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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. Most of his videos are heavily edited and processed, no doubt. Still no denying the boy can play.
  2. .....ahem! I beg to differ. I find most of this guy's YouTube videos pretty annoying if I'm honest. But there's no denying. Damn he can play!
  3. All Iron Maiden songs sound good. With the possible exception of the Blaze Bayley years.
  4. Absolutely agree. My guitarist thinks I'm nuts because I think all Fenders are as ugly as sin, mostly because of the headstock.
  5. What about the Bugera Veyron tube version? About £250 new, and unless I'm mistaken they've just come back in stock at Thomann. They look pretty unbeatable for the money. https://m.thomann.de/gb/bugera_bv1001t_veyron_bass_head.htm
  6. Yeah I agree. Although that's much more important if you're a working band and it's your living. We're more in it for the fun of it and will be playing more like barbeques and birthday parties, and any money involved will be going to charity. In fact there will hopefully be a charity connection to any gig we play. I can't argue with the sentiment though. Ideally I'd like to come up with something original, but it's much more difficult than you would first think, at least without giving yourself a nonsensical name that's going to wear thin pretty quickly.
  7. Oh God no! That would mean going a whole week without beer. Never gonna happen! 😂
  8. Ours will probably be defunct before Tuesday. Now there's a band name. Defunct Before Tuesday. If only it was a punk band. I can come up with a million names for those.
  9. Written in English (as opposed to the native cyrilic) would be Ponedelnik Klub. It doesn't exactly trip off the tongue. Although just Ponedelnik could work. 👍
  10. Ooh controversial 😂 I was expecting something much closer to the knuckle. I actually quite like it. 😀
  11. Oh come on! You can't write all that then leave is in suspense over the name. What were they called? I promise I won't tell anyone. 😋
  12. I've actually been toying with Monday Rules. Because we have a no politics and no religion rule. We also later added preamps to the banned list because one of the lads is a bit of an anorak and it got a bit boring. 😂
  13. True enough. But the band formed out of a group of friends who meet up for a few beers every Monday night. We actually call it the Monday Club. None of the other 6 have any relevance.
  14. I'm very tempted myself with the 5 string. The reviews are outstanding and the thing looks amazing, and looking at a few YouTube videos it sounds pretty good too. I can't see how you can go wrong at that price.
  15. Just though I'd revive this thread instead of starting a new one because it's nice to see I'm not the only one struggling to name a band. I've come up with several, what I thought we good names, only to find after a bit of Google Fu they've been taken. Even "Monday Club" which was in the running for a while has been had by someone on this very forum. We're a five piece rock/ pop / blues covers band with a female singer and we're hoping to start gigging in a couple of months time, but we also have the added complication that we're all English people living in Bulgaria, so the name has to be something that, at the very least can be understood and pronounced (although not necessarily directly translated) in both languages. Brain racking continues.
  16. Great bit of kit these. I love mine. It's the only "pedal" I own or am ever likely to need.
  17. Thank God!!! I thought it was just me.
  18. My left ear is heavy but my right ear is light. I just find myself going around in circles looking for the right sound.
  19. Cheap!!! 😵 I didn't pay that much for the house I reherse in with my £200 Squier.
  20. Three bottles of vodka and hopefully a blackout until all the b@ll@cks is over with for another year.
  21. I can't even do that after 6 months rehearsing with the same band. 😂
  22. I've had this discussion with my guitarist several times. His theory is, he sees himself as an average guitarist, so throwing loads of money at gear will make him sound better. My arguement is, that it would be imperceptible to 99 percent of the people listening. However, if he perceives himself as sounding better, then he will play better. Therefore, yes, expensive gear can make you sound / play better. But in my opinion it's mostly a placebo effect.
  23. Sadly not. We never really got to the stage where we had any specific tracks down. We were only a few rehersals in and none of us had played for years. Also it was one of those putting the house up for sale to "test the market" kind of things and it sold within a week. So one week it was all systems go. The next week he was packing up his kit.
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