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Everything posted by Teebs

  1. It's not an expensive bit of kit - about £100, so not worth chucking accusations around. I just want it to work - I loves it I does!
  2. I've emailed them explaining, so hopefully they can help. I'll let you know. Fingers crossed
  3. Thanks for that TBB - That's not far at all - near my Dad's! Do you live in Metham? I'll let you know if I can sort something out. Cheers!
  4. Does anyone have any recommendations for an amp tech in the Manchester area? My Ibanez Promethean P20 mini combo has stopped working - details here: I realise that it might be cheaper to just buy another amp, but I really love this one, and I hate the idea of scrapping something that might live again. Thanks in advance
  5. I tried to find the user manual online, but no joy, am afraid. I'd guess that you'd need to power the tops separately from the subs, either via a powered crossover, or a power amp/s. Bill is the man though.
  6. Maybe post a pic of the connections at the back of the speakers & subs?
  7. I don't know how you manage It's an awful thing to be deprived in such a manner
  8. It was from Hamerica. I have another (different) one coming from Japan next week... I have an addiction. It's been one week since I last bought a strap (I think I have about 30 now )
  9. Here we go: It's sparkly and got feeshes on it. It's also eco - it's hand made and uses recycled car seat belt as backing. It's pretty!
  10. I used to work with a Karl. Complete and utter tool! Haven't seen him in over 10 years, but would still rather eat my own hands with a rusty knife and fork ( @Woodinblack reference ) than be within 100 yards of him!
  11. Well, I've resoldered the input connections, but the problem persists Can anyone recommend an amp tech near Manchester please? Thank you
  12. Probably for the best. Shame though 'Carl' sounds weird!
  13. @stewblack needs a kilo of the finest Chorley Jama pronto!
  14. Can possibly do Chorley to Chester, depending on dates.
  15. Yarp, I think so! It's got a race course & everything!
  16. Will see if I can interest Mrs Teebs in a visit to the MonsterzInLaw for this - sounds good!
  17. Well, that's nowt! You don't know you were born. I could only dream of using string... I used to use barbed wire, and were grateful... ...played a 25 hour straight gig - collar bone exposed & pouring blood by the end, thanked & paid the promoter for the privilege!
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