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Everything posted by Teebs

  1. I read 'Weekend Rockstars' this weekend & really enjoyed it Thanks very much Dave - looking forward to the next installment 👍
  2. That's not a joke - that seems to be the reality (tractor or caravan!)
  3. I might just do that, what with my newly minted Irish citizenship and all! #smug
  4. Not a Level 42 or slap fan, but that's ace! Fantastic playing, great video & sound!
  5. That's pretty harsh treatment, but not rare by all accounts. It sounds to me like they already knew that 'Carl' was possibly joining their band, but were hedging their bets. Not a great deal you can do - either ignore their message, give them a load of abuse, or try to do the diplomatic thing & stay 'friends' (!) I think if it were me, I'd go for the second option of kicking off, but then that might not be wise... Good luck with everything, and remember, you did everything they asked - they failed you.
  6. I'm down there a few times a year - the MonsterzInLaw live in Fakenham. So far, I've only found 1 band playing in Fakenham, but they were pretty good. I'd be interested in knowing where's good around there too.
  7. Daphne Blue? Re. Squier VM basses - for the money, I think they're ace! Really solid & reliable...and pretty! Use mine every week at open mic.
  8. The Grams? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Powder-Everyday-Story-Rocknroll-Folk/dp/0099289962
  9. ... or top hats with a monocle 🧐! Great idea Lurks!
  10. That sounds like an excellent cause - good luck with everything & I look forward to hearing updates.
  11. I have the 'S' locks on a bass I use at open mic every week (4 hours session per week - straplocks have done 112 hrs plus home practice ), and on my Yamaha - I really like them & have had no problems at all. Recommended
  12. Good to know that they've been fined £4.5m, shame the money won't go to those customers who overpaid, and presumably will go to the gubberment instead, who always spend other people's money wisely...
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