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Everything posted by BB3000S

  1. Just bought a wonderful Mk1 TRB-5 from Vince, and in every aspect he gets top points as a seller. Crystal clear CSI grade photos, excellent and quick communication throughout, bass very well packaged and promptly delivered. Vince is a lovely fellow, highly recommended.
  2. Here's my Sandberg, one of my all time favourite basses - plays and sounds like an absolute dream!
  3. [quote name='Huwberry' post='670621' date='Dec 1 2009, 01:07 AM']Should the onboard EQ be treated like the EQ on an amp (i.e. mostly flat, then tweak to reach desired sound)?[/quote] Yep - you nailed it. Don't think there's anything wrong with your preamp. My experience is with 4-string Stingrays, and I too find that especielly the Treble needs to be handled with care, I usually just boost a tad or none at all. I'm more generous with the Bass and often land with the Mid boosted somewhere in between Bass and Treble. Or Bass & Mid equally boosted. Or pull back on the treble even for a more wooly sound. It's very versatile! On fun setting is with Treble and Bass to the max and Mid to the min. Then put a dampening thingy between pickup and bridge, and voila! you have a really cool sound added to your arsenal. (No, I'm not kidding, it works!)
  4. BB3000S


    Must be the quiltiest maple ever right there - what an absolute beauty!! Have a bump on me!
  5. [quote name='budget bassist' post='665809' date='Nov 26 2009, 01:50 AM']sweet! how come you got rie of the HH? i really want a 20th SR5 too... so pretty! [/quote] Thanks! Reason for letting the HH go - how about constant GAS and limited funds? More seriously - overlap from the 30th and lack of B-string. Got it as a substitute for a 20th SR5 HH but alas, it only made my 20th SR5 HH GAS even deeper - surprise surprise! [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='665992' date='Nov 26 2009, 11:27 AM']That red 30th is a stunning looking bass [/quote] Thanks mate - nice innit!
  6. Here are mine - or more correctly here's my 30th Anniversary Stingray (mahogany body, birdseye neck in red) and my Electric Blue SR4HH that I've just parted ways with. Wonderful basses, the 30th I've had for quite some time and just love to bits. The HH is a really exceptional bass, it is very close to the 30th in H mode, and the extra H adds an amazing amount of grind and grit as well as Hi tech alternatives. Would have loved a low B on it though - hope someday to lay my hands on a 20th Anniversary SR5HH.
  7. Agree with leaving your precious bass at home and try to enjoy your vacation bass free. Opens up for buying one to bring home at the end of your vacation as well!! If bringing a bass along, I'd definitely go with a real sturdy case - Hiscox at the least. Good thing you're flying with BA though:
  8. [quote name='jakesbass' post='649330' date='Nov 9 2009, 02:21 AM']I have a sig deluxe 5 string very like yours.. the electronics just keep offering possibilities and I've had it for over 2 yrs. Yours has a lovely top too... congrats and enjoy. Jake PS if you haven't already go and register at the Alembic club (part of alembics own website) there are some great guys over there including regular poster Jimmy Johnson, one of my favourite Alembic players. There's also lots of info regarding setups pickup settings care and repair.... and lots of other lovely Alembics to look at.[/quote] Thanks, yes the electronics are really amazing! On my way to the Alembic club now! [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='650234' date='Nov 10 2009, 12:05 AM']That's amazing!! You are indeed 'a lucky guy'.. which may qualify as the understatement of the year!! [/quote] Scandinavians do tend to understate a bit... :blush: [quote name='Bassman68' post='651726' date='Nov 11 2009, 05:08 PM']I do like a bit of 'Buck-eye' burl, my Rogue 5 string has the same....[/quote] Sweet! It looks really wicked with that upper horn, very nice!
  9. Definitely interested, a Deep Impact has been on my got-to-get list for a while now. Please put up pics and ball park £££. cheers // Matt
  10. Oh my... Wonderful reading, smashing pics of amazing basses - thanks a lot for sharing!
  11. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='648436' date='Nov 8 2009, 12:33 AM']BB3000S, that's stunning! One day...[/quote] ...my prince will come? Do it! [quote name='4000' post='649218' date='Nov 8 2009, 11:17 PM']So you got it? Congrats, it's one of the most stunning instruments I've ever seen.[/quote] Thanks alot guys! It's a seriously nice instrument soundwise as well - it has a crisp and airy single coil sound that's increadibly transparent and true to the acoustic sound of the bass. And the electronics - instead of a traditional Eq each pickup has a lowpass filter with a cutoff (6db/octave) that's sweepable from 350 Hz to 6kHz. Then there's the two Q-switches that add in an extra boost of +9dB where the cutoff starts. All in all, this opens up a wealth of different voicings that still maintain the underlying clarity and focus of the pickups. Sorry if I rant about the obvious, but this being my first ever Alembic to play I'm just utterly amazed. Weeee!! Would be nice to test drive a Series II Alembic one day... cheers / Matt
  12. Oh my. I've just been Alembic:ed. Thanks to Basschat and a very nice Belgian Gentleman, I have this wonderful Alembic MK5 to fool around with to my hearts content. I'm totally floored with its sound and how well it plays! :wub: Darn, I'm a lucky guy!
  13. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='596947' date='Sep 13 2009, 12:44 AM']We can help you ....there's a Series I with a quilted top, saturn inlays, LEDs front and side....! Resistance is futile![/quote] What? Where? Lemme have it! You can check out any time you like But you can never leave
  14. Hi, name's Matt and I'm a recovering GASoholic - or so I think. Over the last 14 months I have bought/sold 36 basses, but since mid June I've kept myself quite clean. All I need is a proper Jaydee and I will be completely GAS free. Oh well - as long as it's enjoyable why fight it, right?
  15. What an amazing forum this is - thanks a million Bilbo!
  16. Wonderful, thanks a bunch! The Nightfly was my first ever CD, still one of my favourites. Good stuff!
  17. Thanks guys, that's really helpful. A Series I (for looks) with the neck pickup in the Series II/III position would probably be my first shot. If it could weigh in at max 11 lbs! When I have a reasonable amount of funds I'll email John for sure, he seems to be a great guy. When I close my eyes I see a pearl blue Jaydee with bound head, matching headstock and electric blue LED's... :wub: cheers // Matt
  18. How about Jaydee series I, II and III - how do they compare sonically?
  19. In my mind Jazz basses almost always look best with a pup cover - think they make a great thumbrest as well. And hey - thats's a funky pickguard you have there!
  20. [quote name='bubinga5' post='591012' date='Sep 5 2009, 10:28 PM']im not sure if my wallet knows it yet, but Nordstrand may have it under arrest..i LOVE that bass.not sure if it beats my Sei though...different animal maybe..[/quote] So you're happy with the Nordstrands? Did you get the NJ4SE's per chance? How do they compare to the ones you had previously? I'm thinking of replacing the pups in my J-74, and Nordstrand is one of the top candidates.
  21. [quote name='Mowac' post='590156' date='Sep 4 2009, 10:11 PM']A series III is probably smaller than an Alembic. I've never owned an Alembic, however, the Doc may know the difference. I would think that the sound qualities are different because of the woods invlolved, the electronics, and your playing style. The type of woods involved really determines how a bass will sound. I like Fender-type jazz basses made out of ash as that is an excellent wood for good tone and sustain. I've got this bass I won on ebay from what used to be called R.A.L basses in the U.S.(no longer in buisiness) for 60 GBP. I thought it was going to be a mediocre bass. Cheap price, cheap bass, right? I couldn't have been more wrong. This thing was built solid as a tank! It was built out of ash with above average quality hardware and parts. The neck had a P-bass string spacing at the nut but with a J-bass headstock. I couldn't believe that a passive bass could sound this solid with awesome sustain and killer tone. It sounded better than my other Fender that had high-end upgrades that I made. I'll post a pic of it and make a video with it at a later date. I also won another bass exactly like it from a bloke that lived 25 miles from me off Ebay for about 55 GBP! I got two identical great basses for around 122 GBP.[/quote] Sounds like you struck gold with the R.A.L. basses there! Never heard of them, would be cool to see and hear yours. W.r.t. sound qualities I was thinking of the Jaydee series I, II and III vs each other (not Alembic). Are those three models really wildly different soundwise? Agree that ash, though on the heavier side, is a great wood for bodies. At the moment my preference is 1) Mahogany, 2) Ash, 3) Alder.
  22. [quote name='purpleblob' post='589094' date='Sep 3 2009, 09:48 PM']I blame you all ! I've just put a deposit down/ordered a Jaydee Mark King III.[/quote] Congratulations! I see myself heading down the jaydee road eventually, in large part thanks to this thread and the jaydee porn one. [quote name='Mowac' post='585189' date='Aug 30 2009, 05:11 PM']The funk groove is pretty much for looks. Other bass manufacturers have there own variation of that design. The Status MKII has what they call a "Slap Ramp" in which the end of the neck tapers down to the body of the bass at the last fret. The Jaydee's purpose is to be a recessed area so that you don't grind away at the finish when popping and it allows more room for the index finger to get between the string and body. IMHO John Diggins should have made this wider than it is. As far as weight, The Jaydee Series 1 weighs in at 12 pounds,4 oz. It's a beast. I'm 6'1" tall and so a bass this size looks great hanging on me. Mark King is only 5',7" and that is why his Jaydees looked bigger on him. I have seen some very impressive Roadies that were in a Series 1 size and looked remarkable. The only way a Fender would come close to the weight of a Series 1 Jaydee is if the Fender body was made of ash. I couldn't imagine a Jaydee Series 1 made from ash. I'd be like ,"My back!....I've pulled my back!" [/quote] Oh my, 12 lbs is pretty hefty. I have two Fender J's in ash that weigh in at 11 lbs, and they do get heavy after a wile standing. My ideal bass weight is 9-10 lbs, would a Seriess II/III be likely to land in that region? Then again, weight isn't a real dealbreaker - at 1.88m I'm a pretty big guy too so I wouldn't want a really small bass body either. How does the Series III body compare to a classic Alembic for instance? Is sound characteristics very different between the three series?
  23. [quote name='steve-soar' post='589339' date='Sep 4 2009, 08:33 AM']Great set up, you can't beat a bit of power under the bonnet. Here's mine. [/quote] Oh my, now we're talking - that looks awesome!! Pity the SVT-IIp doesn't fit in the rack though, I'll be happy to take it off your hands. +1: what cabs do you use with that beef of a QSC?
  24. Never gave it much thought, but my fretless is setup so that up my fingers sit just behind the lines. Made sense to me as the string is more or less dampened by the whole of your fingertip, so the string vibrations basically start at the lines. So, virtually the same fingering as I use on my fretted basses, and a pretty smooth transition to fretless.
  25. That jazz looks sweeet - congratulations!! Give us a report on the Audere once you have it installed - they're high on my GAS list.
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