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Everything posted by Teebs

  1. UGLY!!! It looks like fetish gear! New strap is PRETTY! Style over Substance™
  2. Yes - will do I really love this little amp - the tone is amazing for such a baby beastie! So solidly built & pretty! Hope I can fix it. Promethean Says "Hi"
  3. 2" (50mm) - quite narrow, but it's what I'm used to, and the only width this particular strap comes in. I've never had a problem with straps being uncomfortable before, it's just that some of the reviews complained about discomfort. Hopefully. I won't need to add a padded doo-dah after all!
  4. Thanks @Trueno I'm not sure the A***hole strap is the one. 'Cutting a dash' it is then!
  5. @Jakester 's suggestion is still the most sensible suggestion. It's a pretty strap - I don't want to turn it into a 'Frankenstein's Monster'!
  6. I appreciate the suggestion, even if I won't necessarily be taking you up on it! Anyway, it's the most sensible suggestion that I've had It's also the most daft...
  7. Hi all, I have purchased another guitar strap (I know, it's an obsession ), which is beautiful and expensive, but the reviews suggest that it's not the most comfortable on the shoulder. It hasn't arrived yet (from US of A), I'll try it when it arrives, but I'm anticipating it being uncomfortable (I bought it because it's beautiful - style over substance & all that). Do any BCers have any recommendations for padded shoulder thingies that might make it more tolerable? Thanks in advance!
  8. Hope everything is okay for you over there
  9. Hmm... We have some progress. The aux in socket now works & sound through the speaker. It wasn't doing that earlier. Headphone socket also works now. Main input still doesn't work - I think I'll leave it a bit longer, and if it still doesn't work, I'll remove the preamp board from the chassis & check the solder joints. Thank you for your suggestions BC people
  10. No - only a faint 'hiss' - the same noise the amp makes when it's working. I'm hoping that the damp atmosphere in the front room has got into something, but will evaporate off now the amp has been moved to a warm, dry room.
  11. I have an Ibanez Promethean P20 bass practice amp which I use for quiet practice at home in the living room. My wife got the carpets professionally cleaned yesterday - I didn't know that she was planning to do this, or I'd have moved the amp. The amp was covered & unplugged, and there is no obvious sign of damp, but the amp is no-longer working. There is power to the amp - the LED lights and faint noise can be heard through the speaker which increases as the volume is turned up, but no sound when either a bass is plugged in to the input (I've tried 3 different leads and 2 different basses), or MP3 player plugged into the Aux In (I've tried 2 different players and 2 different leads). At present, the amp is sitting in a warm, dry room - I'm hoping for a miracle! Is there anything else that I should be checking? Or doing? Thanks in advance
  12. Yep, as I've mentioned on other threads, I use one every week to DI into the PA so I don't have to lug or risk inebriated idiots punters resting / spilling drinks on top of my amp. As Bilbo says, it's sensitive & takes a little fine-tuning, but sounds ace once you've tweaked it to suit. Also works very well with the Eden Glowplug pedal, which has a 12AX7 valve to 'warm up' the tone. ( @lozkerr has one of these too). Recommended
  13. Auditions are awkward for everyone Good luck & fingers crossed for the next batch 👍
  14. I saw Buddy Guy at Manchester Bridgewater Hall in 2010 - the man is a consumate showman! Amazing gig - particularly enjoyed the bit where he played in the style of other great guitarists like Clapton & Hendrix, and explained how he taught them everything they knew! (Very tongue in cheek!)
  15. I've used this ⏬ in the past to add more low end. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Boss-GEB-7-7-Band-Bass-Pedal/dp/B0002KZ6LQ It works!
  16. Snow Patrol headlined The Witchwood in Ashton (small but legendary Manchester venue) on a Thursday night, probably 2001ish - shortly before they became famous. They were supported by a band called Terra Diablo, if I remember correctly, who were absolutely amazing & owned the night - easily the best band of the evening. Never heard of Terra Diablo again, which is a great shame, whereas Snow Patrol went on to commercial success etc. As an aside, our band headlined the same venue on the Friday, to about twice as many people as the Snow Patrol gig, and rocked it! ...and who remembers us, eh?
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