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Everything posted by Reggaebass

  1. Didn’t they only do the lollipop tuners for a year or so and only on the jazzes
  2. Andy Baxter has added a lovely 65 jazz to his collection with no binding and matching headstock too, this is pretty much my ideal jazz https://www.andybaxterbass.com/products/1965-fender-jazz-olympic-white
  3. This is one I’ll never tire of listening to, Family man’s Bassline is superb
  4. I had a similar thing when I asked about the Nux mighty plug pro, within minutes someone messaged me offering to lend me their one, they wasn’t selling it and said I could try it for as long as I wanted and post it back when done, such a heartwarming offer from a fellow basschatter
  5. I’ve got the Lindo ldg, it’s got a nice sound acoustically and plugged in but I find the body a bit big, it’s the main reason I don’t really use it , I would definitely have a different one but I would want the slimline type, something worth thinking about
  6. Number 3 , I only use flats and don’t change them, but when I do get a new bass I fit my strings one off and one on at a time
  7. Definitely this joe, I’ve been studying his playing for years and he had a certain style and talent which is pretty hard if not impossible to replicate, a true legend , I’ve read many times that he also started Robbie Shakespeare on his bass journey , what a mentor to have
  8. I’ve been following Aston Barrett from a very early time, probably around 1977 ,and in my opinion he was one of the best bass players in the world , definitely in my top 3, without his arrangements the wailers music wouldn’t be the same , so much articulation and feel, quite a legend and he will be sadly missed, RIP family man
  9. You’re right, I nearly did 🙂
  10. What a great setup, easy to transport and I imagine it sounds immense, wouldn’t mind trying something like this with my big baby
  11. This is a must listen to for any Matumbi fans like me
  12. If it was me I wouldn’t want a bass from him now, I’d just want my money back and move on to an alternative builder , if there’s something wrong with it you’re back to square one, I’d buy another bass
  13. Thanks for this stew, strangely as soon as I clicked on it I thought it sounded like Robbie Shakespeare, and it is sly and Robbie , great one and I’ll look further into it
  14. Thanks UD, I don’t think I’ve heard that before, here’s another man next door
  15. I have heard of Letts but never played one, the bit I don’t get is the reply to Eddie, if I’ve got it right ,he knows he still owes a bass or money, how can you carry on knowing this, if I owed £5 or 5k I would do everything to pay that off, even if it means borrowing from family or friends, it would be on my conscience , he needs to sort this
  16. So sorry to hear this NFF, deepest condolences, Tony
  17. Wow, thanks Rich, more than double what the estimate was, I was expecting around 20k
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  19. Thanks I’ll check them demos out, this one drew my attention, and the silks are different from all my labella’s
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