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Everything posted by Reggaebass

  1. That’s interesting gjones, do you just connect the pups to the pre amp
  2. I can’t believe no one has snapped that up for £150 I have one for home practice through a markbass NY 115 Fantastic sound
  3. I don’t see her problem, there’s easily enough room in bed for me, her ,and the 62 jazz !
  4. +1 to that , all I get is WHAT another bass
  5. I have been referred to as a musician but I class myself as a bass player 😀
  6. Exodus or natural mystic by bob Marley
  7. I have many basses that have serious low end mainly jb,s on black tapewounds or p basses on flats but the punchiest one is a tokai jb on black tapes it’s a very deep clean sound. Is it the upgrades on yours that gives it this thumping sound?
  8. I have a Fort Bryan padded strap but the padding was slightly high for where I position my bass so I had a local shoe mender shorten and re stitch it , well worth £10 😀
  9. Sounds like my kind of bass 😀
  10. Lovely looking set up especially the red grilles 👍
  11. Will do, Absolutely, you’re more than welcome 👍
  12. I think I’ll still be investing in one 400w is enough for me and i love the look of it
  13. I play reggae and a little bit of funk and I’ve been through quite a selection of amps and cabs for home use I currently have the MarkBass Little Mark 250 Black Line Amp and the Markbass New York NY151 Cab , it has great low end and a very clean sound , it works good for me 😀
  14. Couldn’t agree more 😀 rumble the house down
  15. That’s quite a severe punishment , i wouldn’t wish that on anyone
  16. This was a birthday gift to myself 3 years ago 😀
  17. I personally wouldn’t put wire wool anywhere near my basses , the fine fibres go everywhere , and can stick to the pickup magnets. if you’re after a silk finish Flour paper is the best option it’s used in cabinet making then as Gary Mac says buff with an old t shirt
  18. I play with the thumb a lot , it allows me to get the really deep and warm sound I like, you can also get it up to quite a speed with double thumbing , and the muting just falls into place. a good example is Robbie Shakespeare
  19. It’s an exiting moment when you come home to that 😀
  20. Nice bit of craftsmanship around the nut 😀
  21. Nice family, love the blue jazz 👍
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