its not just drummers, it's just hard finding other musicians who are committed (to the same level as you), want to play the same music, you get on with, can rehearse and gig at the same times, live nearby and have a life (spare money, working hours, family life etc) that supports playing in a band. Keep looking or think about an alternative to a kit drummer? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/167764-alternatives-to-drums-as-percussion-in-a-band-setting/page__st__20__p__1689440__hl__two%20piece%20band__fromsearch__1#entry1689440"]link[/url]
  17. Welcome! Plenty of great cheap basses too. Ibanez and Squier have already been mentioned. Also Yamaha get a lot of love With regards amps and cabs, you'll need a [b]lot [/b]more power than you're used to as a guitarist, combo sounds like a good place to start but I'd be looking for one which can power an extension cab. Specific recommendations might be easier to make if we had an idea of what you want to sound like? Any favourite bass sounds? Bass players?
  18. I would love to turn up with a couple of gig bags and a backpack of bits but I regularly have to play with no bass monitoring other than my amp, I've also recently done a couple of gigs with a vocal only PA. I don't think I could be [b]sure[/b] that I could turn up to most of the venues we play and have good enough monitoring. As a compromise I've gone for a small, light amp and cab set up.
  19. Sounds good to me. Any set up that points a speaker at your ears is a big plus in my book.
  20. Gk mb500 into orange sp210 on an amp stand. Works a treat, got told to turn down on Thursday night.
  21. IME I write the bass part and the vocal parts. In this band that forms the basis of most if not all our songs. I'll bring these bits to reheasal/band jam and the guitarist and drummer will put their parts together. Then we'll restructure if necessary.
  22. Yep pretty good last night at the Soundhouse in Leicester. We played the feature/headline set (30 minutes) as part of their open mic night. Nice cabaret style set up but we got some people up for a jig which is nice to see. Decent sound, decent performance. Plenty of nice comments after including the first complement to my singing voice.
  23. Yep, I write the structures and lyrics to all my band's stuff. Then flesh it out as a band. Incredibly satisfying.
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