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Everything posted by BreadBin

  1. Although you may find out the hard way and need a new nut - if they don't fit properly then you really mustn't tune it up.
  2. Scam maybe? Or just doesn't own a camera?
  3. You would need the bottom 4 strings of a 5 string set, or equivalent. Also make sure to widen the slots on the top nut to suit...
  4. She's no looker, that's for sure!
  5. That's nice, my love for 80S Washburn bass guitars is well documented. Paging @Bassassin
  6. I do like a thick neck, if I remember correctly you are at the opposite end of the country to me as I am in the south west (although we are quite likely to head north later in the year, family homeland and all that)
  7. And here, I was surprised how cheap they are...
  8. @Akio Dāku I like that - more than the video you posted in the other thread as it happens!
  9. I need to give it more time - not finding this to be anything like their best effort, which is disappointing.
  10. The tyres analogy is, with respect, utter rowlocks. Cheap strings aren't going to endanger anyone, won't affect your stopping distance or lead to unpredictable handling at the limit. Buy the strings that suit you best - cheap expensive or whatever it's up to you.
  11. 'Offers accepted' would work equally as well I think.
  12. If my experience is anything to go by, with great difficulty.
  13. This thread is very interesting. I have a bass with a twisted neck - it's not supposed to be but it plays fine so I don't worry about it!
  14. I play almost exclusively fingerstyle, but when I do use a pick I like the Dava Nylon Control as you can vary the stiffness according to where your fingers are.
  15. The difference is bigger the closer to the nut you get. If I back to back my two fretted 5-strings with 34" and 35" scale it is noticeable but only takes a short time to adjust.
  16. Awesome, new Skindred. Thanks for the heads up
  17. With respect, what's it got to do with her?
  18. Kind of like a slap with the fingertip maybe?
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